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Joe Murphy Column 14-09-18

The Joe Murphy Column

Received an email from Linda Brooks the SHU secretary; who informed me that Willie Millen from Rutherglen made the first of the SHU Gold Ring draws. The winner being C Wright from Cardenden in Fife with the number being 109039 and Linda’s congratulations and his £100 cheque is on its way to Cardenden. The next draw will be at the end of September followed one in October and November with the final draw for £150 at the SHU show in December. Please see photographs enclosed with this article. My special ring in this draw was number 10000 and I kept it for when I bred a special pigeon. Low and behold this very week this youngster died on me which does not happen to me very often. I was disappointed as I had split the birds up months ago when I took ill so therefore the ring cannot go on a 2018 bred youngster. It may bring me some luck in the future draws with the SHU fingers crossed.

Willie Millen making the SHU Draw see text


SHU Winning Number

Racing Results

Angus Federation

News from Kenny Droog who informs us that 354 birds were liberated at Ripon on 1st September at 10-45 hours into a south east wind with Kenny Droog & son win 1st & 11th open in the federation. Macaulay Ferguson & Curran also from Forfar club are 2nd 4th 5th 7th & 18th open. Les McKay of Arbroath is 3rd open. SNFC Roye winner is 6th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th & 20th open and David J Liddle in 8th 9th & 10th 12th & 19th open.  

East Section is won by Les McKay of Arbroath club and he is also 6th 7th & 10th; Charlie & Glen Cameron of Arbroath is 2nd 3rd 4th & 5th with G Campbell of Montrose in 8th place just ahead of W Dorward of Gourdon club.  

Club Winners; Forfar sent 238 birds with the winner K Droog & son; Montrose 30 bird’s winner G Campbell; Gourdon 24 bird’s winner W Dorward; Arbroath 62 bird’s winner Less McKay.

Arbroath Racing Pigeon Club had 3 members sending 62 birds with Les McKay in 1st place with a velocity of 1471. Charlie & Glen Cameron take the next 4 places with their 3rd bird winning 1st JR nomination. Les 2nd bird wins the 2nd JR nomination. Kevin has asked for details on the winners but no information has been forthcoming.

Ayrshire Federation

News from Archie McIntyre the race secretary of the above federation with news of the race report from Berwick 1; as well as the report, Archie also attached a picture of Grant & McGovern's 1st federation winning pigeon as well as a picture of Robert Donegan who won 3rd fed.

Grant & McGovern 1st Fed Berwick 1 YB

Ayrshire Federation’s 3rd young bird race of the season was on the 25th August from Berwick with the federation due to go back to Kelso on the 18th August but the poor weather forecast over that weekend gave our race controller no option but to cancel the race. Cancelling of the Kelso race prompted the top table to hold a meeting with the race controller to discuss the way forward given we have already delayed our young bird season by starting a week later. The top table taking into account the above information and the hard race the young birds experienced out of the Kelso 1 race, unanimously agreed to drop out the following 2 weeks races from Hexham and Consett and replace them with two Berwick’s with the final race from Ripon remaining as per the programme. Jim O’Hare had the convoy of 1,458 pigeons at Berwick 1 up and away at 11-00 into light west wind picking up slightly at the home end for a race of between 91 miles up to 111 miles to the top end of the federation.                        

Leading the way into the federation this week taking 1st and 2nd fed on 1206.2 and 1205.9 is the Ardeer HS partnership of Grant & McGovern. This is John & Stevie’s first young bird race of the season as the partnership have just not been happy with the way their birds have been looking and flying around the loft. Only after seeing an improvement with the way the birds were performing around the hut and in training, the partnership decided to send them to the Ardeer Midweek club prior to the Berwick race as trainers for a final toss of around 45 miles. Getting a 1st drop of around 20 birds and comparing their times with the midweek result the lads new their birds were ready to go to the Berwick race and how right they were. John and Stevie’s 1st fed winner is a blue chequer cock that the partnership purchased from the successful partnership of Lumsden & Colligan of Stoneyburn in West Lothian. The 2nd fed for John & Stevie was a blue chequer hen. This pigeon is another import for the partnership with this one being bred for them by their good friend Gavin Ferguson of Forfar and is Busschaert cross Rolland Janssen. 3rd fed this week on 1205.4 is Robert Donegan or (Big Rab) as he is known to many in this part of woods. The birds sire is son off Robert’s first arrival from the SNFC young bird national 2014 and is a Jan Aarden. The Dam is a late bred Robert got from Jim Anderson of Kirkcaldy around 6-7 years ago and again is of Jan Aarden bloodlines.

