Saturday May 19th and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation got the pigeons away at Yeovil at 09-30 in a very light north east wind. Getting the red card in Etwall & District Flying Club with their blue pied hen doing 1518 winning by 30 ypm was Alan & Liz Houldsworth this pigeon winning the previous week. Second position went to Dave Williams & Son with a two year old Cheq hen doing 1488.Third & Fourth positions went to A. Peach & Son. Their first pigeon was a yearling pied cock doing 1477 followed by a white hen doing 1475.
Alan & Liz Houldsworth Etwall & District Flying Club winners.
In Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club Roger & Mark Duffield take the first two positions. Getting the red card was a two year old Herman Ceusters cock doing 1513.8 followed by a yearling Janssen cock doing 1512.In third position with a blue yearling cock doing 1507 was John & Pamela Dowd with F & T Salt Brothers & Son in fourth doing 1505.
Roger & Mark Duffield Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club winners.
In Osmaston Park Homing Society John & Steve Hicks get the red card with a yearling blue cock doing 1513 followed by Dave Waddington in second with a two year old dk Cheq cock doing 1498.In third & fourth positions was Mick Stone with a three year old dk Cheq cock doing 1497 followed by a yearling blue cock doing 1495.
John & Steve Hicks Osmaston Park Homing Society winners.
In the Brackens South Road Flying Club Paul & Lynda Todd take the first three positions with a yearling Cheq hen bred by Steve Foster taking the red card doing 1500.Their second pigeon was a three year old b/w/f hen doing 1498 followed by a two year old blue hen doing 1466.In fourth position was last week?s winners Jason & Karen Phillips with a yearling Cheq pied hen doing 1427.
Paul & Lynda Todd Brackens South Road Flying Club winners.
The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation got theirs away at Portland at 07-45 in a south south east wind. In Kilburn Welfare K.Foulke gets the winner with a three year old red cock doing 1463.Taking the next three positions was K Cresswell with a three year old blue cock doing 1458 followed by a two year old blue cock doing 1447 then a yearling blue cock doing 1441.
Frankie Howard. Jill Frawley Mick Frawley & June Howard.
June was secretary of Derby & District Flying Club in its heyday with 50 members plus a waiting list and sending over 500 plus birds per week. The good old days.