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INFC Presentation at Stormont Hotel in Belfast - 29-11-23


INFC Presentation at Stormont Hotel in Belfast

Irish Pigeon Night of the Year – Maguire Family win Kings Cup

The annual Night of the Year for the Irish National Flying Club was held as usual at the plush Stormont Hotel in Belfast on Friday 24th November 2022. It was another packed house, and we had a bit of a new team involved at the top table including new President Wesley Sawyers and new Chairman Cormac O’Hare, joined by long time Secretary Trevor Topping and guests for the evening Leonard McCavery who had just retired as Chairman for 10 seasons and from England John Wheatcroft GB Team Manager for the Olympiad Show. The Chairman welcomed the members and friends who had travelled from across Ireland, and he introduced the top table and guests. Brendan McLaughlin said grace followed by another excellent meal served by the staff at Stormont Hotel.

Prior to the presentation Len McCavery said it was an honour to have served as Chair for a decade and how pleased he was to be asked to assist with the prize presentation this year. He thanked all the members who had assisted during the year, especially during the major races and congratulated the winners. INFC Patron Ronnie Johnston was then invited to conduct the presentation, assisted by INFC officials. What a fantastic job, which Ronnie has done for several years.    

As is the tradition last season’s winner of the Kings Cup C McAdrle & Sons, came forward to present the award to this season’s winners Mark Maguire & Son from Millvale in Newry.

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Previous season winners C McArdle & Sons present the 2023 INFC Kings Cup to the winners Mark Maguire & Son from Millvale in Newry.

It was tinged with a bit of sadness that the great Malachy Maguire had passed away earlier in the year, how he would have enjoyed the presentation this season. In memory the loft have named their Kings Cup winner “Mal’s Dream”. Martin Graham from Ballymena joined the elite of the sport in 2023 when he won two Irish Nationals to add to the first one which he collected in 2018, taking 1st Open INFC in the Yearling National Sennen Cove. This year he wins the Yearling Nat for the second time and to follow that up with the Young Bird Grand National Penzance, the first loft in the history of the all-Ireland INFC to win two cross channel Nationals in one season. Other than Skibbereen, INFC Patron Ronnie Johnston checked from memory and discovered Ron Williamson did a double in 2004. 1st Open OB Skibbereen and followed that up with 1st Open Friendship Nat Fougeres when just two birds recorded in race time, Mr & Mrs Beattie had the other one. The Mid Antrim area and especially Ballymena & District HPS, have a long tradition of success and many of the old lofts that excelled were household names in the sport. The loft of J W & T Harper won the Old Bird Friendship Nat Falaise in 1977 and then the YB Nat Penzance in 1978, and the late William Erwin won the NIPA Old Bird Derby 1962 and then brought the famous Kings Cup to the town when “Moonlight Mannequin” won 1st Open INFC from Nantes in 1968 recording velocity 980ypm. His was one of the very few lofts to win both the NIPA and INFC Old Bird classic events from France. The final presentation is that of National Champion won this year in a close finish by R G & G Donaldson from Edgarstown in Portadown winners of the Friendship Nat St Malo, runner-up was Tom Mashall of Newtownbreda who won both France races in the East Down Combine. At least 10 former Kings Cup winners were in attendance.

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National Champions 2023 were R G & G Donaldson from Edgarstown in Portadown.

Many thanks again this year to my daughter Bronagh for the help in getting me ready and for Adie who looked after the photos, a real busy day.

Irish National Flying Club Trophy and Award Winners 2023

King George V Challenge Cup—Saint Allouestre. Grand National old bird race winner. Mark Maguire & Son Millvale H.P.S. Vel. 978

Nelson Vase – Saint Allouestre O.B.-- 1st RPRA member after winner in the Kings Cup race. J. Murtagh & Son Ballyholland H.P.S. Vel. 972

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Len McCavery (r) the special guest presents the Nelson Vase to Johnny Murtagh from Ballyholland, 1st RPRA Member after the Kings Cup winner of which Johnny is already a winner and close again.

