August 2014
Report by Gareth Watkins
Before starting with the report on the Guernsey Young Bird and Old Bird race I thought I'd mention the winners of the HOUSE of AARDEN sponsored Old Bird International races kindly sponsored by Steve and Lesley Wright. As readers will no doubt be aware, each winner of a BICC International race is gifted a young bird direct from the principal Stud cocks at the House of Aarden and these are valued at £250 - £450 each. Steve and Lesley have continued this generous support of the BICC for the past three years and this kind gesture is greatly appreciated by all members and committee.
The 2014 winners are as follows:-
Pau, St Vincent and Agen - Mark Gilbert.
Barcelona _ Peter and Heath Archibald.
Marseille - Dickie and Steve Pearmain.
Narbonne - Kevin and Lee Buddle.
Perpignan - Geoff and Clayton Preece.
Could all the above named winners get in touch with Steve and Lesley as soon as possible to arrange selection of their sponsored young birds. Once again, many thanks to the Wrights on behalf of all the members and committee on their generous support of the BICC.
Right let's get on with the Guernsey Young Bird and Old Cocks/Hens' race. A total of 2,906 birds were entered in the race and these were liberated at 9-30a.m into blue skies with high white cloud cover. Wind was light NW and the birds cleared well. Channel visibility was given as 27 miles, with force 2/3 light north westerly winds, that could increase to force 4 in places.
The table below shows the breakdown of the entry from the various marking stations for the old bird and young bird races.
NORWICH 2 / 18 NORWICH 15 / 78
EVESHAM 5 / 22 EVESHAM 6 / 27
HORNDEAN 32 / 341 HORNDEAN 9 / 89
ASH 31 / 428 ASH 24 /146
BROMLEY 17 / 218 BROMLEY 11 / 88
IPSWICH 3 / 25 IPSWICH 3 / 13
DISS 3 / 11 DISS 4 /15
BATH 5 / 45 BATH 4 / 44
GWENT 4 / 18 GWENT 5 / 25
BRIGHTON 21/132 BRIGHTON 17 / 80
S/OCKENDEN 28 /361 S/OCKENDEN 9 /183
TOTAL 188 / 1917 TOTAL 142 / 985
This is Race Advisor John Tyerman's report of the details leading up to the liberation.
'The Club had an excellent overall entry of just under 3000 birds for our very first combined Young and Old Bird bird National race from Guernsey. Firstly to dispel any concerns, many members will now probably be aware, that due to one of the large Condor Ferries being taken out of service, (as a result of accident damage) there were ongoing problems with pre-booked freight traffic to Guernsey, so this delayed the BICC transporter being shipped to the island for our race. Having discussed the situation with both the Chairman and Convoyer we considered options but agreed to wait till next day for a later ferry which in fact did not actually arrive in Guernsey till around 2 am on the Saturday morning. That is the reason we delayed the liberation to allow the birds around 7 hours further rest on site, with water on all crates. As usual the birds were under the expert care of our top Convoyer Trevor Cracknell and I can confirm they were properly fed and watered at Portsmouth docks on the Friday afternoon several hours prior to boarding the ferry to Guernsey. From comments later received the race birds arrived home in excellent condition despite the unavoidable ferry delay.
Over the race weekend I spoke several times with our Convoyer Trevor Cracknell and also with our weather Advisor Steve Appleby, who as usual gave a very detailed and professional weather forecast which favoured a liberation on the Saturday morning. With good overall weather conditions the birds were liberated at 9-30am into blue skies, white broken cloud, and a light west north west wind. They cleared well off the island and with visibility on the channel given as 27 miles, a good steady race ensued with winning birds doing over 1500ypm. Congratulations to Meg Murray who wins the YB National and is also prov. 6th open in the OB National and to Micky Watts who was 2nd open in the young bird National and looks to take the first three or so positions in the Old Bird National. Also my personal thanks to Trevor and Steve who both do an excellent job in their respective roles. Just a reminder that our next combined National is being flown from Falaise on 13th September.'
Next we have weatherman Steve Appleby's meteorological report:-
'The weather for this BICC race from Guernsey was very good. One or two isolated showers located in the channel but generally broken cloud and sunny spells was the order of the day. Updated race controller John Tyreman with the weather conditions which resulted in liberation of the B.I.C. C. pigeons at 09:30. Early on winds were from the north west over the channel. Data received from the Meteorological buoys positioned centre channel gave winds direction had veered to west north west at 10:00 hours. Wind speeds recorded were averaging 16 mph and visibility 27 miles. Obviously the more westerly element in the wind assisted the leading birds to reach the higher velocities in the east of the country. Let’s hope the weather is just as kind to us for our final race from Falaise.'
