The combine is 100 miles along its front and 50miles inland to west and has a few hundred members so well done to everyone for their great performances. The combine once again having had a good season with a couple of funny races due to the weather. Thanks goes to Race Controller John Rawson and Convoyers Ian and Cliff we are now looking forward to racing in 2019. The presentation and A. G. M took place in Hull with a Buffett. We were all able to see the new transporter for the pick ups from Scarborough Whitby and Norton clubs which pictures are attached and also some of the members picking up their prize cards and replicas.
The combine committee would like to thank all the members who contributed with donations towards the transporter as with that and the money made from the sale of the old wagon we were able to purchase the smaller one. Thanks must also go to Noel Houghton for all the time that he has spent on it making the racking etc fit.
Now onto the Combine winners and Section winners for the 25 races.
First Race from Newark was Mr & Mrs Keith Haldenby of Hull, 1st West section was Mick Burdett of Norton, 1st North section was Keith Todd of Scarborough 1st South Section was John & Linda Chadwick.
Second race from Sleaford was Kerry Mellonby & Stuart Knowles of Bridlington, North Section Keith Todd of Scarborough, West Section Mick Burdett of Norton, Central Section Mark Taylor of Hull.
Third race from Huntingdon was Storr Bros & son of Whitby, West section P. Shipley of Norton, South section Junior members Riley & Kian of Bridlington, Central Section is P. Irving of Hull.
Fourth race from Billericay was Ellie Davidson of Nafferton, Central Section Alan Stone & Son of Hull, North Section S Mallinson & Son of Whitby, West section P. Shipley of Norton.
Fifth race from Battle was Junior members Riley & Kian of Bridlington, North Section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, Central Section John & Jackie Hall, West Section S. Robinson.
Sixth race from Arras was Mick Burdett of Norton, North section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, South Section Harry Smith of Bridlington, Central section Alan Stone & Son of Hull.
Seventh race from Huntingdon was Mick Burdett of Norton, Central section Graham Howman of Cottingham, South Section Harry Smith of Bridlington, North Section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby.
Some of the members next to the wagon - rear of the wagon
Eighth race from Boves was Mick Burdett of Norton, South section was Gavin Leahy of Hornsea, North section J. Noble & Son of Whitby, Central section Bri Rowson of Hull.
Ninth race from Peterborough was Hoggard, Linley & Ellis of Bridlington, West section Brian Dawson of Norton, North section Ken & Sue Skelton of Scarborough, Central section Alan Stone & Son of Hull.
Tenth race from Boves was Hoggard, Linley & Ellis of Bridlington, West Section was Wardle & Hayward of Eastrington, Central section was John Raines of Nafferton, North section Martin Wood of Scarborough.
Eleventh race from Chelmsford was Hoggard, Linley & Ellis of Bridlington, North section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, Central Section P. Rhodes of Hull, West Section B. Ford & Sons of Norton.
Twelth race from Huntingdon was S. Robinson of Norton, Central Section was Alan Stone & Son of Hull, North section was S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, South section was Hoggard, Linley & Ellis of Bridlington.
Thirteenth race from Bourges was Alec & Margaret Dodson of Withernsea, Central section was W. Hagston of Driffield, West section was Howard Jackson,
Fourteenth race from Chelmsford was S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, South section was John & Linda Chadwick of Bridlington, Central section was Dave Thompson of Hull, West section B. Ford & Sons of Norton.
Fifteenth race from Newark was Hoggard, Linley & Ellis of Bridlington, Central section Alan Stone & Son of Hull, North section Pete Thorpe of Scarborough, West Section B. Ford & Sons of Norton.
Sixteenth race from Newark was Kerry Mellonby & Stuart Knowles of Bridlington, North section Pete Thorpe of Scarborough, Central Section Foster & Bennett of Hull, West Section Howard Jackson of Norton.
Alec wins his first Bourge race in 58 years of trying after getting the breed off John Rawson and George Atkinson - Alec with John Hall - Dave Coates
Howard Jackson - Mick Burdett - Riley and Kian
Seventeenth race from Newark was P. Heidstra of Bridlington, Central section Anderson & Anderson of Hull, West Section Howard Jackson.
Eighteenth race from Peterborough was Tony Meek of Withernsea, Central section K & H Green of Hull, North section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, West Section B. Dawson.
Nineteenth race from Huntingdon was Graham Foster & Bennett of Hull, South section Tony Meek of Withernsea, North section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, West Section Howard Jackson of Norton.
Twentieth race from Huntingdon was Paul & Helen Johnson of Howdon, Central section John Raines of Nafferton, North section Alan Richardson of Whitby, West Section Mick Burdett of Norton.
Twenty first race from Chelmsford was Tony Meek of Withernsea, North section J. McCourt & Son of Whitby, West Section Mick Burdett of Norton, Central Section K. & H Green of Hull.
Twenty second race from Battle was Alan Stone & Son of Hull, South section Kerry Mellonby & Stuart Knowles of Bridlington, North section P. Abbott & Son of Whitby, West Section Mick Burdett of Norton.
Twenty Third race from Sleaford was Graham Foster & Bennett of Hull, South section Dave Fussey of Bridlington, North Section P. Abbott & Son of Whitby, West Section R. Nicholls of Eastrington.
Twenty forth race from Huntingdon was Tony Meek of Withernsea, Central Section was H. Kemp & Son of Hull, North section J. McCourt & Son of Whitby, West Section B. Ford & Sons of Norton.
Twenty fifth race from Huntingdon was Gavin Leahy of Hornsea, West section B. Ford & Sons of Norton. North Section S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby, Central Section I. Tuttle of Hull
Sue Skelton