Gilliland Cup—Saint Allouestre O.B. -- 1st IHU member after winner in the Kings Cup race. F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 955

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Gilliland Cup for 1st IHU Member after the Kings Cup winner was won by Fintan Moran of Malahide & District HPS.  

East Down Combine Cup--Saint Allouestre O.B.--1st E.D.C. member in the Kings Cup race. T. Marshall & Son Newtownbreda H.P.S. Vel. 952

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Tom Marshall from Newtownbreda won 1st East Down Combine in the Kings Cup St Allouestre.

Ulster Federation Cup –Saint Allouestre O.B. 1st Ulster Federation member in the Kings Cup race. Not Won.

N.I.P.A. Cup—Saint Allouestre O.B--1st NIPA member in the Kings Cup race. Mark Maguire & Son Millvale H.P.S. Vel. 978

Joe Cullen Memorial Cup—Saint Allouestre O.B.--1st East Coast Fed. member in the Kings Cup race. F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 955

Billy Ingle Trophy-- Saint Allouestre O.B.—1st Irish South Road Federation member in the Kings Cup race. Not Won.

S.L.F. Cup--- Saint Allouestre O.B.—1st South Leinster Fed. member in the Kings Cup race. L. McCall Wicklow South Road R.P.C. Vel. 941

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Former Kings Cup winner Liam McCall from Wicklow SR won the 1st SLF Member after the Kings Cup winner.

Duddy Extreme Distance Trophy-- Saint Allouestre O.B. Furthest flying member in the King’s Cup open prizes. D. & H. Stuart Ballymoney H.P.S. 521 Miles, 101st Open Vel. 264

Harkness Rose Bowl—Saint Allouestre O.B.--Best two bird average Kings Cup. F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 949

Joe Doheny Cup—Saint Allouestre O.B. Single bird challenge Kings Cup race. F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 955

Robinson Trophy—Saint Allouestre O.B. 14th position in the Kings Cup. F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 894

McCloud Cup—Saint Allouestre O.B.--1st Yearling in the Kings Cup. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S.. Vel. 948

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Awards won with the INFC 2023 by Jeff Greenaway of Hillsborough & Maze.

Ronnie Johnston Challenge Cup--Skibbereen O.B-- Inland National. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S.. Vel. 1284

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Jeff Greenaway from Hills & Maze won the Ronnie Johnston Challenge Cup for 1st Skibbereen OB Inland National.

Gerald Delaney Trophy—Skibbereen O.B.—Best section winning velocity after winning section. K. Allister Monaghan H.P.S. Vel. 1263

Framed Diploma – Skibbereen O.B. – Lowest section winning velocity. R. & P. Brennan Three Counties R.P.C. Vel. 1222

Friendship Cup—Saint Malo O.B.-- Friendship National. R. G. & G Donaldson Edgarstown H.P.S. Vel. 1682

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R G & G Donaldson from Edgarstown won the Friendship Nat Cup for 1st St Malo Old Bird.

British Barcelona Club Trophy—Saint Malo O.B.-- 2nd position in the Friendship National. Capper Bros. Bondhill Social H.P.S. Vel. 1679

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Capper Bros from Bondhill won the British Barcelona Club Trophy for 2nd Open in the St Malo Friendship National.

John Millar Logistics Trophy – Saint Malo O.B. - 1st member in the section not winning the open. G. O’Reilly Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 1599

Henry Beattie & Son Trophy— Saint Malo O.B.—Best two bird average Friendship National. T. McClean Edgarstown H.P.S. Vel. 1624

Irvine Trophy—Best Average O.B. Nationals Saint. Malo and Saint Allouestre. T. McClean Edgarstown H.P.S. Vel. 1168

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Trophies won at the INFC dinner 2023 by Tom McClean of Annaghmore, H Beattie & Son Trophy 2 Bird Ave Friendship Nat and Irvine Trophy for Best Ave OB Nats St Allouestre & St Malo.