So, as you can see from the comprehensive reports from John and Steve, a great deal of work was carried out by the convoyers and race advisory team in ensuring that the pigeons were well cared for during the unavoidable delays. From speaking to the various fanciers in compiling this report it would seem that these efforts were well rewarded with an excellent race and good returns. I should also point out at this stage before moving on to highlight the race winners, that there is a brand new Silver Trophy up for competition for fanciers in Northamptonshire. This Trophy is to be named “The Barry Hobbs Memorial Trophy” and will be awarded to the young bird with fastest velocity timed into Northamptonshire (or a loft with a Northants postcode) every year, in the BICC’s longest cross Channel YB race.
The Barry Hobbs Trophy for the young bird with the fastest velocity into Northants
Let me state right from the start that the positions quoted below are based purely on members first bird verifications. The final result may differ considerably.
The race proved to be a great success with the eventual winner of the young bird race recording 1568 ypm and clocked up at Burnham on Crouch in Essex by none other than Meg Murray probably the UK's most successful lady fancier. This is what Meg had to tell me about her latest success:- "I would like to start by saying a big 'thank you' to everyone who contacted me to say 'well done'. It made the day very special. Thanks, too, to the Estuary Club members for your good wishes and your hard work on our behalf. This season has been quite a tough one for my young bird team as it has been for many fanciers. I also decided to breed fewer YBs this year because I usually manage to hold onto most of them and then have rather a large race team the following year! So only eight were sent to the Guernsey YB race and it was great to see this young hen coming on her own, doing such a good time. Our club, Thames North and Eastern FC, decided to do any age racing this season and it was only a couple of weeks ago that, for the first time, my young birds beat my old ones home.
1st open Guernsey YBs
The YB's sire is a two year old racer bred from 'Sooty' and 'Mealy' - two stalwarts of the stock loft whose offspring have topped the results sheet many times. 'Sooty' was a superb 2003 Wildermeesch that came from the loft of Woofe, Son and Daughter and 'Mealy', a 2004 Janssen Jan Loots hen, was bought at auction. Sadly Sooty died earlier this year but his hen, paired to a nice young cock is still managing to produce great YBs, and the winning YB's dam is off another pair of super stock birds. This pair's youngsters have been reported on so many times that it's well nigh impossible to say anything new about them. So I'll just have to repeat the information once again! This pair came from the loft of Lee Bastone, friend and fellow club member. Lee also flies in Burnham on Crouch and has won lots of races including the BICC and because he limits the number of birds he keeps, when he decided to try something new, I fell heir to this fantastic pair of birds. The Willy Thas cock with his SVR hen, through Radar, have bred winners for Lee including a Combine winner from Exeter while a grandson gained 9 firsts at club level and 3 Thames wins. One young bird, given to a futurity sale, won the North Road Amal from Berwick while a hen off them won the West Durham Amal from 9,300 birds. Truly superb birds that have given me winners at club and Thames level over the years."
Well done Meg and congratulations on yet another top class performance.
Meg Murray - 1st Open BICC Guernsey YBs and prov 6th Open OBs
In second spot in both the east section and the Open on 1540ypm was one to the Southminster loft of Micky Watts. This is what Micky had to say about an exceptional weekend's racing for him:- "I moved to Southminster 2 years ago where I started to race again on my own as previously I was in a partnership. The young bird went to the race sitting 9 day old eggs. I only race M&D Evans Vandenabeeles and I find these are honest and hardworking pigeons. My previous results with these pigeons are 3 x 1st combine, one 1st Amal, and also winning the BICC Guernsey National with young birds 2 years ago. I am very pleased with the results these pigeons produce and look forward to many more good results.
