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The South West of England Lerwick Club - 24-08-21

The South West of England Lerwick Club

The SWELC held its annual establishment race of its blue ribbon race for the 2021 season from Lerwick from the Shetland Islands, the birds were transported to here by the NRCC for this event these partisans of the SWELC will be the furthest flying pigeons on the transporter and are flying back to the west end of the country from the first land lofts sitting on the Lincolnshire coastline they had the trek of flying back to Somerset.

On the 26/6/21 at 8.15am into a North West wind the birds were released on the East coast it was a glorious sunshine day and the birds made excellent times for the ones that made it over the North Sea, yet from the central Midlands into Somerset on this day it was low cloud and beefy showers springing up so it was going to be a hard challenge and unfortunately there were no day birds clocked in this race but the next day the birds were there and winning this race, flying 601 miles was Roger Flew with a 4y chequer natural flown cock sent sitting nest eggs.  His breeding is of a gift bird given to Roger from Mike Lewis who was the founder member of the SWELC and before he emigrated to Australia he gave Roger this bird that will be of one of Mike’s old distance family of birds for what he flew Lerwick and Thurso with for on an annual basis for many many years that were a foundation breed of the Steels of Uttoxeter birds and his created Grizzle family of distance winning birds of the old Trueman Dickens partnership birds he had created in his flying career.  Before emigrating Roger crossed this bird with one of his also own created distance flying family of bird he has created over the many years of keeping and racing pigeons from the distance Roger also won £100.20p with a winning velocity of 988.

1st SWELC Lerwick 601 miles
1st SWELC Lerwick 601 miles

Taking 2nd was the Successful Classic club & National flying partnership lofts of Phill Luff & the Walker Brothers they flew 585 miles winning £30 with a 3y dark chequer widowhood flown cock that flew Tarbes last season for the partnership on the south road route and was ear marked to return again this year so with no Continental racing in operation they sent him to Lerwick.  His breeding is of a famous professional Mark Gilbert bird crossed with a Jelle Jellema bird Via Steve Bennett of Bristol and this cock is a half-brother to the partnership’s 2021 Central Southern Classic Club’s Elgin open winner Elgin Princess their velocity was 787.

2nd SWELC Lerwick
2nd SWELC Lerwick

3rd was Steve Robbins flying 603 miles with a 6y blue chequer hen flown on natural and sitting 10 day old nest eggs her breeding is of Louella Jan Arden X Van Lint and Steve informs me she has won at 50 miles right through to now at 600 miles in his local Oldlands club and in the top open positions in the SWELC she won £44.50p with a velocity of 613.

Taking 4th & 6th flying 625 miles was Sheldon Horn winning £75.50p his first bird a 3y dark chequer cock sent on natural sitting nest eggs he is a Mr & Mrs Venner of Street of their old famous distance family of pigeon and these originated from David Vowles also of Street Somerset this cock this season after flying Lerwick was sent onto Thurso some 500 plus miles and achieved 2nd Bridgewater FC 9th open SWELC 5th west section 42nd open New North Road Amalgamation for Sheldon his second bird a 5y natural flown chequer cock that is a Jansen crossed Bushart crossed a Alan Darough pigeon from Northern Ireland Sheldon’s velocities were 262 & 239.

Claiming 5th was Szmaglik & Humphries flying 598 miles with a 5y natural flown red cock sent sitting nest eggs this cock has scored several times previously at the distance for the partnership including in 2019 2nd Thornbury FC 8th open SWELC and scoring well in the New North Road Amalgamation from Thurso some 500 miles and other cards he’s been a good loyal cock for the partnership his breeding is of a French rung gifted cock from a pigeon friend in France paired to a Jan Arden crossed Deweert hen he won £78.22p with a velocity of 251.

7th was Andy George flying 606 miles winning £5 with a roundabout flown 2y blue hen that flew south road last season she was bred by fellow club mate secretary D & M Moore with a velocity of 233.

A tough old race with that extra 100 miles making it a challenge with the weather but still gallant pigeons.

The Rat Man.