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Jim Emerton 02-01-18


I have developed one and the essence of it is simple. You live out a full life as a creative person, with a strong evolution of individual personality and identity. My path was to be a writer on many fascinating subject areas, and to be read, understood and recognised by interested individuals. There are approval elements to this, which transcend the case of the lonely hermit. I believe people need faith and belief in their own talents, abilities and their cultivation. My work is more art than science, yet I find purpose and meaning in my writing. In a shallow world of social chat and personal exchanges, there is a powerful emotional connection to a belief system which is philosophical, insightful and penetrating, and the creative process is pure and cathartic. I make time for contemplation, when a perception of what is true and wise may shape consciousness.

Jim Emerton.



I aim to take walks, write, and be content with my lot. Pigeons have been good to me, so I will give thought to them each day. We hope to do well at Barcelona, and I want to see some BICC timers into Ireland. As a mentor I want to see some racing progress with my lads, and some real ambition. Dream and talk it up by all means, yet the essence is sending birds to the key races-I resolve to continue my work with enthusiasm. We shall see what develops and DIE ANOTHER DAY!

Jim Emerton.



There are 4 antique, solid silver salves to go for. There is one for the longest flying bird in race time, one for the best two bird average, one for the highest velocity over 750 miles, and one for the first bird into all Ireland in race time. All for Barcelona with the BICC, they will take some winning. Dedicated enthusiasts, purists and dreamers can aspire to winning these trophies, and they are all doable. July is the month to have your marathon birds in the ultimate peak of condition, where your place in sporting history will be secure. Candidates must demonstrate stamina, endurance, survival and navigational skills-all internal- and face the vagaries of RACE REALITY. All the best to all who indulge in this the great adventure.

Jim Emerton.



This person is knowing. He has learned his lessons well. There are some essential and fundamental facts to the sport. No set types of pigeons exist e.g. sprint or distance, nature does not conform to dogma. Each bird is unique and from a mixed and diverse background. Up to the fancier to get the best out of his birds, then success may follow. Very few people will know the top as a special dedication and talent is the recipe. Be very cautious before you part with your brass, as a result of pretty pictures and hype. Filter all that you read and hear even if the intentions are good. Wise to go your own way, until you realise the dream, and external reality will kick in when you have done so. Good to know that great birds are as rare as the people who condition them. Marathon racing over 700 miles will test confidence and self-belief to the limit. The sport is a metaphor for life being a learning curve.

Jim Emerton.



Gracious, elegant, serene, the world’s finest beauty queen. Flowing across the floor, she loves to be adored. A painted lady, so ethereal, visionary beyond the material. Her fame secured and sound, our senses are spellbound.

Jim Emerton.



Were the birds out on Xmas Day? Have you made plans for the next year and paid all club fees? Is your aim to fly at International level and to be a top fancier? Will you help and mentor a fancier, donate a trophy and give some birds away, along with free advice? Would you like to do well in all racing disciplines from sprint to marathon.? Do you dream and think of pigeons every day of your life? Is the creation of a strain a worthy enterprise? Is your mental focus sharp and narrow? Are you fascinated when amongst birds and with nature. Yes, to these and more could see you evolve into a famous fancier, given chance and time!!

Jim Emerton.



Out in the snowflakes today and the wind tasted of reality. It burned against my cheeks and I felt the rush of truth deep within my brain. This is how I like to be, when others by the fire are sat, I taste a sense of freedom. Why should I conform, when my spirit is the eye of the storm? I like to feel a warm and gentle glow, out in ice, wind and snow. To feel alive in the morning rain, joy in the sun and home again. The heart of nature is a wondrous thing, when you feel at one and whole within.

Jim Emerton.



These are the two true marathon races in the UK @ Ireland. They are serious tests of the prowess of the pigeon man and the speed/endurance of the pigeons. A minority of people will enter these races, which helps to make them special and exclusive. Look for around 10 percent returns in race time, which for some can be around 10 plus days-yes a race of dogged persistence, patience and perseverance. It is for hardnuts, oddballs and eccentrics, dreamers and rugged individualists. I love these races to test my birds as strain makers. It pays to have a holiday whilst waiting for that uncommon arrival, and you need to organise your racing year around this one epic migration from Spain. Our birds go with Barcelona International with a bigger radius, more global kudos, and greater potential risk and difficulty, and huge birdage. The BICC has some lovely trophies to be won and is the club to be in, with a great series of National races and a full International prog of key races. For quality, difficulty and honour it is singular in its excellence. For breeding we take latebreds from the timers and pair them together-simple selection logic.

Jim Emerton.