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Y M R C Huntingdon Report 15-08-18




This week the race from Huntingdon on the 11th of August was liberated in a West wind. Topping the Combine and the Central Section is Graham Foster & Bennett of Hull on 1652. Topping the South Section is Tony Meek of Withernsea on 1615. Topping the North Section is S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby on 1586. Topping the West Section is Howard Jackson of Norton on 1440. Well done to everyone

Central Section:


Kingston Flying Club

members sent 18 birds with the red card going to Foster & Bennett on 1652 with a self bred off a John Hall gift bird x Van Winkle. Second and Third places going to Foster & Bennett on 1621 1575 with a pair of Sayers bros Van Winkles. Fourth place went to Gary Jones on 1428 with a self bred Ernie Barnes.


Hull Chalk Lane Club.

4 members sent 71 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1595 with a Hereman Ceuster hen. Second place went to George Rudd on 1548 with a Phil Sullivan gift cock. Third place went to Dave Thompson on 1512 with a Malderhart cock. Fourth place went to George Rudd on 1483 with a Ceuster cock.


Hull Millennium Club.

7 members sent 84 birds with the red card going to K. Stamford on 1547 with a self bred. Second Third and Fourth places went to K & H Green on 1543, 1543 1543.


Cottingham Homing Society.

3 members sent 45 birds with the red card going to Kev Kingston & Family on 1543 with a Wayne Brownley Hardy Kruger. Second place went to Kev Kingston & Family on 1509 with a gift bird off Dave Robinson. Third place went to George Smith on 1507 with a Dave Robinson Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Kev Kingston & Family on 1505 with a Wayne Brownley Hardy Kruger.


Driffield Homing Society.

5 members sent 60 birds with the red card going to J. Hubbard & Son on 1565 with a Gust Janssen x Janssen cock also winning the y.b. knockout. Second place went to Pete Dixon on 1550 with a self bred T & P Douthwaite cock. Third place went to Pete Dixon on 1520 with a Vandenabeele off the Late Ray Bell x Royal Oak of Manchester hen. Fourth place went to Colin Sedman on 1494 with a cock from Frank Sheader stock also winning the meat nom.


Nafferton Flying Club.

 members sent 24 birds with the red card going to John Raines on 1558. Second Third and Fourth places went to Mark Anderson on 1507 1506 and 1466.


Walton Priory Club.

6 members sent 56 birds with the red card and Second and Fourth all going to D. Rasul with three self bred Dave Hobson of Bedale breed. Third place went to M. Foster on 1485 with a R. Crawford Herman Custer cock.


Wawne Ferry Club.

 4 members sent 36 birds with the red card and Fourth place going to Keith Gleeson on 1449 & 1372 with a pair of Rene Nauwelaert. Second place went to A & K Hajduk on 1414 with a Drapa x Soontjen. Third place went to A & K Hajduk on 1397 with a Staff Van Reet.


Coastal South Section:


Withernsea Homing Society.

5 members sent 110 birds with the red card going to Tony Meek on 1615 with a Steve Turley bird. Second and Third places went to Tony Meek on 1615 1515 with a pair of Vandenabeeles. Fourth place going to yet again Tony Meek on 1614 with a Steve Turley bred.


Flamborough Homing Society.

9 members sent 137 birds with the red card going to Nathan Hoggard Stuart Linley and Tony Ellis on 1609 with a Soontjen cock bred off a Shane Reading hen. Second place went to Nathan Hoggard Stuart Linley and Tony Ellis on 1609 with a Herman Ceuster hen bred off a Shane Reading cock. Third place went to Nathan Hoggard Stuart Linley and Tony Ellis on 1608 with a Hardy Kruger hen. Fourth place went to Bell & Evans on 1597 with their old blood lines.


Bridlington D.F.C.

6 members sent 52 birds with the red card and Second Third & Fourth places going to Norman Robinson on 1602 1601 1599 1581 all with his self breds.


Hornsea & D. H. Society.

 7 members sent 120 birds with the red card going to Phil & June Edmond on 1557. Second place went to Colin Cadwallender on 1528. Third and Fourth places going to Gavin Leahy on 1514 and 1514.


Coastal North Section:


Scarborough Social Club.

 4 members sent 83 birds with the red card going to Ken & Sue Skelton on 1540 with a Gift bird off our good friend Chris Vasey of Loftus which had a 3rd from Peterborough last week. Second place went to Dave Pickering on 1533 with a Marina Van de Velde which was 1st last week from Peterborough. Third place went to Keith Todd on 1529 with a Van Loon which was 5th last week from Peterborough. Fourth place went to Pete & Pat Chapman on 1517 with a Pobor hen.


Whitby Premier Club.

 4 members sent 109 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son on 1586 with a direct Paul Roziers of Nijlen hen taking all the pools. Second place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1585 with a Dirk van den Bulck cock bred from stock from friend Eddy of Leeds. Third place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1585 with a cock bred by Roberts good friend Frans de Coux of Berlaar. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1585 with a self bred Herman Ceuster cock from direct Louis Thijs stock.


West Section

Eastrington P. F. C.  

members sent 42 birds with the red card going to Richard Harding on 1362 with a Kirkpatrick from the master breeder Alan Beever. Second place went to George Atkinson on 1354 with a Jan Aarden. Third place went to George Atkinson on 1259 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 1249 with a De Saer


Norton I. Flying Club.

 8 members sent 125 birds with the red card going to H Jackson on 1440 with a Graham Jones of Guisborough breeder buyer. Second place went to S. Woodward on 1431 no details. Third place went to M. Hodgson on 1428 with one of his 6 he bought off Graham Jones. Fourth place went to R. Mort on 1427 with a self bred Leemputten off late B. Thorpe stock. Howard won the pools £15 and bought a round of drinks good on you Howard.


Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.

01723 377044.

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