Nelson Corry Trophy—Penzance O.B.—Yearling National. Martin Graham Ballymena & District H.P.S. Vel. 1398

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Martin Graham (l) from Ballymena won the Nelson Corry Trophy for 1st Yearling Nat Penzance.

James McGrugan Memorial Cup Penzance Yearling National— Section winner not winning the open.  Zeballos & Thorpe Trim R.P.C. Vel. 1384

Sam Buckley Memorial Cup – Best two bird average Penzance Yearling National. Zeballos & Thorpe Trim R.P.C. Vel. 1384

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Former Kings Cup winner Herbie Thorpe won the 2 Bird Ave Ylr Nat and 1st South Sect in Ylr Nat.

Charles Ingle Memorial Trophy—10th Open position Penzance Yearling National. K. O’Brien & Son Malahide & District R.P.C. Vel. 1255

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K O’Brien & Son from Malahide won Charles Ingle Mem Trophy for 10th Open Ylr Nat.

J.M.K. McGugan Perpetual Cup--- Penzance —Y.B. Channel Grand National. Martin Graham Ballymena & District H.P.S. Vel. 1452

William Erwin Memorial Cup- Penzance- 1st South Section in Channel Y.B. National. D. Mooney Dublin North County R.P.C. Vel. 1255

De-Scheemaecker Trophy- Penzance Y.B- Best two bird average in Channel Y.B. National. B. & D. Coyle Coleraine Premier H.P.S. Vel. 1337

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B & D Coyle from Coleraine Prem won the De Scheemaecker Trophy 2 Bird Ave YB Penzance.

Tom Marshall Trophy—Skibbereen—Y.B. Inland National Bolger Family Blackwater R.P.C. Vel. 1553

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John Wheatcroft (l) presents the Tom Marshall Trophy for 1st YB Skibbereen to the Bolger Family from Blackwater RPC.

Framed Diploma -- Skibbereen – Y.B. Inland National Middle section winner. B. & P. McEvoy E.C.F. Castlebellingham R.P.C. Vel. 1396

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Former Kings Cup winners B & P McEvoy collect the Framed Diploma for 1st Middle Sect Skibb YB.

Framed Diploma – Skibbereen --- Y.B. Inland National North section winner. Mr & Mrs G. Delaney Dromore H.P.S. Vel. 1352

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Gerald Delaney from Oroory Hill Stud in Dromore won the Framed Diploma for 1st North Sect Skibb Young Bird Nat.

J. Gilmour Memorial Cup. Best average Saint Allouestre O. B. and Penzance Yearling Nationals. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 988

A. Darragh Cup Best average Penzance Yearling and St. Malo Friendship Nationals. M. Gillan Newry & District H.P.S. Vel. 1423

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M Gillan from Newry & Dist. (l) won the Darragh Cup best ave Ylr & Friendship Nationals.

Jarvis Cup—Best Average Penzance and Skibbereen Y.B. Nationals. G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1328

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Gary Marsden (l) from Hills & Maze won the Jarvis Cup best ave YB Nats Skibb & Penzance.

Rhead Trophy Best Average – Saint Allouestre O.B. and Penzance Y.B. Nationals. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1059

Diamond Cup—Best Average Saint Allouestre O.B. Penzance Yearling and Penzance Y.B. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1059

Harkers Trophy—Best Average Penzance Yearling and Penzance Y. B. Nationals. Martin Graham Ballymena & District H.P.S. Vel. 1424

Robin Duddy Trophy. Penzance Y. B. Furthest flying member in the Penzance Young Bird channel national open prizes. S. Laverty Ballymoney H.P.S. 75th Open, 346 miles Vel. 1122

Charles Hunniford Memorial Trophy --- Best average (North Section) Skibbereen O.B. & Y.B. nationals. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1304

The New North Cup --- Best Average Penzance Yearling, Saint Allouestre Kings Cup, Saint Malo Friendship, Penzance Young Bird Nationals. R. G. & G. Donaldson Edgarstown H.P.S. Vel. 1144

President’s Cup--- Best Average Saint Allouestre Kings Cup, Penzance Yearling, Penzance Y.B. and Skibbereen Y.B. Nationals. J. Greenaway Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1099

De-Scheemaecker Trophy--Runner up for best average all races. T. Marshall & Son Newtownbreda H.P.S. Vel. 1114

Erwin Trophy—Best Average all races. R. G. & G. Donaldson Edgarstown H.P.S. Vel. 1155

LADIES PRIZES WON BY - Jeff Greenaway, Martin Graham Mark Maguire & Son, R. G. & G. Donaldson, Martin Graham and Bolger Family.

