Under the convoy of the Scottish National Flying Club our federation sent 952 birds over the English channel. Situated on border of France/Belgium a distance of around 450 miles back into central Scotland.
Our members were racing for added £1,000 prize money from this premier race of our programme.
It turned out to be a great race with lots of pigeons homing on the night .
Wullie McDonald had a great result and tops of a great season
This year?s winner is Jim Cullen of Uddingston & Dist club. Jim has hit the crossbar on four previous occasions and it was fitting that he managed to go one better with his cracking blue yearling hen named Poppy.
This hen has shown good form throughout the season, previously 3rd club from Melton Mowbray and 11th Open in the yearling derby race. She raced every race apart from the two comeback races. Poppy was sent to this race with plenty of confidence!
She was raced natural and was bred by Jim's great friend Billy Billsland from Jim's own stock. Part of Jim's success is his wife Jean who manages the birds on a daily basis when Jim is working. Well done to both. Watch out for full loft report in near future!
Close on her heals was the ultra-successful loft of GWP Macaloney, with their brilliant racing cock Su16 312.What a pigeon this has been this season and was described by Paul Macaloney as probable one of their best ever!
GWP Macaloney had a great race , 2nd & 5th Open and win the Old bird averages
Denman -Top racing cock for GWP Macaloney
Denmans race results
2nd Federation 2808 birds
2nd Federation 953 birds
3rd Federation 4842 birds
5th Federation 2146 birds
11th Federation 877 birds
13th Federation 4506 birds
15th Federation 4950 birds
32nd Federation 2211 birds
3rd West Section Ypres
78th National Ypres 2541 Birds
The total all round racing cock.He is a complete mix ,Father is Pharlap,, our best vandenabeeles breeder.
Mother is a mix of Kruger, vandenabeeles and camphuis.
Scored at every distance... winning the club's 2 longest races..as well as getting beating by loft mates twice on trap in the shortest races.
I don't think we have had a cock as good on one single season!.
The magic of Mick McCormick and Martin Hughes put in another top performance with their very handy blue pied hen Su 15 L 4138.
The Lanarkshire federation would like to thank John Leggate ,(social convener) for all his hard work gaining brilliant prize money for this race. Well done John
Thanks to John Leggate(L) for all his hard work
Jim Wilkinson of Airdrie Dist (L) and John Murphy of Clarkston put in fine performances
Lanarkshire Federation LIGHT WNW WIND Pos Name Ring Number Col S Distance A - F - T Velocity Section Open Prizes Sect Club M Y H M S Pools Section Open Total Pools
113 Members sent 952 Birds
