by Neil Crean
Well as the last celebrations of the 2018 season comes to a close the new season begins. The 2019 rings have been issued and already eggshells are appearing on the floor of some lofts. Let’s just hope another successful season lies ahead and returns are good for all.
Over the last few weeks one of our local clubs namely Ballyphehane asked my father Michael to be guest of honor at their annual presentation evening a request he gladly accepted especially due to his lifelong friendship of Pat Chandley who himself has been a trojan worker for both club and federation.
As always in life tragedy strikes when you least expect it and Pat along with his lovely wife Noreen and their sons were no exception to this when they lost their only daughter Rhonda to breast cancer, Rhonda was not only a daughter but a companion to mother Noreen and a woman with an unbelievable love for animals especially Yorkshire terriers. She was also the person Pat would depend on if he needed any chore done where the pigeons were concerned.
Michael Crean with Pat & Family
When the dust had settled Pat decided to take a break from the sport to concentrate on Noreens wellbeing so for a few seasons they trained the pigeons on the Sunday drives. Each club member constantly asked Pat if he would return to racing a question he dismissed until this year. With a constant love of channel and distance racing the Chandley family decided to donate a memorial cup to the club in Rhonda’s memory to be raced from Mauchaline Scotland.
As the raced approached Pat decided he would compete and as events would begin to unfold the first name on the cup would end up being his own when he won the race with his dark cheq cock.
On behalf of My father and myself a huge congratulations to Pat and family also a big thank you to the members of Ballyphehane RPC for the constant support and friendship given to the Chandly family over the last few seasons.
John Oldham
Michael Dennehy
Mick Long & Michael Crean
Noel Barry & Son & Michael Crean