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Cups and trophies won by Martin Graham of Ballymena & District HPS.

Framed Diplomas Sponsored By Danny Dixon (Dunloy, Co Antrim) Saint Allouestre Single Bird Challenge. 1st F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C. 2nd J. McMaw Carrick Social H.P.S. 3rd R. G. & G. Donaldson Edgarstown H.P.S. Congratulations to the winners.

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Martin Graham (r) with good friend Sammy Steele. 2 x 1st INFC cross channel races,  a record!

INFC Awards 2023 cont. –

King’s Cup Merit Awards 2023 – Awarded for a pigeon twice in the Kings Cup prizes.

Jeff. McMaw

Carrick Social H.P.S.

“Willowdene Boy”

Mealy Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 228th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 13th Open

Fintan Moran

Malahide & District R.P.C.

Red Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 71st Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 3rd Open

R. G. & G. Donaldson

Edgarstown H.P.S.


Blue Chequer Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 81st Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 16th Open

N. Black & Son.

Dromara H.P.S.

Grizzle Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 158th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 42nd Open

N. Black & Son.

Dromara H.P.S.

Blue Chequer Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 246th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 47th Open

N. Black & Son.

Dromara H.P.S.

Blue Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 202nd Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 32nd Open

N. Black & Son.

Dromara H.P.S.

Blue Chequer Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2021 33rd Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 83rd Open

D. Corrigan

Boyne Valley R.P.C.


Dark Chequer Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2021 23rd Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 40th Open

G. & C. Simmons

Edgarstown H.P.S.

Blue Chequer Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 133rd Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 35th Open

E. Murtagh & Sons

Individual North


Blue Bar w/f Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 179th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 43rd Open

 S. Corrigan

Loughgall H.P.S.

“Checker Boy”

Blue Chequer Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 176th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 68th Open

 A. Thompson

Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

Pencil Blue Pied Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 34th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 86th Open

 A. Thompson

Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

Blue Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 229th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 90th Open

G. Buckley & Son

Annaghmore H.P.S.

Blue Chequer Hen


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 42nd Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 45th Open

A. & N. Lewis

Doagh & District H.P.S.

Black Cock


St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2022 40th Open

St. Allouestre King’s Cup 2023 59th Open

Gordon Bros & Sons

Killyleagh Central

Mark of Steel

Blue Cock


St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2022 112th Open

St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2023 48th Open

R. Duddy

Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

Cloughan Conviction

Blue Hen


St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2022 112th Open

St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2023 39th Open

Donnelly Bros Millvale HPS

Pencil Pied Hen


St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2022 15th Open

St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2023 22nd Open.

Friendship National Cup Merit Awards 2023 – Awarded for a pigeon twice in the Friendship National prizes.

C. & R. McIntyre.


Blue Bar Cock


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 64th Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 52nd Open

C. & L. Woodside

Ballyclare & District H. P. S.

“Noel Gift”

Blue Cock


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 48th Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 70th Open

Hand & Kallmeyer

Skerries R.P.C.

“Mrs Hand”

Blue Chequer Hen


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 71st Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 28th Open

Adair & McComb’s

Crossgar H.P.S.


Blue Hen

Blue Hen


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 53rd Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 36th Open

C. O’Hare & Son


Blue Ch w/f Hen


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 80th Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 60th Open

Ronnie Williamson

Newry & District H.P.S.

Blue Cock


St. Malo Friendship National 2022 86th Open

St. Malo Friendship National 2023 82nd Open.

Willie Reynolds – INFC Press Officer

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

Mobile: 07538 238364

Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>

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