1 C1 J CULLEN UDDI NEHU2017BOR1 BLU H 448 1328 10 49 9 1216.680 a b c d e f N A B C D E F £119.50 £400.00 £519.50 2 C2 G.W.P.MACALONEY AIRD SU16 312 CHQ C 450 4 10 51 6 1216.409 a b c d e f g h i j A B C D E F G H I J £421.00 £100.00 £521.00 3 C3 McCORMICK & HUGHES UDDI SU15L4138 BP H 448 1518 10 58 42 1199.329 a b c d e f g h £75.00 £60.00 £135.00 4 C4 W MC DONALD DALZ SU16L10836 RED C 448 426 11 6 54 1182.952 a b c A B C £24.00 £50.00 £74.00 5 C5 G.W.P.MACALONEY AIRD SU16 295 CHQ C 450 4 11 9 44 1182.566 a b c d e f A B C D E F G H £122.00 £40.00 £162.00 6 E1 R CLARK NEW SU15L8154 BLU C 445 432 11 3 0 1181.949 £300.00 £300.00 7 C6 J.WILKINSON AIRD SU16CA1528 CHQ H 450 289 11 13 37 1176.172 a b c d e £27.20 £20.00 £47.20 8 W1 W ALLISON CAM SU17L11096 CWF C 450 1038 11 22 43 1161.592 a b c d e f N A B C D E £110.80 £300.00 £410.80 9 E2 J WHITEFORD & FAMILY NEW SU16 19 BLU C 441 615 11 11 6 1157.465 a b c d £20.00 £50.00 £70.00 10 W2 W BOSWELL BUR SU15L14370 CHQ H 446 1635 11 20 25 1156.049 a b c d e f g h A B £131.00 £75.00 £206.00 11 W3 K BUCHANAN GREE SU16L5171 CHP H 444 1278 11 17 58 1154.508 £50.00 £50.00 12 W4 W GORDON CAM SU17L11209 BLU H 449 841 11 25 22 1154.237 £40.00 £40.00 13 C7 I.RANKIN AIRD SU16L13523 BLU C 447 966 11 24 49 1150.214 a £2.00 £20.00 £22.00 14 C8 J MURPHY CLAR SU16L6954 CHP H 448 563 11 28 35 1145.893 a A £4.00 £20.00 £24.00 15 C9 McCORMICK & HUGHES UDDI SU14L6108 BWF C 448 1518 11 29 47 1145.284 a b d £10.00 £20.00 £30.00 16 W5 J GREEN & SON BUR SU16P5397 CHQ H 445 491 11 25 7 1143.880 a b c d e f g h £107.00 £30.00 £137.00 17 C10 J WOOD UDDI SU13 6285 BCP H 448 1666 11 30 47 1143.841 a £0.40 £20.00 £20.40 18 W6 J GREEN & SON BUR SU15L1481 CHQ C 445 491 11 26 8 1142.185 a b c d e f g £60.00 £20.00 £80.00 19 W7 ROBERTSON & SCOTT LAR SU15L10304 BCH H 440 1684 11 21 52 1138.176 a b c d e f i j £152.00 £20.00 £172.00 20 E3 J MACLEAN NEW SU15L2297 CHP C 441 933 11 25 31 1133.587 a b c d e f g h N £156.00 £30.00 £186.00 21 E4 K MAC DONALD NEW SU16L1967 CHQ H 443 438 11 31 46 1127.718 a b A £6.70 £25.00 £31.70 22 E5 C WALKER NEW SU16L15895 BLU C 439 1328 11 33 53 1115.415 a b £6.00 £20.00 £26.00 23 C11 G.W.P.MACALONEY AIRD SU17 1938 BLU H 450 4 11 51 1 1113.904 b £1.80 £10.00 £11.80 24 E6 WILSON & CAIRNS CAM/ SU16 4377 CHQ C 442 397 11 38 49 1113.764 a b c d e f g h i £129.00 £10.00 £139.00 25 E7 MR & MRS ELLIOT NEW SU17L1576 RED H 429 127 11 19 42 1111.030 a b £3.40 £10.00 £13.40 26 W8 K BUCHANAN GREE SU15A1990 BLU H 444 1278 11 45 14 1109.871 £20.00 £20.00 27 E8 C & E McMILLAN CARL SU15L436 CHQ H 441 162 11 42 2 1105.819 a c d e £24.70 £10.00 £34.70 28 W9 McVEY & ALLAN LOW SU16L4994 BLU H 445 117 11 49 17 1104.378 a b c d e £10.20 £20.00 £30.20 29 E9 J J K GILLON NEW SU16L5904 CHQ C 445 69 11 52 0 1100.097 c e f £10.40 £10.00 £20.40 30 E10 EADIE & KELLY NEW SU11L16515 BLU H 443 18 11 48 47 1100.051 £10.00 £10.00 31 C12 J CULLEN UDDI SU16 7492 CHQ C 448 1328 11 58 8 1099.807 £10.00 £10.00 32 C13 D YOUNG UDDI SU17L2739 BLU H 448 989 11 58 16 1099.131 £10.00 £10.00 33 C14 W MC DONALD DALZ SU15L13113 MLY C 448 426 12 0 21 1094.966 £10.00 £10.00 34 W10 A SUCKLE COA SU16 6352 CHQ H 432 361 11 35 0 1092.932 £20.00 £20.00 35 W11 J.HANNAH GREE SU15L6757 MLY C 446 1643 11 59 59 1092.529 £10.00 £10.00 36 C15 D PENMAN DALZ SU14 3594 DCH C 447 1171 12 1 32 1091.581 £10.00 £10.00 37 E11 J J K GILLON NEW SU15L7652 BWF H 445 69 11 58 19 1090.423 g G £10.00 £10.00 38 E12 S McARDLE CARL SU16AV475 CHQ H 435 1325 11 43 36 1090.001 39 E13 