A perception of these phenomena is both cultural and subjective. There are no absolutes to human knowledge and understanding. I go on personal insight on a deeper level than the immediate, conscious intellect driven by the ego, academia and the popular consciousness of the day found in papers, books and assorted literature. With my own, introspective consciousness and in the front of my mind, I see the self as a singular, integrated being in a physical and non-physical sense, and do not separate mind from body as this causes an analytical schism. My approach to all the big questions is from the inner, spiritual man and could be described as existential or holistic. I believe that a type of reality is felt and can be perceived as mystical, where words will never encapsulate the exact nature of the feelings experienced-knowledge to me is experience, rather than abstract intellectualism. Mental illness is a matter for subjective labelling, and collective consensus.
Jim Emerton.
In the 60s I spent wonderful times in the company of Kenzie The Wild Goose Man. We spent happy hours in The Wash Wilderness amongst seals, ducks, geese waders and as part of the vast ecosystem. The old rogue was a gifted individual and we would call in the cow seals, the eerie and haunting curlew, shrill golden plover, hysterical redshank and a host of musical notes in the orchestra of nature. It was bliss, intoxicating and made the wilderness boy lofty and transcendent. I had escaped the academic cloisters and found a profound sense of freedom. Later I would call crows as they roosted in the bewitching twilight of the evening sky, listen to bats as they plucked out moths, and close in on hares and rabbits in the Lincolnshire fields. I had the fortune of mixing with one of the most iconic poacher/wildfowlers of all time. Images flood my mind in sweet nostalgia, for those naive and formative years of a lonely little country boy.
Jim Emerton
This is a pure feeling state, akin to awe when the boundary between the I and the objective world is lost. The impression on the inner man may be so great, that it is possible to recall subjective details of the experience years later. I feel that it helps to make you whole as an individual, and can be likened to individuation described by Jung. The brain is complex, yet the feelings are simple, pure and true to you. We may call it epiphany, when it can alter perspective on life for the good. I am a great believer in instant perception or intuition and use it as a dominant function.
Jim Emerton.
It is very simple to do, with a combination of solid and liquid feeding. Feed a large variety of fatty/carbohydrate/proteinaceous foods to appetite. Then give 2 days Vydex Supersix in the water followed by 2 days Rohnfried Blitzform. Soon you will notice changes in health, vitality and condition in preparation for racing and/or breeding. The products are readily available on the open market and used widely in the sport of pigeon racing and made under scientific production regimes.
Jim Emerton.
People are buzzing with plans and anticipation for the coming year. Time to be conditioning all those birds ready for a hard season of breeding and racing. Wise to put fervour on a slow burner, as the season lasts until September! Open loft birds need to be out daily, and fed well, not rationed for lightness and thinness. Buy all your feeds and supplements in, as people are keen to supply and sell. In most lofts the need for fresh birds is not a factor. Wise up on books /DVDS and other media as real knowledge is out there. In the last analysis condition of your birds is the quintessence and it must be optimal. Buy some Vydex Supersix and Rohnfried Blitzform and see the difference. The motto is longer, faster, better.
Jim Emerton.
At the moment we have 5 stoical birds to have dropped on the loft to a total of 12 times Barcelona International-710 measured miles into the West of England. They are worth breeding from as they have passed the race reality test. Four are related for Emerton @ Harvey. We aspire to see them return again in 2018 for another go in the great race. The essence is preparation for race condition. Musgrove Persistent is unique to our loft with 5 consecutive Barcelonas under her belt-I shall be delighted to know of a 6 times hen in the UK?? I hope this inspires some of you people to chance your arm.
Jim Emerton.