R Donegan 3rd Fed Berwick 1 YB

North Section 616 birds; 1st, 2nd & 3rd are Grant & McGovern of Ardeer HS 1206.2, 1205.9 and 1203.8

Central Section 400 birds; 1st Robert Donegan of Darvel HS 1205.4; 2nd Ricky Young of Kilmarnock Invitation on 1164.3; 3rd Ian Noble of Crosshouse HS 1153.5

South Section 442 birds; 1st Graham Mitchell of Dalmellington PC 1030.7; 2nd Cree & Cuthbert of Whitletts & District on 1029.5; 3rd Boyle Bros of Whitletts & District on 1028.9

Other Club winners not mentioned above. A Barbour (Dalry HS) 1195.8, McKenna & Diamond (Irvine HS) 1138.2; J & T Davidson (Kilwinning HS) 1011.8, K Harris (Annbank & District) 1009.0; J Watters (Mauchline & District) 989.9, W Johnstone (Cumnock & District) 940.2

Many Thanks once again Joe; Archie McIntyre race secretary Ayrshire federation.


Almond Valley Federation

News from Lynne Stewart with the Wetherby race flown on 1st September with the convoy of 223 birds liberated at 09-40 hours. Taking the 1 x 7 in the federation is J Burnside of Armadale club with the winner doing a velocity of 1365. S Fleming of the same club is 8th & 11th with John Bird of West Calder in 9th 14th 15th & 17th positions. Robert Anderson of East Calder is 10th open with Geordie Harris of Forth & Clyde in 12th & 18th positions. R Buchanan of the same club is 13th with Jimmy M Young of East Calder in 16th & 20th places. T Gavin of Armadale makes up the top 20 winning 19th open.

Club winners as follows;

Armadale 78 birds; J Burnside 1365.671, 1365.563, 1365.563, 1365.455

Balerno 0

Carnwath 0

East Calder 41 birds; R Anderson 1330.350, J M Young 1287.995, 1265.300, F Jamieson & Son 1263.694

Forth & Clyde 87 birds; G Harris 1298.899, R Buchanan 1296.857, G Harris 1276.998, R & L MacDuff 1261.856

West Calder 17 birds; J Bird 1340.341, 1296.746, 1296.647, 1281.842

Central Federation

News from Carol Britton with the Broxburn & Uphall Pigeon Club & Central federation Wakefield result flown on the 1st September with 4 members’ sending 86 birds the convoy was liberated at 10-15 into a south west wind. Winning 1st club and 1st federation is Gordon MacKenzie flying a darkness blue cock his sire was bred by Gordon’s good friend’s George Willie & Paul Macaloney. The dam is a Gabby this cock topped the federation from Ripon. Gordon was also 20th 21st & 23rd federation. In 2nd club & 6th 15th & 71st federation are Steven & Gullane flying a Sablon crossed Van Loon bred by their good friend Bobby Logan from New Cumnock. In 3rd club & 7th fed is John McNeill flying a darkness blue chequer he is half a Gabby, out of the stock loft, and his dame is from D & J Hawkins & Evans stock birds John was also 8th; 9th 10th 30th to 33rd 42nd 44th 49th 52nd to 55th and 63rd fed. Other club member winning is J Ferguson who was 45th to 47th and 59th & 77th fed. As you can see Joe the Broxburn boys have had a great race in the fed open. I’m still waiting on the combine result so you may get this next week. Thanking you once again yours Carol and Bernie says to keep up the good work’.