This is the pedigree of my 2nd Open winner:
Sire is Inbred to Myrtle Lofts world famous breeding hen “Carrie” Belg.95.3211317 Bred by Gaby Vandenabeele. (Her name is the pedigrees of 15 x 1st Open National winners). Here is a small example of winners bred down from the world famous breeding hen “Carrie” 1st Open M.N.F.C. National Picauville 4,154 birds, 1st Open M.N.F.C. Yearling National Picauville, 1st National North East Section, 3rd & 4th Open M.N.F.C. National 1,235 members sent 9,880 birds, 1st Open M.N.F.C. National Car Winner, 1st Open BICC National Falaise 2,554 birds, 1st MNFC Yearling National Tours, 1st Open MNFC Yearling National Lessay, 5th Open MNFC National 754 members sent 6,313 birds, 1st Open BBC National Lamballe, 1st Open NFC National Angers 5,977 birds, 1st Open BBC National Bordeaux, 1st Open B.I.C.C. National Guernsey 191 members sent 1,842 birds (beating a total liberation old & young 2,433 birds) 1st Open BBC National Carlise, 1st Open Welsh South East National Lillers 1,157 birds, 1st Open Welsh South-East National Maidstone 2,862 birds, 1st Welsh South East National Folkestone 1,228 birds, 2nd National N.E. Section, 2nd Open M.N.F.C. Yearling National, 2nd National North East Section, 4th Open M.N.F.C. National 9,880 birds. 1st Open Northern Classic Carentan, 1st Open London & South East Classic Vire, 1st Ace Bird Somerset One Loft Race 2012, 1st & 2nd Open Essex & Kent Amalgamation 2,851 birds, 1st Upper Thames, Berkshire& Inter-Counties Combine 1,149 birds, 1st & 4th Open Essex& Kent Amalgamation 3,380 birds, 1st MNFC North, North East, North West Sections 201 members sent 1,770 birds, 7th & 11th Open MNFC National Fougeres 361 miles. 733 members sent 5,403 birds. 1st South Yorkshire & Derbyshire Region Royal Pigeon Racing Association Queens Diamond Jubilee Race Fougeres, 1st M.N.F.C. South West Section, 2nd Open M.N.F.C. National Carentan 5,609 birds, 1st & 2nd Open Yorkshire Middle Route Combine 3,500 birds, 1st Open Yorkshire Middle Route Combine 4,510 birds, 1st Ulster Federation 3,200 birds, 1st Ace Bird of the Year French One Loft Race 2011, 1st Open N.M.C.C. Classic Messac 125 members sent 1,050 birds, 1st Open Essex & Kent Combine 275 members sent 5,489 birds, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Essex & Kent Combine Scotch Corner, 1st Section, 2nd Open Northern Classic Yelverton, 2 x 1st South West One Loft Race winners, 1st London & South East Classic Bergerac 182 members 1,112 birds, 1st Open Northern Classic Picauville, 1st Open Northern Classic Fougeres, 2nd Open Northern Classic Picauville, 2nd North East Section MNFC National 453 members sent 4,386 birds, 8th Open National Bergerac 2016 birds, 8th & 10th EDC Mullingar 7,000 birds, 10th Open MNFC NationalLa Ferte Bernard 7,194 birds, 11th Open NIPA Rosscarberry National 9,142 birds, 14th Open MNFC National 4,154 birds, 1st Section NIPA 4,358 birds, 20th Open NIPA 31,619 birds. Plus many, many more top performances. Other top names in his pedigree include “Major Player”, “Rolls Royce”, “Jester”, “Lady Spirit”.
Dam to 24908 is a direct daughter from champion breeder “Eisenhower” when paired to his own granddaughter. “Eisenhower” is sire to over five generations of winners including 1st Open NFC National Angers, 1st Open London & South East Classic Bergerac, 1st Open London & South East Classic Guernsey, 2nd Open BICC National (beaten by loft mates when both birds dropped together) 2nd Open London & South East Classic (beaten by loft mates when both birds dropped together) 4th Open BBC National Bordeaux, plus endless top prizes at all levels of competition. "Eisenhower" was direct sire to 3rd Open Million Dollar Pigeon Race in South Africa in 2012 winning $75,000.00 "Eisenhower" is a direct son from Champion "Shadow" Belg.95.3211313 bred by Gaby Vandenabeele who is considered to be the best breeding cock alive in the UK at this present moment. There are over 30 x 1st Open winners in Classic & National events bred down from this champion".
Third east section third Open goes to Basildon fancier Steve Adcock. Steve is a disabled fancier and only resumed in the sport in 2013 after a 25 year"sabbatical". The first in the clock doing 1536.9 ypm is a mealy cock of Van de Rhee bloodlines bred from stock obtained from Derek Pedley. Bred in February and raced on the darkness system the cock had been to three inland races prior to Guernsey.
Steve Adcock - 3rd Open BICC Guernsey YBs
Fourth in both the east section and Open on 1536.2 ypm was one to yet another Basildon fancier, Dean Childs. Dean clocked a young cock bred in February and raced on the darkness system. This one has all the best of Mark Gilbert's long distance bloodlines including Darkie, Treble and Marseille. Guernsey was the cock's fourth race outing of the season.
T. Langston of Clacton on Sea comes in at 5th east section 5th Open with a bird recording 1530 ypm. The timer here is a blue Busschaert cock raced on the darkness system and sent driving to nest. He has had five inland races prior to going to Guernsey. This is Terry's first year racing on the south road after turning over from North road racing.
Terry Langston - 5th Open BICC Guernsey YBs
The Laindon father and son partnership of D Heywood & Son got one on the clock for 1529 ypm. The Heywoods are a multi National winning partnership and in this Guernsey race they clocked a granddaughter of "Young Gwen" their 2010 London & South East Classic Club winner when paired to "Birthday Boy" the partners' 2010 BICC National winner from Poitiers when paired to a son of the famous Up North Combine cock "The machine" that was gifted to the Heywoods by good. Friends J&P Parker of Newbury.