J & K MILLER NEW SU15L2819 CHQ C 443 712 11 57 29 1087.680 40 W12 A NELSON BUR SU16L494 CHP H 445 1098 12 2 1 1086.260 a b £2.40 £10.00 £12.40 41 W13 W BOSWELL BUR SU15L14349 MLY C 446 1635 12 4 11 1086.182 £10.00 £10.00 42 W14 J.HANNAH GREE SU16L5409 BLU H 446 1643 12 6 19 1083.003 £10.00 £10.00 43 E14 J & K MILLER NEW SU17L9493 BLU H 443 712 12 1 5 1082.249 j £40.00 £40.00 44 E15 C & E McMILLAN CARL GB16S06723 MLY H 441 162 12 1 57 1075.313 45 E16 C & E McMILLAN CARL GB16S06731 BLU H 441 162 12 3 7 1073.578 46 E17 V SMITH CARL SU14NE5215 BP H 438 1410 11 59 27 1073.445 47 C16 J CAMERON UDDI SU14L5074 MLY C 448 1112 12 16 7 1072.645 £10.00 £10.00 48 C17 J.BARR AIRD SU16L13617 CHQ C 448 81 12 15 21 1072.362 £10.00 £10.00 49 W15 D.ALLISON GREE SU16L12218 CHQ H 446 505 12 15 26 1068.030 £10.00 £10.00 50 W16 R RICHARDSON GREE SU16L5847 CHQ C 443 1711 12 13 19 1065.557 51 W17 W BOSWELL BUR SU16L12630 CHQ H 446 1635 12 19 26 1063.781 52 W18 A.McINNES BUR SU16L15117 BLU H 448 1 12 23 28 1060.547 53 W19 W MITCHELL & SON COA GB15S67245 BLP H 434 1631 12 3 2 1058.694 54 W20 R SMITH LAR SU16L8128 BLU H 440 277 12 11 44 1058.688 55 W21 TALLIS & MC DONOUGH BLA SU16L14834 BLU C 446 1693 12 24 16 1056.950 56 W22 J.HANNAH GREE SU16L5471 CHQ H 446 1643 12 26 46 1053.345 57 W23 G ORR EAST SU16L3843 CHQ H 450 279 12 32 35 1052.745 58 C18 W MC DONALD DALZ SU15L12420 RED H 448 426 12 32 57 1048.972 £10.00 £10.00 59 W24 D & A MURRAY COA GB15S66799 CCW H 432 510 12 5 22 1048.890 60 W25 W GORDON CAM SU15L13493 CHQ C 449 841 12 34 22 1048.663 61 W26 J.HANNAH GREE SU16L5432 BLP H 446 1643 12 34 6 1043.102 62 C19 E.PORTER AIRD SU15L15256 BLU H 448 190 12 37 2 1041.781 63 C20 J WOOD UDDI SU15L4348 BLU H 448 1666 12 40 19 1039.233 64 C21 W MC DONALD DALZ SU16L10801 BCH H 448 426 12 41 14 1036.186 65 W27 G ORR EAST SU16L3819 CHP C 450 279 12 44 59 1035.681 66 C22 G SHAW CHR SU16L6812 RED H 455 298 12 55 28 1033.053 67 C23 A SELFRIDGE & SON DALZ SU16L10457 CHQ C 446 17 12 42 20 1029.703 68 W28 D & A MURRAY COA GB16S07579 BLP H 432 510 12 22 36 1024.549 69 W29 E ROBIN JNR CAM SU16 6547 BLU H 450 936 12 55 14 1022.835 70 C24 D WOOD UDDI SU14L5265 CWF H 449 149 12 53 21 1022.033 71 W30 A NELSON BUR SU16 2751 BLU C 445 1098 12 47 29 1021.909 72 W31 A NELSON BUR SU13L3357 MLY H 445 1098 12 48 10 1021.000 73 W32 G LIGHTBODY LOW SU16L244 CHQ C 445 103 12 47 12 1020.989 74 W33 A.McINNES BUR SU15 6485 DCH H 448 1 12 53 19 1019.609 75 W34 R RICHARDSON GREE SU16L5607 BLP C 443 1711 12 46 43 1019.139 76 C25 S NELSON CLAR SU16L7556 CHQ C 449 1704 13 7 36 1005.515 77 C26 W MC DONALD DALZ SU17L10280 BCH H 448 426 13 12 49 994.926 78 C27 C MURPHY DALZ SU16L11585 BLU H 447 139 13 12 36 992.757 79 C28 W MC DONALD DALZ SU15L12441 RED H 448 426 13 15 41 991.343 80 C29 J.BARR AIRD SU16L13611 BLP C 448 81 13 36 58 965.230 81 C30 W MC DONALD DALZ SU14L14278 BLU C 448 426 13 38 5 964.210 82 C31 McCORMICK & HUGHES UDDI SU16L2756 BP C 448 1518 13 50 20 951.423 83 C32 D PENMAN DALZ SU16L11726 BLU H 447 1171 13 50 10 948.782 84 C33 J CULLEN UDDI SU17L2030 CHQ H 448 1328 13 56 16 944.445 85 C34 D PENMAN DALZ SU16L5752 CHQ C 447 1171 13 55 6 943.179 86 C35 I.RANKIN AIRD SU14L6768 CHQ C 447 966 14 1 29 936.070 87 C36 A SELFRIDGE & SON DALZ SU17L10573 CWF C 446 17 14 12 40 920.614 88 C37 McCORMICK & HUGHES UDDI SU17L2472 BLU H 448 1518 14 31 14 906.758 89 C38 D YOUNG UDDI SU16L2387 BLU C 448 989 14 47 22 889.676 90 C39 J CULLEN UDDI SU15L4094 DCH C 448 1328 14 57 5 880.418 91 C40 J CULLEN UDDI SU14DF2707 BLU C 448 1328 15 8 56 868.939
