Midlands National ‘One Loft’Race
Wow what a finale!
F. Connor and Son Lift the Top Spot
Michael Connor race winner
The Midlands National enjoyed a wonderful final ‘One Loft’ race from Carentan when 259 birds were liberated at 9.45am on Saturday the 1st September and competing for £26,400 in prizemoney by Adam and John the convoying team and the lads must have done a good job of looking after the birds because 166 birds have made the result with quite a few more home just out of race time. It is testimony to the Loft Management team that after the three ‘Hot Spot’ events only 30 birds failed to make the final race. They in fact receive ‘back handed’ compliments from a few of the locals who couldn’t believe that in such a difficult season so few birds could have gone AWOL and the rumour mill suggested that they never went to the declared racepoint of Hullavington well for anyone one who is in any doubt give Mr Brind the farmer who owns the land a call as it was he to whom I gave the liberation fee on the morning prior to releasing the birds.
The pigeons were sent off to the final with great confidence from the Managers who declared the birds to be in great shape this was confirmed when even the birds that had flown for ten hours plus homed in great shape.
Taking the first prize of £13,000 is a bird entered by Frank & Michael Connor who hail from Durham recording a velocity of 1592 for the 260 miles journey. Then two birds arrived together just over a minute later belonging to B R & A and the BBCS syndicates who will lift £5481 and £4534 respectively . In 4th place a Blue Cock belonging to the Mr Potato Heads team lifts £2442 closely followed by ‘Swanny’ one of the most consistent performers who could well figure in the 2018 ‘Ace Pigeon’ award.
The full result is on the MNFC’s Website and I will provide more details on the winning birds when the ‘Ace Pigeon’ is announced. In the meantime well done to all of the team who made the race a massive success this season along of course with the people who entered the series of races. Mike Lakin