Scottish Central Federation Combine

News from secretary Jo Forrest who informs us that the combine had 271 birds liberated at 10-15 hours into a south west wind in conjunction with the Scottish Central Federation at Wakefield. Gordon MacKenzie of Broxburn club is 1st 20th 22nd & 23rd open Mark Doran of Winchburgh had a good race being 2nd 12th 13th & 14th open. Davie Jamieson is 3rd 4th & 17th with Mr & Mrs Manger in 5th spot Steven & Gullane are 6th & 15th with John McNeill of Broxburn in 7th 8th 9th & 10th Mr & Mrs Forest are 11th with Hamish Ferguson in 16th spot J & C Smith are 18th & 19th open.
The North West is won by R W Hamilton of Stirling who was 41st open he was also 11th & 13th section 53rd & 55th open. Willie Orr of Laurieston was 2nd 6th 7th & 8th section 42nd 48th 49th & 50th open. D H Ogilvie of Stirling is 3rd 5th 10th & 16th section 43rd 45th 52nd & 58th open. Angus Orr and son are 4th 9th & 12th section 44th 51st & 54th open. W Mackintosh is 15th 17th & 18th section 57th 59th & 60th open with J & C Smith winning 46th & 47th open; my thanks to Carol for sending in the result.    

East of Scotland Federation

News from John Baillie who writes ‘Hi Joe, hope all is well; I bet you’re glad you don't race youngsters anymore! This has been another strange weekend, some federations having great racing and others reporting many birds missing. The result from Wakefield race for the East of Scotland federation was we raced on the Friday to prevent any clashing with other organisations the birds were liberated at 09-45 into a light south east wind. Taking 1st open this week is yours truly John Baillie from Tranent I also took 3rd, 5th & 7th positions. Jim McNeil of Tranent took the following positions 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th & 9th open with Bobby Dickson of Prestonpans in 10th place.
Prestonpans HC. Taking the 1st x 3 places is John Baillie with the cock in 1st place being bred from a pair of late breds I purchased from D Jamieson of East Calder in 2016. The hen in 2nd place is bred from my son of Padfield Invincible from the House of Aarden; she was 3rd federation the previous week from Ripon. I had another hen in 3rd position; she was bought at the Pentland Breeder/Buyer sake and was bred by George Hunter from Elphinstone. That's it for another week Joe and many thanks, yours John B’.

Fife Federation

News from Geordie Todd with the Ripon result with the members sending 670 birds liberated at 10-30 hours into a south west wind. The top 10 in the federation are the same as the top 10 in the east section which is made up of the following clubs; St Andrews 73 birds; Kennoway 127 birds; Leven 20 birds; Methilhaven 40 birds, Tayport 10 birds. First 4 plus last 3 is D Baldie of St Andrews with his club mate R Anderson in 5th spot and Tam Laing of Kennoway is 6th followed by his son in law Brian Chalmers of the same club. Centre Section is made up of Glenrothes & Leslie club who had 54 birds with Kirkcaldy Novar sending 63 birds. Brian Kinnear of G & L takes the top 10 positions. The west section is made up of Crossgates 119 birds; Dunfermline 75 birds; Lochgelly 48 birds and Perth 41 birds.  Topping the west section and 7th 8th & 9th are J Hynd & son of Crossgates with the other top 6 positions won by Stewart Donaldson of Perth club.

Pentland Hills Federation

From the Wakefield young bird race 10 clubs sent 952 birds; this race was flown on Friday 31st August with the convoy liberated at 09-45 hours into a south east wind. Brown & Black of Woodburn club take the 1st 2nd & 6th place this the 3rd week running Davie Brown and loft laddie Peter have topped the federation and New Lothian. Details from Davie on this week’s winner which is another Geerinckx from King Gladiator and Elfpender lines; the 2nd bird is bred from a grandson of Bender winner of 1st Nat Ace pigeon KBDM Greater Middle Distance in 2012. 3rd federation are Willie Kinnear & sons from Danderhall with Jock Robertson of New Lothian in 4th place. McCormack & Fraser from Castlebrae are 5th with K Dick of Edinburgh Premier in 7th spot. A W Robertson of Danderhall club is 8th with Stewart Gilchrist of Edinburgh Premier in 9th place and making up the top 10 is A Lawson of Arniston club.