D. Heywood & Son - 6th Open BICC Guernsey YB
Martin Jones of Stanford le Hope in Essex was so excited at clocking that he verified his bird twice!! Martin clocked a blue hen of Soontjen x Busschaert bloodlines bred by Tim Rodwell to record 1528 ypm for 7th east section 7th Open. This one was bred in February and raced on the darkness system having had four previous inland races.
Martin Jones with daughter Abbie - 7th Open YBs
Taking 8th east section and 8th Open was one to Burnham on Crouch clubmate of Meg Murray - Lee Bastone. Lee's pigeon recorded 1526 ypm. Unfortunately, even after speaking to Lee, I have not received any information on his timer in time to include with this report.
Lee Bastone - 8th Open YBs
Next up at 9th Open and winning the Centre section is one to the Portsmouth partnership of Ken and Lee Cleife on 1525ypm.This is yet another darkness young bird and bred in December from pigeons obtained from Dutch fancier Roel Goosen. This was the young cock's first ever race, having only been trained previously to 40 miles. This training was from the east and the west and in the weeks leading up to basketing for Guernsey the young bird team were given 40 mile tosses three times each week.
Ken and Lee Cleife with Lee's daughter Jessica. The partners were 1st centre section YBs.
Completing the top ten in the young bird race and taking 2nd Centre section on 1525.5 ypm was one to the Worcester Park partnership of Bob Besant & Son. The partners clocked a grizzle cock of Koopman x Preece Bros & sons Gwasted Ryder bloodlines. Flown on the darkness system Guernsey was his third race of the season having been reared in early February.
Bob and Anthony Besant with Anthony's daughter
Right let's have a look at the sections now.
The east section has been covered in the list of top ten Open winners. Centre section winner was Ken and Lee Cleife of Portsmouth with Bob Besant and Son second section 10th Open.
Ken Roberts & Son in at 3rd section 11th Open. Ray Roberts who is the active fancier in the partnership tells me that their timer is one of a batch of five Van Elsackers gifted to him by the Rochdale partnership of Glen and Gavin Buckley. The chequer cock has been raced on darkness and Guernsey was its third race having had a 90 mile and 120 mile pipe openers beforehand. He was sent sitting 14 day old eggs. Ray would like to congratulate Meg Murray and Micky Watts on their wins.
North East section winners were Mr & Mrs Strowger of Leiston on 1496 ypm. Roger clocked a dark w/f darkness hen of Soontjen x Belgian bloodlines. She was bred in March and raced on the darkness s/sliding door system having had four previous races in land before going to Guernsey. Roger had three drop together - two young hens and an old hen which looks to be topping the section in the old bird race.
Second NE section provisionally was one to Dave Downing of Newmarket on 1359 ypm in only his second race with the BICC following many years on the north road, follows up his 1st section from Guernsey in last year’s YB race with this time a 2nd and provisionally 3rd NE section, with two hens together clocked a few seconds apart. First through the traps was a young bird bred and gifted to him by good friend and fellow Newmarket club member Roly Rix. The second bird is from Dave’s own successful Vandenabeele stock loft, the sire being a 2005 retired racer who won many prizes on the north road being a son from a direct Red Star lofts Vandenabeele who won 1st section NRCC Thurso for Dave in 2004. The dam has the best M & D Evans bloodlines in her pedigree. Both hens were having their third race of the season and are fed and conditioned on the Versele Laga IC feeding system plus regular Gem supplements additives.
Dave Downing - 2nd NE section BICC Guernsey YBs
Shaughan T Nicholson of Bury St Edmunds comes in at 3rd NE section on 1352 ypm. Unfortunately there is no phone number listed for Shaughan so I was unable to get any information on his pigeon.
North Central section was won by a bird racing to the loft of Adam Freeman on 1223 ypm. Despite trying to contact Mr Freeman several times I was unable to get any information on his section winner.
Jamie Mitchell of Bedford fresh from his double section winning performances with old birds comes in at 2nd section vel 1122 ypm. This one is of Dom Gruzelier Hagens bloodlines and is half sister to 11th Open 1st section MNFC from Bergerac.
Jamie Mitchell with Abigail and Chloe Mitchell
Third North central section is one recording 996 ypm to the
We now move over to the North west section and the winners here are the Tewkesbury partnership of Booth & Roper who also take 3rd section vels 1207ypm. The section winner is a Jan Aarden x Brian Sheppard Blue Chequer hen. She beat her mother home who is 2nd section in the all aged race. The third bird in the clock is a Vandenabeele x Van Den Bossche hen, both birds sent to the race flying to the perch. The partners sent 3 young birds and 3 old hens to the race and all were safely back on the day. John and Trevor would like to congratulate the winners of the two races and give a big thank you to all at the Evesham marking station.
