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Burton S D Fed Kingsdown 21-05-18



Saturday May 12th saw 123 members enter 2249 birds for the Kingsdown race, on a glorious day with light winds; We had to be patient as there were two large liberations at Yeovil heading up into the North West, so well done to Alan and Alys for giving us a good race. The birds were liberated at 10-30 in a light SSE wind; as usual with racing from the West country, sadly there were some birds that returned with signs of peregrine attacks, the perils our little feathered friends have to put up with.

Congratulations to Richard and Gordie Jones & Batt of Hill Ridware on taking 1st fed on 1523 with a 3yo Cheq hen off stock from cousin Barry Jones. This hen won 3 times for Barry and has now won 3 times for Rich & Gordie, not sure what breed she is, but I & B Jones had some very good Van Elsackers and Heremans? She was close on a minute and a half clear of the field.  Alan Brassington of Stretton has made a fantastic start to the season, this week saw him take 2nd; 3rd; and 4th fed on 1512; 1511; 1509; with his good 2yo De Meyer cock “Ernie”, closely followed by a yearling Soontjen x Premium Bond cock and a 2yo cock off Tony Whitehouse of West Brom. Well done Alan and I hope you feel better soon.



Another loft having a great start to the season is that of John & Pam Dowd of the Bulls Head, they took 5th fed on 1508.9 with a yearling cock.  Mr & Mrs Jim Whitehouse & Son of Hill Ridware were 6th & 7th fed on 1508.6; 1508.3; Jim timed in a yearling hen bred by Alan Brassington that won out of Cheltenham as a yb, then a 2yo hen out of John Sheasbys “one eyed cock” lines.  


Getting the best bird into south Derbyshire were Davis, Wright & Sons winner at the Nelson, a 2yo Cheq Vandenabeele hen, this her second win on the bounce.

Jason & Karen Philips of the Brackens Club in Derby, followed up the previous weeks first fed with another creditable performance; taking 9th fed on 1607 with their good pied yearling hen that was bred by Spink & Barks, she has won 4 x 1st in 9 races.  Taking 10th spot were Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & Son of Swadlincote Town on 1505, timing in a yearling Cheq pied Lambrecht hen.



Around the clubs

Starting at Stretton, 17 sent 308 and Alan Brassington continued his perfect start to the season, taking 1-2-3 on 1512; 1511; 1509, details in the above fed result. Jim parker & Son took 4th on 1500 with the 2yo Curtis, Wall and Lunt hen that won at Winshill the week previous.

At The Brackens, 7 sent 50 and J & K Phillip’s took 1st & 4th on 1507; 1475; both yearling hens. Mr & Mrs Paul Todd took 2nd & 3rd on 1499; 1482; the first, a yearling cock from Jepson & Bennett of Poolsbrook, he was followed by a yearling Steve Foster Lambrecht cock.

Down at Birch Coppice, 14 sent 301 and John Gilbert took top spot on 1483. Rob Horton was runner up on 1478; John Craven 3rd on 1476; just pipping Elmore & Smith who took 4th on 1476.

Over at Hill Ridware, 12 sent 312 and R & G Jones & Batt took top spot on 1523 with the fed topper, Jim Whitehouse 2nd & 3rd on 1508(2), details of these birds in the above fed result. Doug Nesbitt & sons were 4th on 1503 with one of their best Leo Heremans hens, she won last year.



At Winshill, 7 sent 82 and Jim & Matt Parker took 1st & 3rd on 1469;1436; the winner a yearling Macaloney x CWL cock; followed by 2yo CWL Heremans cock. Jim Ottewell was a close runner up on 1468 with a 2yo Camphius Jansenne cock, Melv Willis took 4th on 1413 with a 3yo FVW x Jansenne cock.

At Osmaston Park H.S. John & Steve Hicks took the red card on 1488 with a 2yo lambrecht x buscheart cock. Mick Fern was 2nd on 1485 with a 2yo van reet cock, then Dave Waddington took 3rd & 4th on 1484; 1483; with a 2yo Soontjen cock out of “the bat”; followed by a yearling red lambrecht cock.

At Etwall, 13 sent 249 and Mr & Mrs Alan Houldsworth took 1st; 3rd; and 4th on 1497.6; 1491; 1482; good flying again Alan & Liz.  Stopping the clean sweep was Alan Peach on 1497.0 a whisker away from the winner, with a jansenne x Eddie Froggatt, bad luck Alan.

Into South Derbyshire now, at The Nelson, Davis, Wright & Sons took top spot on 1508 with a 2yo Vandenabeele hen, the sire from “jonge bitjer x “garbo”; the dam off “golden gaby” / “band of gold”; she won the previous week out of Frome. Mick Harvey & Son were runners up on 1492 with a 3yo Vandenabeele x syndicate loft cock, he won twice in 2017 and was runner up out of Frome the week previous. James Horne 3rd on 1489 with a 2yo stefaan lambrecht cock out of Gibb & Byrne stock; and Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & son 4th on 1471 with the 2yo wildie cock bred by Steve Eley that took 2nd fed Ancenis last year.

At Swadlincote Town, Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & Son took top spot on 1505 with a yearling lambrecht hen, a daughter off “the good hen”. Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton were 2nd & 4th on 1499; 1490; the first a 4yo pied cock, the sire off Wall, Lunt & Greens “grey gem” lines, the dam a Koopman x Les Green “Miss Magin”. He was followed by a 2yo hen off Wall, Lunt & Green x Louis Thijs stock, the louis thijs hen purchased at Doncaster show. Davis, Wright & Sons were 3rd on 1494 with a 4yo staf van reet hen, she is a winner of 5 x 1st club and 1x 1st and 3 x 7th fed.

At The Miners Arms, Frome saw Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton take 1st & 4th on 1610; 1579; the winner a louis thijs x wall; Lunt & Green “Miss Magic” lines. Mick & Neil Harvey were 2nd & 3rd on 1602; 1589.

Kingsdown saw Mick & Neil Harvey take 1st & 4th on 1501; 1478; with Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton taking 2nd & 3rd on 1489; 1485.


any news to

“the maltster”


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