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Derby Notes 10-09-18

Derby Notes


Saturday 1st September and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation were at Yeovil and the pigeons were liberated at 13-15 in a south wind.


In Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club John & Pamela Dowd get their hat trick with a Cheq cock doing 1768.3 to take the red card followed by a Cheq hen doing 1768.0 to take second. In third & fourth was Mr & Mrs K Haslam & Son with a blue cock doing 1759 and a Cheq hen doing 1733.

John & Pamela Dowd Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club winners.


In Etwall & District Flying Club Steve Billings gets back to back wins with a blue cock taking the red card doing 1764 followed by a two blue hens doing 1734 & 1733 to take third & fourth. In second was A.Peach & Son doing 1749 with a Cheq hen.

Steve Billings Etwall & Dstrict Flying Club winner.


In Osmaston Park Homing Society Paul & Lynda Todd took the red card with a blue cock doing 1726 followed by Glew & O'Donnell ( last weeks winners ) in second & third with a Cheq hen doing 1725 and a Cheq cock doing 1724. Dave Waddington took fourth with a Cheq cock doing 1700.

Paul & Lynda Todd Osmaston Park Homing Society winners.


The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Blandford and the pigeons were liberated at 09-30 with no wind given.


In Kilburn Welfare R.Parkin & Hall took the red card with a blue hen doing 1662 with Keith Cresswell in second with a blue cock doing 1640 .Third & fourth went to Keith Foulkes with a red cock doing 1629 followed by a dark hen doing 1628.


Memory Lane. Billy Brailsford Snr.                                             Memory Lane. Alan Wolley & Johnno.