Booth & Roper - 1st NW section in both YB and Old Bird Guernsey races
Mike and Christine Lee of Alfrick come in for 2nd section vel 1141 with a Blue hen flown to the perch. Flown on the darkness system. Her Dam is a granddaughter of Jos Thone’s Sumo. Guernsey was the hen's 4th race of the season. Like all the other youngsters she is fed on Court Farm food and superstar plus. Jeremey’s Tonic is given in the water on Monday and Tuesday each week.
The west section pigeons had it all to do given the north west wind that prevailed throughout the course of the race and the winner here is one to the Evesham loft of octogenarian Ildebrando Carenza doing 1217 ypm. Ildebrando clocked a chequer Jan Arden hen raced on the darkness system, bred in December and having only her third race of the season. She was sent showing up to a young cock bird and was certainly well motivated.
I Carenza - 1st west section YBs
Gary Carter of Childswickham comes in at 2nd section vel 1213 ypm with a dark pied Van de Wegen cock having only his second race of the season. This one seems to have been a slow learner as he was away for 3 weeks following his first training toss but improved on his second outing taking just a mere three days to return home. Things improved rapidly thereafter as the penny seemed to have dropped and he was first to loft in each of his subsequent training tosses!!
Gary Carter - 2nd west section YBs
Next up at 3rd west section is the "old Maestro" himself Brian Sheppard of Trowbridge with one recording 1195 ypm. Brian clocked a January bred blue cock of Legend 1st Dax International x Trueman Dicken bloodlines. raced on the natural system he had four inland races with the WESRC and then straight into Guernsey with the BICC.
That's the young bird race winners done and dusted, we can now move on to the old bird race winners and topping the list here is none other than Micky Watts of Southminster who is runner up to Meg Murray in the young bird race. Micky was telling me that he had five birds drop together in the old bird race so could in effect take the first five positions. This is what he had to tell me about his timers:- "I had five old hens drop together and these were mainly M & D Evans Vandenabeeles. The first old hen was sent sitting 4 day old eggs. All of my young birds and old hens are all placed on the darkness system this is the first time I have used this system on the old hens. All the hens start the season as widowhood hens and then when the old bird racing is finished I leave them to pair up with the young cocks. I feed my pigeons lightly at the start of the week and then slowly increase. My main feed is barley Gerry plus and a good widowhood mix. I find this is the right balance for my birds and of course have my own secret recipes!! which I find are bringing the birds into condition which is showing in the results. I am now looking forward to the next national race and of course a thank you has to go out to M&D Evans for breeding me this family of pigeons. This is the pedigree of my yearling hen winner of the Old bird National:
Bred from half brother, half sister pairing. Her father is a direct son from “Pre Olympic” x “Davina” Her mother is a direct daughter from “Pre Olympic” x “Lady of the Rings”. “Pre Olympic” NL.05.2105064 was raced by Peter Jonker in the Netherlands and was described as one of the best Dutch racers of the last decade!!! He was then purchased by Myrtle Lofts in Peter Jonker's Entire Clearance Sale. "Pre Olympic" is winner of 1st Strombeek 4,679 birds, 2nd Meer 5,497 birds, 2nd Duffel 4,694 birds, 2nd Strombeek 3,949 birds, 5th Meer 3,582 birds, 5th Nijvel 2,336 birds, 6th Nijvel 4,461 birds, 6th Morlincourt 2,377 birds, 7th Chantilly 9,565 birds, 8th Duffel 24,807 birds,10th Peronne 2,349 birds,10th Peronne 1,774 birds,14th Chimay 3,666 birds, 20th Meer 19,826 birds, 22nd Strombeek 11,809 birds, 28th Nijvel 3,992 birds, 31st Strombeek 23,935 birds, 33rd Meer 27,750 birds, 51st Nijvel 12,673 birds, 51st Peronne 9,181 birds, 63rd Nijvel 23,698 birds, 75th Peronne 12,370 birds. Total winner of 33 prize cards (No doubles, all on different races) 29 prize cards in the best 10% of the result. 15 prize cards in the best 1% of the result. 5 prize cards in the best 0.1% of the result.1st Prov. Ace Bird Middle Distance 2007. 1st Ace Bird Region Overall 2007. 1st Ace Bird Region Short Distance 2008. 3rd Prov Ace Bird Short Distance 2008. 4th National Ace Bird Short Distance NPO 2007. 5th National Short Distance Bird Olympiad Dortmund 2009. 7th National Ace Bird Short Distance WHZB 2007. 9th National Ace Bird Short Distance WHZB 2008. 