Jim Cullen with his winner Poppy
Jim Cullen's winning loft & Jims winner on nest
Robert Clark had a fine performance Billy Allison (L) had a good yin
James Whiteford(J Whiteford & Family) (R) put in a top performance
Walter Boswell(R) shows great consistency at the distance Gary Green(J Green & Son) (R) tops of a brilliant season with a top pigeon
Gordon Orr wins club from Ypres
£1,786.50 £1,950.00 £0.00 Totals Pools £3,736.50 Mysoft Toolkit www.mysoft.co.uk
Old Bird Average Final Board
Mem No Flying Name Club Velocity Average Hrs Mins Secs Miles Yards
1st C1527 G.W.P.MACALONEY AIRDRIE & DIS 1214.083 52 27 23.000 2171 226 W131 J GREEN & SON BURNBANK 1203.260 52 11 29.000 2140 1590 C1208 W MC DONALD DALZELL 1200.406 52 52 40.000 2163 1608 C1253 J CULLEN UDDINGSTON 1190.718 53 22 34.000 2166 1194 C1264 McCORMICK & HUG UDDINGSTON 1179.810 53 54 52.000 2168 848 W143 TALLIS & MC DONO BLANTYRE 1176.443 53 48 39.000 2158 244 E1048 C & E McMILLAN CARLUKE 1167.444 52 2 4.000 2070 1637 C1250 J CAMERON UDDINGSTON 1162.120 54 40 43.000 2166 428 C1273 J WOOD UDDINGSTON 1161.074 54 51 1.000 2171 154 E1002 J J K GILLON NEW STEVENS 1160.155 53 44 7.000 2125 474 C1504 J.BARR AIRDRIE & DIS 1155.801 54 34 58.000 2150 1210 W130 W BOSWELL BURNBANK 1155.179 54 43 8.000 2154 1567 W131 A.McINNES BURNBANK 1149.179 55 24 26.000 2170 1170 C1209 D PENMAN DALZELL 1139.347 55 29 1.000 2155 104 E1115 EADIE & KELLY NEWMAINS 1135.901 54 8 42.000 2096 1240 C1509 E.PORTER AIRDRIE & DIS 1134.769 55 36 35.000 2151 490 C1287 J MURPHY CLARKSON & 1120.138 56 24 35.000 2154 159 W131 A NELSON BURNBANK 1110.889 56 36 40.000 2143 1638 W136 G BAIRD GREENFIELD 1090.489 58 24 54.000 2171 1096 W142 R SMITH LARKHALL & D 1086.378 56 9 38.000 2079 1657 E1125 LINDSAY & HENDER NEWMAINS 1052.776 58 31 5.000 2100 386 E1136 R SIMPSON NEWMAINS 1049.205 57 58 1.000 2073 672 E1131 J LAWRIE & SON NEWMAINS 1019.873 59 58 32.000 2085 448 W150 D MATHIESON & SO COALBURN 1019.716 57 56 32.000 2014 436 W150 D & A MURRAY COALBURN 1015.946 58 11 33.000 2015 827 18 July 2018 Page 1 of 2 Mem No Flying Name Club Velocity Average Hrs Mins Secs Miles Yards W133 W ALLISON CAMBUSLANG 1002.467 64 16 15.000 2196 804 E1123 J & K MILLER NEWMAINS 1002.350 61 30 39.000 2101 1563 E1063 A WILKIE CARLUKE 983.283 61 40 34.000 2067 784 W147 D.GILLESPIE EAST KILBRID 959.448 66 17 53.000 2168 892 C1213 A SELFRIDGE & SO DALZELL 955.300 65 39 20.000 2138 365 C1256 W GRAHAM UDDINGSTON 790.419 80 23 39.000 2166 543
McCormick & Hughes finish 3rd Open
Jim Wood (R) puts in a fine performance
Billy Gordon puts in another fine performance
Thanks to Jim Hannah for forward this years Billericay Open winner for C & E McMillan, Carluke club
Tom Corrie jnr
Lanarkshire Press Officer