Club winners;

Woodburn 48 birds; 1st 2nd & 3rd Brown & Black

Danderhall 361 birds; 1st Kinnear; 2nd A W Robertson 3rd Noble

Castlebrae 28 birds; 1st & 3rd McCormack & Fraser; 2nd L Mitchell

Edinburgh Premier 75 birds; 1st Dick 2nd & 3rd Gilchrist

Arniston 97 birds 1st Lawson 2nd Milne 3rd A Power

Bonnyrigg 56 birds; 1st & 2nd J Dewar 3rd Russell

Sighthill 14 birds; 1st 2nd & 3rd Miller

Edinburgh West 25 birds; 1st 2nd & 3rd Lamb

New Lothian 55 birds; 1st & 2nd Brown & Black 3rd W Kinnear & sons

Traprain 159 birds; 1st & 2nd Thomson & son 3rd Mark

Others 34 birds;

The Gold Ring will be from Newark; with 43 birds entered prize money will be £860 and will pay out at £400; £300; and £160

New Lothian RPC

Had 44 members sending 687 birds these were liberated at 09-45 hours into a light south west wind.  1st 2nd & 6th place are won by Davie Brown and loft laddie Peter Black of Woodburn club. 3rd are Willie Kinnear & sons from Danderhall who win £336 for their efforts. Jock Robertson of New Lothian in 4th place with McCormack & Fraser from Castlebrae are 5th with K Dick of Edinburgh Premier in 7th spot. A W Robertson of Danderhall club is 8th with Stewart Gilchrist of Edinburgh Premier in 9th place and making up the top 10 is A Lawson of Arniston club.

North of Scotland Federation

News from George Duthie who writes ‘44 members sent 717 birds to Alnwick they were liberated into a light south west wind. Taking the first 3 in the east section (who had 20 members sending 389 birds) of the fed and 1 x 3 in the open are C & M Williams of Peterhead & District club. Their club mate Stewart Maskame takes the next 5 positions up to 8th open with Jim & Ann Donaldson of the same club also taking the next 5 places up to 13th open. Colin McRae of Fraserburgh & District is 14th with G Findlay of Peterhead & District in 15th place we are then back to Fraserburgh & District with A W Buchan in 16th 17th 18th & 20th positions his club mate J (Ian) Gibb fills the top 20 winning 19th open. The West section of the federation had 24 members sending 328 birds with G R Duncan of Keith winning 1st section 31st open. D Smith of Devern Valley club is 2nd section 32nd open with club mates Fulton & Ritchie in 3rd 4th & 5th section 33rd 34th & 35th open. N Christie of Buckie & District club is 6th section 36th open with J Abel of Devern Valley club in 7th section 37th open. A J Reid of Keith club is 8th section 38th open followed by A Mair (John) of Devern Valley club in 9th section 39th open and 10th section 40th open is R Bain of Buckie & District club.

Clubs First Bird

Peterhead & District winners C & M Williams velocity 1579; Fraserburgh & District winner C McRae velocity 1553; Keith winner G R Duncan velocity 1347; Devern Valley winner D Smith with a velocity of 1329; Buckie & District winner is N Christie with a velocity of 1262; Inverurie winner R McKenzie with velocity of 1207; Elgin & District winners B & N Hadden with velocity of 1166. Well done to C & M Williams on topping the federation and to G R Duncan on winning the west section. Cheers once again Joe for all your help yours George’.