9th National Ace Short Distance NPO 2008. 13th National Ace Bird Middle Distance NPO 2007. Pre Olympic Super racer winning 1st, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 14 from an average of 5,672 birds per race. He his 100% Gaby Vandenabeele bloodlines with all the following top names in his pedigree, "Kolonel", "Rita", "Limoges", "Ilse", "De Bijter 610", "Wittenbuik". “Pre Olympic is also sire, grandsire and great grandsire to winners right through to 1st National Carentan 3,554 birds last year 2013 for Richard Turner from Worksop. Also in the pedigree you will see “Davina” also bred by Gaby Vandenabeele. She was the No1. Breeding Hen at the loft of Jos Goessen from the Netherlands. She is now owned by M & D. Evans. Myrtle Lofts. She is the direct mother to the following pigeons. "Yula" NL.2008.1869136 - (Three year in a row first prize winner) His prizes include 1st Bourges 1,321 birds, 1st NPO 5,122 birds, 2nd Interprov. 16,666 birds, 1st Marche 1,389 birds, 1st Charleville 1,375 birds, 2nd Orleans 396 birds, 16th NPO 4,247 birds, 3rd Chateauroux 167 birds, 73rd NPO 2,408 birds, 5th La Souterraine 175 birds, 60th NPO 2,125 birds, 5th Argenton 490 birds, 47th NPO 3,989 birds. Sold to China for 15,200 euro. "Arsjavin" NL.2007.1030082 - 1st Ace Bird Federation 2008. 1st Charleville 4,114 birds, 4th 21,924 birds, 3rd La Souterraine 173 birds, 44th NPO 2,125 birds, 4th Pithiviers 1,049 birds, 15th NPO 12,034 birds, 4th Bourges 907 birds, 19th NPO 4,447 birds, 4th Argenton 490 birds, 44th NPO 3,989 birds, 7th Reims 939 birds, 7th Bouillon 1,245 birds, 66th NPO Blois 2,309 birds. Sold to China for 8,800 euro. Nest mate to "Davina" is "Mister Argenton" NL.2006.1412588 - 1st NPO Argenton 3,989 birds, 2nd Interprov. 11,984 birds, 12th NPO Cahors 3,755 birds, 42nd NPO Blois 1,891 birds, 66th NPO Bourges 4,447 birds, 145th Nat. Blois 45,000 birds, 289th NPO Bourges 5,122 birds. Sold to China for 10,200 euro."
Micky Watts - 1st Open OBs
1st open Old Birds
No doubt Micky it won't be the last time!!! Well done on an outstanding performance.
Next on the provisional result is the highly successful Benfleet partnership of J & J Brady who clocked two old hens almost simultaneously to record 1527 ypm. Here's what the Brady's thought of the race:- "While waiting calmly in the garden for our Guernsey pigeons, we assumed with north in the wind that the birds would be doing around 1300 ypm, when at 13.17 two hens came in from the east, looped over our neighbour's roof almost touching wings, and hit the landing board so hard they nearly knocked each other off, then straight into loft. John Senior said 'the way those hens have competed we have won this' but alas 2nd BICC again. Our first pigeon GB13A01121 a yearling hen is bred from a son of our 2008 young bird NFC National winner, paired to a grand daughter of Jos Thone's brilliant pigeon "National 2". Our second pigeon GB11F16620 is also related to National 2 and has been very consistent in National races. We did not send any young birds as we felt they were not quite ready for the Channel yet, but they will now be prepared for Falaise in September."
J and J Brady of Benfleet - prov 2nd Open OBs
Mr & Mrs Roger Strowger who topped the North east section with the young birds do the double by taking 1st NE section & provisionally 3rd Open with the old birds also. Their timer here has a lot of "previous" as she has been 1st Fed 1st section 51st Open BICC Guernsey as a young bird in 2011 and followed this up with numerous club positions plus 2nd sect 31st Open BICC Guernsey OH's in 2012. She was bred by Colin Smith of Ipswich and purchased in a NSCC Fund raising sale. The sire won 10th Open BICC Saran for Colin and is uncle to a 1st Open BICC Falaise winner. The dam is bred down from birds obtained from Les Hill of Wales.
Roger Strowger - 1st NE section in both YB and Old bird races from Guernsey
Dean Childs of Basildon is in once again with another of his Mark Gilberts to take 3rd east section 4th Open provisionally vel1480 ypm. Dean's timer was raced on the roundabout system through to BICC Poitiers during the old bird season and was then transferred to the young bird loft where she paired to a young cock and was sent to Guernsey sitting her first nest of eggs of the season. Dean would like to thanks his two "loft managers" - his Dad and uncle for all their help with the birds this year.
Dean Childs prov 4th Open BICC in both Guernsey YB and OB races
In at 4th east section 5th Open is one to T Buckfield on 1469ypm. Once again, despite several efforts, I failed to make contact with Mr Buckfield.
