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Y M R C Sleaford 17-09-18




This week the race from Sleaford on the 8th of September was liberated in a South West wind taking them racing by with many reporting them coming out of the north.  Topping the Combine and the Central Section is Graham Foster and Ian Bennett of Hull on 1705. Topping the South Section is Dave Fussey of Bridlington on 1689. Topping the North Section is Paul Abbott & Son of Whitby on 1575. Topping the West Section is Rob Nicholls of Eastrington on 1238. Well done to everyone

Central Section:


Kingston Flying Club.  members sent 23 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth places all going to Graham Foster & Ian Bennett on 1705, 1123, 1121 615 with the first pigeon being one off Gary Cox stock also wins the pools.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 5 members sent 70 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1292 with a Phil Sullivan gift bird which won Newark. Second place went to George Rudd on 1133 with a Herman Ceuster hen which has had cards. Third and Fourth places went to Dave Thompson on 1101 and 1101 with a pair of Malderharts.

Hull Millennium Club. members sent birds with the red card going to S K Marriott on 1549 with a M. Dawson Herman Ceuster. Second place went to K & H Green on 1540 with a K. Ward gift bird. Third place went to K & H Green on 1279 with a B. Thornton gift bird. Fourth place went to S. OLoughlin on 1174 with a S. Halman hen.

Cottingham Homing Society. 5 members sent 62 birds with the first four places going to Dave Robinson on 1437, 1436, 1436 and 1307 with his Cararra Vandenabeeles.

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 120 birds with the red card going to Pete Dixon on 1113 with a self bred Royal Oak lofts Vandenabeele which was 3rd Chelmsford. Second place went to Geoff & Gary Ringrose on 1107 with a Gust Janssen cross. Third place went to Geoff & Gary Ringrose on 1106 with a Mr & Mrs Chadwick Herman Ceuster x Van Dyke. Fourth place went to Geoff & Gary Ringrose on 1106 with a Mr & Mrs Chadwick Van Dyke cock. Pete Dixon wins Hagston meat nom.

North Hull Club. The red card going to Barry Kipling on 1141 with a Hereman Ceuster. Second place went to Pete & Angie Burke with a Van Reet. Third place went to Barry Kipling with a Vic Walsh Flik breed. Fourth place went to Trevor Brown.

Walton Priory Club. 8 members sent 102 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Keith Haldenby on 1204 with a Bob Carter of Epsom cock. Second place went to P. Rhodes on 1125 with a Martin Dawson Ceuster x Alan Stone Ceuster cock. Third place went to J. Hopper & Son on 1061 with a Hawkins & Evans x Atkinson Vandenabeele. Fourth place went G. Block on 1047 with a Steve Sutton Busschaert.

Wawne Ferry Club. 8 members sent 168 birds with the red card and Second place going to Harry Kemp & Son on 1085 & 1082 with a pair off his Belgium stock. Third place went to Harry Kemp & Son on 1082 with a Busschaert. Fourth place went to Ollett & S. D. Daniels on 978 with a Janssen.


Coastal South Section:


Flamborough Homing Society. 9 members sent 160 birds with the red card going to Dave Fussey on 1689, 1688 1688 and 1686 with his long distance pigeons.

Bridlington D.F.C. 4 members sent 23 birds with the red card going to young fanciers Riley & Kian Wilkinson on 1445 with a Janssen half brother to a combine winner. Second and Third places went to Kerry Mellonby & Stuart Knowles on 1373 and 1371 with their Stuart Knowles pigeons. Fourth place went to Harry Smith on 1260 with his old family.

Hornsea & D. H. Society. 8 members sent 167 birds with the red card going to Phil & June Edmond on 1355. Second Third and Fourth places all going to Gavin Leahy on 1274, 1269 & 1259.

Withernsea Homing Society. 5 members sent 74 birds with the red card going to Dave Beadle on 1325 with a Koopman x Vandenabeele. Second place went to Dave Beadle on 1319 with a Hereman Ceuster x Sablon. Third place went to R. Keelty on 1243 with his own stock. Fourth place went to Dave Beadle again on 1211 with a Derwa x Gaston van de Wouwer.


Coastal North Section:


Scarborough Social Club. 5 members sent 54 birds with the red card going to Pete & Pat Chapman on 1406 with a Pobor. Second place went to Ken & Sue Skelton on 1403 with one that came back last week from the first race. Third place went to Keith Todd on 1398 with a Van Reet which has had a 5th Sleaford. Fourth place went to Keith Todd on 1303 with a Staf Van Reet which has had a 3rd Huntingdon.

Whitby Premier Club. 4 members sent 111 birds with the red card for the second week going to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1575 with a self bred Dirk Van den Bulk off his friend Eddy of Leeds. Second place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1570 with a Geerinck cock off friend Andy Cook of Hull. Third place went to Alan Richardson on 1556 with a hen off his friend Albert Tateson of Kirkbymoorside. Fourth place went to James McCourt & Son Dale on 1380 with a self bred Heremans Ceusters cock. A Richardson wins the pools


West Section


Eastrington P. F. C. 5 members sent 105 birds with the red card going to Rob Nicholls on 1238 with a Vandenabeele x Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Rob Nicholls on 1043 with a Geerinckx. Third place went to Steve Neale on 964 with a R & B Smith Via Bill Dickinson of Carnock Wood. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 908 with a Jan Aarden.

Norton I. Flying Club. 6 members sent 178 birds with the red card going to Howard Jackson on 1198 with a self bred Wardrum Syndicate lofts which was missing last week and came back Wednesday (must have been in someone’s loft and got some decent grub Howard.) Second place went to Mick Burdett on 1165 with a Busschaert x Jeff Greenaway of Ireland and it was 2nd last week. Third place went to Mick Burdett on 1161 with a Drapa x Leemputten. Fourth place went to Brian Greenley on 1116 with a Rauw Sablon x Freddy Vanderheed also won the pools £11


Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.

01723 377044.

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