Good SNFC Birds

I have been going over the SNFC results since they were printed in the BHW and have decided to change my format on reporting these pigeons after reading Ronnie Johnstone’s article on his Irish national winners. So I intend to add the bird’s velocity and if possible the amount of birds entered by the members each race. Plus I’m going to highlight any fancier who has 2 or 3 birds in this category this way they will receive the publicity once and I hopefully can cover more individual fanciers and their birds throughout the winter months. I honestly believe that we have some outstanding pigeons up here in Scotland and it is my goal to cover as many of them as I possibly can thus giving the birds and their fanciers a pat on the back for their efforts in national racing. I know from speaking to fanciers out width Scotland how much they enjoy reading about these wonderful birds which is to me a pleasure to publicise. Davie Hunter of Methil in Fife has a black pied hen SU17F2582 who won twice in the national this year being 23rd section C 188th open from Buckingham with 441 members sending 3576 birds. The pied hen was flying 300 miles and recorded a velocity of 992. She was then sent to the Maidstone race which had 444 members sending 3001 birds and she won 46th section C 117th open recoding a velocity of 1271 a from a distance of 374 miles. We now come to T Jack of Camelon who has 2 pigeons that deserve a mention his first is a chequer white flight cock SU14M423 in 2015 he won 2nd section E 297th open flying 374 miles from Portsmouth recording a velocity of 1113 racing against 4767 birds. Then in 2017 he won twice being 48th section E 322nd open from Buckingham flying 299 miles verifying a velocity of 1269 with 495 members sending 4170 birds. He then went to Bedhampton with 634 members sending 6065 birds and won 35th section E 346th open flying 374 miles and recorded a velocity of 1110. This year he was entered into the Ypres national with 433 members sending 2541 birds and he won 56th section E but no open position flying 451 miles for 1049 a velocity of 1049. Mr Jack has another pigeon a chequer pied hen SU14M411 who has won 3 section prizes in 3 nationals. First was in 2015 when she won 13th section E from Billericay competing against 3406 birds flying 350 miles and recorded a velocity of 991. In 2016 she won from Buckingham a distance of 299 miles against 4328 birds being 49th section E with a velocity of 1181 and this year she won 66th section E from Ypres flying 451 miles recording a velocity of 1037 with 433 members sending 2541 birds. Peter Keogh of Broxburn in the Central Federation Peter has 3 pigeons that have done well in 2018 and we start with his 6 times national winner a blue cock SU14CA1077 in 2015 from Portsmouth against 4767 birds and he won 52nd section D 415th open flying 367 miles recorded a velocity of 968 he then went to Eastbourne (Ypres race cancelled due to ferry strike) and he won 3rd section D 94th open flying 391 miles against 2494 birds with a velocity of 1259. Then in 2016 he won from Buckingham competing against 4328 birds flying a distance of 291 miles winning 28th section D and recorded a velocity of 1277. Then in 2017 he won 1st section D 14th open from Bedhampton with 634 members sending 6065 birds he was flying a distance of 367 miles recording a velocity of 1242. This year he won 14th section D 233rd open from Buckingham with a velocity of 1087 competing against 441 members sending 2941 birds. This 5th win gives him the Meritorious Inland Bronze Award in the SNFC however Peter continued to send him to Maidstone racing against 3001 birds entered by 444 members and he won 7th section D 141st open flying 367 miles for a velocity of 1281. You will agree a very good pigeon and congratulate Peter on his performances; we now come to another of Peter’s pigeons a blue bar cock SU15CA45 who has won 3 times in the national. In 2017 he won twice being 11th section D 129th open from Bedhampton flying 367 miles and recoding a velocity of 953 with 634 members sending 6065 birds. That same year he was entered into the Ypres national with 409 members sending 2320 birds and he won 3rd section D 42nd open flying 440 miles recording a velocity of 1007 this year he was entered into the Buckingham race with 634 members sending 6065 birds flying a distance of 291 miles and won 27th section D 332nd open with a velocity of 929. Peter’s 3rd pigeon is another blue cock SU14CA3650 in 2016 he won 38th section D 326th open Littlehampton competing against 4482 birds and won with a velocity of 986. This year he won from the Liege Gold Cup race with 327 members sending 1072 birds and he was 95th open no section prize however recorded a velocity of 648. He then went to Ypres competing against 433 members flying against 2541 birds flying a distance of 440 miles and won 4th section D 58th open recording a velocity of 1235. We congratulate Peter on a good season and on his achieving a Bronze Award with the SNFC.

Joe’s Joke

Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement centre were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says: 'Tom, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?’ Tom says, 'I feel just like a new born baby.’ 'Really!? Like a new born baby!?’ 'Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.’

Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or you can also view online editions on: - - Pigeon Racing the Basics! - or

Who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy