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Derby Notes 20-09-18

Derby Notes.


Saturday 15th September was the final race of the season for the Burton & District South Road Federation and the Derby Burton & District South Road Federation.

The Burton & District South Road Federation were at Kingsdown and the pigeons were liberated at 09-40 in a south west wind.


In Etwall & District Flying Club Sam Phillips finished the season in style taking the top two spots with two blue cocks. His winner was doing 1682 to take the red card and was bred out of his good mealy cock with his second pigeon doing 1629.In third was Steve Billings with a blue cock doing 1624 followed by A.Peach & Son in fourth with a Cheq hen doing 1613.

Sam Phillips Etwall & District Flying Club winner.


In Osmaston Park Homing Society Dave Waddington finished the season with back to back wins and taking the red card was a blue cock doing 1671.In second & third with two Cheq hens doing 1665 & 1652 was Glew & O'Donnell followed by Pat Tillson in fourth with a Cheq hen doing 1625.

Dave Waddington Osmaston Park Homing Society winner.

The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Carentan for their final race of the season and the pigeons were liberated at 07-45 in a light south wind.


In Kilburn Welfare Keith Cresswell ends the season with a red card with a blue hen doing 1368 followed by Stuart Wainwright in second with a Cheq hen doing 1353.In third & fourth was R.Parkin & Hall with two blue hens doing 1294 & 1201.

Keith Cresswell Kilburn Welfare winner.


In  Derby Premier Paul & Lynda Todd made it a clean sweep with a blue cock which was bred by Alan & Liz Houldsworth taking the red card doing 1310 followed by a blue hen bred by Alan Wheldon  doing 1064 then a dk/Cheq hen doing 984 which was bred by Keith Foulkes  then a blue cock doing 931 bred by Jason & Karen Phillips. All four pigeons were breeder buyers.


Paul & Lynda Todd Derby Premier winners.

I would like to thank Jake Harcup. Paul & Lynda Todd, John Dowd & Alan Peach for providing the results every week to make Derby Notes possible.

The members of Etwall & District Flying Club would like to say a big thank you to our driver/convoyer Alys for the wonderful job she has done for us over the 2018 season. Thanks again Alys.

Alys our conveyer/driver with her pigeons.


                  One from Memory Lane Colin Nicholson.             One from Memory Lane Greg Reece Evans.         One from Memory Lane Roy Gregory.