Meg Murray comes in next at 5th east section 6th Open vel 1462 ypm.Meg gives the following information on her old hen timer:- "The old hen's sire is an '09 cock that came to me from Stuart
Ager. That year Stuart and I exchanged six young birds and the
youngsters I got from him were all through M&D Evans Vandenabeeles.
Stuart actually christened the '09 cock The Roman Lord and he won the London & South East Classic YB race from Guernsey.
The old hen's dam is an '07 hen and is quite an old lady but she is still in the race team and is actually sitting eggs at the moment!
She was bred from a Soontjen cross SVR cock given to me by Lee Bastone - yet another super bird that's come to me from his loft over the years - paired to a Kavanagh hen. The original Kavanagh team of birds came south with me in the furniture van along with the loft when we moved South from Blaydon, Tyne and Wear!
They were super Busschaerts that proved their worth many times
and some of their bloodlines still run through the race team today."
Mark Gilbert of Betchworth timed one on 1457 ypm to take 1st Centre section and 7th Open. Here's Mark's take on the race:- "My pigeon is a blue yearling hen bred from my stock loft. Her sire is a Deweerdt cock from Andy Gregson stock and her dam is a Vandenabeele gifted to me from my uncle. She was trained hard as a young bird and sent 4 times to Hamworthy 84 miles as a trainer with the Ash midweek club. She was paired to one of the racing cocks in mid February, allowed to rear a young un and given a few training tosses then put on the round about system. She had the first few inland races out to 140 mile but the system was not going well so I switched to widowhood and she was put in the aviary with the other round about hens. The cocks started winning straight away so when the cocks had finished racing I paired the hens back to their cocks, let them go down on eggs, and trained the hens with the young birds I started sending as trainers to Hamworthy 84 miles and in the Dorking club as trainers with the young birds. They started coming really well then I picked 4 hens for Guernsey sitting 12 days and the rest, as they say is history. Congratulations to Micky Watts on a great win".
Mark Gilbert of Betchworth - 7th Open OBs
Next in at 2nd centre section 8th Open was one to John and Bradley Donovan & P J McHugh recording 1431 ypm. John Donovan gives the following information on their bird. "Our first arrival is a yearling hen of Marcellis rocket bloodlines from Antwerp. She has previously been 35th open BICC Guernsey 2 y b in 2013 and this season winning 4th club West Bay, 7th club, 22nd Fed Kingsdown, 3rd Bromley midweek[ beaten by a loft mate] and 5th Bromley midweek[ beaten by 4 loft mates]. She was paired to a widowhood cock at the start of the season and raced celibate pretty much thereafter, occasionally being allowed back into the widowhood section. She has mainly raced inland but has had 2 channel races previous to today. Our 2nd arrival doing 1423ypm was a self bred 4yo Van Hee x Adcock hen once again racing the same as the previous arrival. She has previously won 1st Bromley midweek last season from Poole and has mostly raced across the channel winning 2nd club,12th Fed,17thSMT Combine Tours 2011. Her sire won1st club Sennen Cove in 2005 and is an uncle to our 2nd Open NFC Messac 2012. The dam was from fellow club member Ollie Stringer bought in our club breeder/buyer in 2007 which she won. She was an prolific racer inland and channel winning amongst others 1st club,14th Fed,29th SMT Combine Bergerac in 2008."
John and Bradley Donovan & P J McHugh
Vic Emberson of Banstead clocked on 1418 ypm to take 3rd Centre section 9th Open. Vic's timer is a 5 year old Vandenabeele x Van Reet hen which was a widowhood hen for most of the season. She has been 36th Open LSECC and 21st Open BICC Guernsey OH's previously.
Vic Emberson - 4th Centre sect prov 9th Open BICC Guernsey OBs
Finishing off the top ten in the Open is one to Steve Coxell of Ongar in Essex and this one takes 7th east section on1414 ypm. This is what Steve had to say about the race:- "My first pigeon timed has been raced from the very start of the season as a celibate hen, paired to another hen and allowed to sit eggs prior to marking for this race. She has been very consistent all year long so far scoring at club level throughout the year. Her next race planned is BBC Fougeres. She was bred for me as a gift pigeon by the great partnership and good friends Gosling & Jarvis of Mountnessing. Her sire being a Janssen, their best National cock having won many top prizes at National level. I would also like to thank the Wiltons for the loan of a couple of day old squabs! Many thanks to all concerned looking after the pigeons; as always with the BICC they returned in A1 condition, I sent 8 and had 7 in the clock in race time."
Steve Coxell - 10th Open BICC Guernsey Old Birds
Around the sections now and the first three in both the east and centre sections have been covered in the top ten Open prizewinners.
The winner in the North east section is the Strowger pigeon which finished at 3rd Open.
Runner up in this section is one to T & N Hart & son of Cambridge on 1360.6 ypm.
Next comes one to the Mildenhall partnership of L Rix & Son.
