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Saltney Social Press


It’s been a hard year for running the shows this year, between the time of year, the weather and the interest being lost its hard to keep your head up and carry on. We have had a wide range of flyers turning up but haven’t been able to get the overall numbers we have wanted compared to some of our fellow shows in the area. Like we always say if we support your shows we wish for you to support ours and we can’t deny that’s been reciprocated some what.

We started to prepare for the shows this year by making a list of flyers we wanted in relation to their individual club and specialist club performances, it’s fair to say we got the ones we wanted. Some of the judges we have had so far are as follows ; Andy Lloyd, Craig Hughes, Alan Coombes, Warren Walker and Chuck Jones. All I can say is we have managed to get a real coo for the last show with a top class trio for the special show classes.

Some of the Pigeons we’ve had in the shows this year are below :


The Christmas show will be held on the 16th December 2018 with penning from 12-1 and judging commencing at 1 o’clock prompt. This will be held at the Saltney Tavern in saltney. Unlike the shows so far we will be holding this show and club, breeder buyer and open race presentation in the main function room. Entry is free all we ask is you please support the club by fetching some Pigeons down. The show will have a buffet, a raffle and presentation

The show consists of 3 classes which are Any Age Cocks, Any Age Hens and Any Sex Fancy Class. The fancy class is quite a novelty which other shows do not have. This is something we hope appeals to a lot of you.

Hopefully we’ll see you over the next few weeks

Yours in sport

Alan Foster

Saltney Social Press Officer