I have sourced birds for some back garden racing/stud lofts in England. We have my strain of birds/Emiel Denys/Schlepphorst Stichelbauts/ Wrights/ Louella Barcelona Blood/Chris Gordon/Nick Harvey-my racing partner etc. The custodians of the strains and fellow enthusiasts are Craig Wilkinson and Chris Booth. These young men are pure racing characters with interests from sprint to marathon level. They house some of the best bloodstock in the world of pigeon racing and are keen, decent lads . My role is bird selection ,advise and general help with objectives. Jim Emerton.
Most lofts will have pest and disease problems from time to time. Aim for health and condition at all times. Reasons are antibiotic resistance by bacteria, poor housing, low immune system ,poor management in unnatural conditions. Ideally, stock should be in aviaries and/or let out each day in the outdoor/natural elements. It is a worry when your birds start to die off due to virulent disease outbreaks. In reality, many problems run their course in time. You have to live with it. Use the best foods/supplements and probiotics you can and anticipate some deaths. Test all racers to over 700 miles, as the tough will survive. Jim Emerton.
All the racers are moulting, treated and flying out in the autumnal air for freedom. Our marathon Barcelona bred latebreds are growing-the selections will form a nucleus of our own bloodlines in an aviary for breeding Barcelona to Barcelona. With 8 good timings we hope for a few more as time goes by, yet the birds are promising on our little system so far. No breeding happens after September to conserve and rest the stock. There are many pairs loaded with my old strain from 71 to 879 miles, with selected outbreds into some of them as the strain evolves. The basic concept is simple-persist with your system, plans and objectives for as long as possible! This is exactly what the wise old stalwarts have done-an art/science and discipline over chronological time! Jim Emerton.
You will need your wits about you to do this, as it is shark infested waters. Be clever to pick the right birds for stock in the first place. Race them at the bottom rung of the ladder, and progress upwards to International level at Barcelona. A scribe or author may spot you on the way up and publicise you and the results in the media. This fact can make your birds popular for sale purposes. At this stage it is important to be a purist and a specialist in a certain discipline of racing. If you become an educated or intellectual person, the world is your oyster as an author and perhaps a strain builder-all logical steps to be taken in a lifetime of pigeon sport. Jim Emerton.
Number 1 stock cook Wilfred the great bread by Stuart Knowles. Tinie tine,s lad top racer now top breeder.
My sarah number 1 stock hen bred by Stuart Knowles. Federation winner dam and g.dam federation winners.My Martina.
Troy. Direct Eric ceuelmans federation winner breeder of winners to 3 different hens.