‘The Bell Flying Club’ Presentation
One of the Best Club’s in the Country
How do you measure what a ‘good club’ really is? Is it the size of the membership? Is it how large the prize money that is paid out at the end of the season each year is or is it as I believe more to do with the pleasure that is gained from the sport of pigeon racing. Well for me ‘The Bell’ does pretty well on all three of these fronts especially on the last one in regard to the pleasure. This is abundantly clear when I occasionally turn up as an Honorary member with my pigeons and you are greeted by smiling faces and a friendly atmosphere with plenty of ‘banter’. To my mind this is exactly what domestic club racing is about, keen competition but congratulations going to the ‘week’s champion’. I feel the best way to highlight the fact that this club fills this criteria is revealed when the club has 21 active members and a further 2 potential members Dave Harris the Club’s Chairman revealed to my mind why the club works so well with several members like John Whittingham, Dennis Matthews and Richard Lutner all offering ‘service with a smile’.
In total no less than fourteen members took a share of the £2,200 prizemoney on offer after a grand meal at the excellent ‘Bell’ public house and restaurant. Believe me anyone looking for a fine place to dine then ‘The Bell’ in Tong is a superb shout as can be testified to by the fact that the large car park is always full each evening.
The highest Prizewinner this past season was Dave Harris who is aided by his son Kyle and the rest of the Harris family including his partner Karen who helps with the secretarial duties and was chosen to present this year’s awards. All of those prize winners that attended the evening where photographed by the couples young daughter Megan and she did a very professional job of it too as can be seen by the snaps that accompany this short piece.
Dave Harris and his family who were the top prize winners
Much credit should go to everyone who plays their part in making the club as strong as it is today, well done to you all and I hope to see you again in 2018.
Mike Lakin