North Central section winner is found at the loft of Trevor Head of Willington doing 1354 ypm. Trevor's timer is a yearling hen of Koopman x Jan Lotterman bloodlines. She was used as a widowhood hen earlier in the season and then re paired and sent sitting eggs and feeding a big youngster. The hen hasn't been raced this year only trained out to 90 miles so Guernsey was her first race since competing in the BICC Guernsey YB National in 2013.
Trevor Head and grandson Jacob - 1st NC section Guernsey OBs
Then comes one to the Wellingborough loft of the late Barry Hobbs and son Troy on 1240 ypm. Troy clocked a four year old Sapin hen that is a previous winner. She has had three or four club races this season and was racing to the young bird loft where she had taken an interest in one of the young cocks. Troy would like to thank all who run the Wellingborough marking station for all their hard work.
Mr & Mrs Jeremy Wright of Lutterworth in Leicestershire finish off the top three in the section with a bird recording 1236 ypm. Jeremy makes a habit of clocking good pigeons in OH's Nationals as he is a past winner of the NFC in one of these events.
Booth & Roper of Tewkesbury topped the North west section with both old birds and young birds and their old bird section winner recording 1254 ypm is a 5 year old blue chequer hen. She has been very consistent over the years taking 2nd section 186th open from Le Mans. She has also been very consistent in the Midlands Nationals. In 2012 taking 22nd open from Carentan. She was bred from a Pouwe Bros cock paired to a stray French hen transferred to the partners and now is in the stock loft as she has bred several good pigeons. She was sent sitting a 3 day old youngster. They may also take 2nd section with a yearling hen bred from Brian Shepherd stock birds. This hen was sent paired to a young cock and sitting eggs in the Young Bird loft.The partners clocked a second bird close behind that could well finish at 2nd section. This is the partners first year as members of the BICC.
Next we have a regular on the BICC section results - John Rodway with a bird doing 1112 ypm. John keeps his pigeons as close to nature as possible and feeds a high carbohydrate diet to the racers.
Over in the west section John Fretwell of Evesham clocked for 1259 ypm to take the red rosette with one of his Marcel Sangers that have raced so well for him. This is what John had to tell me:- "She is a 2 year old hen, her breeding is all my own breeding based round my Marcel Sangers based family. Her nest mate has been one of my best pigeons in National racing this season. Her bloodlines are close to birds that have been first section in the BICC, National Flying Club, and The Midland National for me. She started the season as a widowhood hen, but her cock had to be put down after getting home after a really bad hawk attack. The hen was then put in with the youngsters, and paired up to a young cock that scored 3rd club this week, she was sent sitting eggs. I had every one of the 8 pigeons back in good time. I would also like to say well done to every one involved with the new marking station at Evesham, definitely the way forward, and a big pat on the back to the convoying team. Also congratulations to all the other section winners in both races run by the BICC this week."
John Fretwell - 1st west section OHs
Ildebrando Carenza comes in next at 2nd section with a Jan Aarden x Cattrysse yearling hen on 1148 ypm. This one was sent feeding two small babies.
Mark Dorrington of Litton takes third section on 1148 ypm.
To close this report I'll add a piece from club treasurer Russell Bradford which relates to the upcoming pigeon "moot" to be held in conjunction with the Epsom Show over the weekend of 31st October - 1st November. Russell writes:-
"As of today (19th, August) we have already sold just over 60 tickets of the 200 available. From phone calls received I’m fairly sure there are cheques on their way to me for around another 18, so already well on the way to 45% of the tickets sold. I can only repeat that it is first come/first served, and when the tickets have all gone then there may well be some disappointed people who wished they’d applied earlier.
The BICC is holding a raffle in conjunction with the Moot and at just £5.00 for a book of 5 tickets, the chance to win a tour of Mark Gilbert’s loft with a pair of YBs thrown in; or a personalised tour of four top performing lofts in Wales; or free subscriptions to both the BHW and/or the RP. Seems a golden opportunity to obtain a superb prize for very little outlay. These raffle tickets are on sale immediately at the following BICC marking stations: - Brighton; Bromley; Bath; Northampton & Ash or at Epsom both at the Moot and also on the BICC stand in the Epsom show on the Saturday."
The Certificates of Merit will also be awarded on the night of the "moot" to those fanciers whose pigeons have achieved three top fifteen finishes in BICC International races.
And... one final item of news. Carol has informed me that the tickets for the Annual Presentation evening in February are going FAST. Literally, there are very few left so if you intend to get down to Bournemouth in February to enjoy the company of some of the best fanciers in the UK and Ireland if not Europe as well, then I suggest you contact our secretary Carol Francis pdq to avoid disappointment. A number of fanciers were disappointed last year as they left it too late to book their tickets - don't be one of them this year.