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Joe Murphy Column 05-01-18

The Joe Murphy Column

As I write this article on the 11th of December it is bitter cold and severe frost, I could have used a hammer and chisel instead of a scraper to take the droppings of the perches this morning. The ones on the floor were like marbles and as soon as you scraped them they run all over the loft floor. Needless to say the drinkers were frozen solid and I think the birds are like us and don’t enjoy this type of weather although they sit in the aviary even though it is bitter cold. I always put the birds into the aviary once I go into the loft and yesterday as I cleaned them out all of a sudden they were banging on the window to get back in and were in a right state of panic. I was going to say ‘ran out’ but more like hobbled out and looked but there was nothing to be seen but the crows and seagulls were all squawking and flying around so I think a hawk must have dived onto the top of the aviary thinking it could get its breakfast. If I had let any birds out there is a certainty that one of them would have been taken.       

Old pictures

Photograph is of the author Major Neilson Hutton displaying a barless blue bar on the occasion of the first public exhibition of this rare family of Barless Blue’s and Mealy of Matt White of Paisley at the People’s international show by the Racing Pigeon in London in 1964.

The second picture is a group of Matt’s famous barless blue bars and mealies.


Received another old picture from my dear friend Guy Reed who wrote; ‘Hi Joe, This picture is obviously of a fancier from back in the day, I know who he is of course but a bit of fun for your readers; who is it and where did he live? He had a famous Barcelona bird, back in the day. I will sort out the picture of the bird shortly and send that too. He had many friends over his long period of racing one of them being one of my heroes, the late great Pau and Palamos man Cyril Medway. I used to visit this fancier when we would mark the birds for the BBC & CSCFC. See bottom of article for answer:-

Bird for Blackpool Show

I don’t think Margaret and I will be going to the show this year as we firstly don’t have the time and secondly we are too tired to wander about all weekend as we need a rest when it comes to the weekend. As you may already know we watch our grandchildren when they come home from school and this is very time consuming and tiring. Therefore any jobs or chores that require needing done are covered in the morning and before you know it the clock has flown round and it is time to go for the kids. This past few weeks have been quite hard trying to get articles to cover the Christmas and New Year period but I suppose this is part of being a scribe.


The pigeon I’m donating to the Charity auction is direct from my stock loft and was purchased direct from Sheldon Leonard of Arklow.  I still have the same lines therefore it gives me pleasure to support this worthwhile cause. 

Sire; Belge11 4281126 De Barron red chequer; he is a son of Begle03 4033136 winner of 1st National Orange for Daniel Aerens when mated to Van Der Wegen hen Belge02 2054478. She is a daughter of Belge1992 9290517 De Euro when paired to Belge1995 9504414 a daughter of TURBO 1st National Pau.

Dam; Belge12 4280830 Daniel Aerens; being a daughter of Belge08 3012154 Zoon Papa Schumi; son of Super Breeder Papa Schumi when  paired to 1st International San Sebastian; the very best of Daniel’s long distance lines. Dam of 4280830 is Belge06 4092744 St Vincent Duiven 744 1st International St Vincent and also full sister to 1st National Montelimar for Daniel. She is from son of Zwarte Pau when mated to sister to 1st Barcelona winner.  Wishing the purchaser of this mealy cock all the best for the future

Good SNFC Birds

This week I highlight the 3 birds of Peter Keogh of Broxburn who has 3 birds that have 4 national diplomas each. The first is a blue cock SU14CA 1077 known as ‘The Quiet Man’ in 2015 he was entered into the Portsmouth race a distance of 367 miles and won 52nd section D 415th open a few weeks later he was back to the south coast this time to the Eastbourne race were he won 3rd section D 94th open flying 391 miles plus 2nd open Scottish Central Combine. Then in 2016 he was entered into the Buckingham race and won 28th section D but no open prize flying 291 miles, I believe he also was 2nd section 30th open SNRPC Arras. In 2017 he was sent to Bedhampton a distance of 367 miles came up trumps winning 1st section D 14th open.  Peter’s next bird is a mealy cock SU14CA 1086 as a yearling he won 2nd section D 90th open from Eastbourne then in 2016 he flew 2 inland nationals with the first from Buckingham a distance of 291 miles winning 40th section D but no open position. He was then sent to Littlehampton a distance of 376 miles and won 34th section D 291st open. Last year 2017 he won 39th section D 364th open from Bedhampton. We now come to a chequer pied hen SU15CA 20 who won from Littlehampton as a yearling being 49th section D 406th open flying 376 miles. Then in 2017 he was entered into 3 national races winning 23rd section D 220th open from Buckingham a few weeks later she was entered into the Bedhampton race and won 79th section but no open position. She was then sent to Ypres a distance of 440 miles and she won 9th section D 68th open; so 3 good pigeons worthy of a mention well done Peter.

My next pigeon highlighted is a blue bar hen SU13L 3343 raced by A Nelson of Hamilton in 2015 she won 18th section E no open diploma from Billericay a distance of 342 miles. Then in 2016 she won twice being 67th section E no open prize from Buckingham a distance of 288 miles; she then went to Ypres a distance of 445 miles and won 11th section E 101st open. This year she was entered into the Buckingham race and just missed the result but did win some pool money, we wish Mr Nelson all the best with her in 2018.

I’m finishing off this week with a blue bar cock SU13S 5965 raced to the Eastriggs loft of J Ferguson in the south section. This cock won twice in 2016 and twice in 2017. He was entered into the Buckingham race last year and won 144th open but no section prize flying 224 miles, he was then sent to Littlehampton a distance of 309 miles and won 13th section A 76th open. Then in 2017 he won 6th section A 93rd open from Buckingham a few weeks later he was then sent to Bedhampton a distance of 299 miles and won 16th section A 64th open showing his quality well done Mr Ferguson.

Joe’s Joke

A woman buys a new SIM card to surprise her husband for Christmas; she puts it in her phone and decides to surprise her husband who is sitting on the couch in the living room. She goes to the kitchen, calls her husband with the new number: ‘Hello Darling.’  The husband responds in a low tone: "Let me call you back later Honey, my wife is in the kitchen.


Answer to the photograph above is: - Norman Fish of Southampton.


Please continue to keep the news flowing; to Joe Murphy Mystical Rose Cottage 2 Flutorum Avenue Thornton by Kirkcaldy KY1 4BD or phone 01592 770331 or Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. REMEMBER THE J IN THE MIDDLE or log onto and - Pigeon Racing the Basics! Who wish my weekly contribution portfolio on pigeon topics from Scotland

© Compiled by Joe Murphy