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M N F C Y B Fala Ise 02-10-18

MNFC Young Bird Falaise

A Likely Super Victory for Williams & Wilks

Click here to see the full Results

When the birds entered in the last race of the season were liberated from Falaise at 8.15 am under sunny skies and a no wind situation after a two day holdover. The big question was ‘how long would it take them?’. Well anyone who had checked on the weather forecast saw that the wind direction on the channel and in England was coming from the North. So my thoughts were for the leaders to achieve 40-42 mph because it was clearly going to be a ‘tough one’.

As it was to turn out only one intrepid little hen was to beat the 40 mph barrier when after a flight taking just  a few seconds more than 6hours and 22 minutes for the 260 miles journey back home to Cleobury Mortimer she recorded an estimated velocity of 1200.

The bird belongs to the partnership of Kirk Williams & John Wilks who I believe are something of a young bird specialist team. John told me that Kirk has worked really hard with their ‘babies’ and they have reaped a rich reward for their efforts. In fact the likely National winner was 3rd section J and 11th Open in the NFC Coutances race a couple of weeks previously. Clearly she had plotted her course very well. I will talk a good deal more about the partners and their bird when the race result is confirmed in a few days time.

One thing that a tough race often throws up is a very fair result and this is certainly the case once more with no less than 7 probable section winners represented in the first 10 placings. The event moved one member to call me and say that it was the fairest race for quite some time. Yes Robert a Northerly wind does tend to make good pigeons more influential than loft locations.

Williams & Wilks

I will leave you to study the leaderboard and as ever if your names is in the leading four placings of you section get in touch to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stop Press

The first 80 of the very successful MNFC One Loft pigeons will be for sale at an auction to be held at the R.P. Uttoxeter Show on the 11th November. News of the sale of the remainder of the birds will be revealed later. I have seen a few of the pedigrees and believe me there will be some crackers in all of these sales.

Mike Lakin