Report by Gareth Watkins
May 2014
Gareth and Stuart Treharne, winners of 1st open Falaise.
As I mentioned in my last report, the BICC is going forward in leaps and bounds with 1,390 members and counting up to the middle of April. Amongst this total are more than 50 brave Irish fanciers who fearlessly continue in their aim of competing on the International stage. We also have a growing contingent of fanciers from "North of the border" in the land of heather plus the strong possibility of a large contingent from the "Dutchy" who have shown interest in joining our "band of brothers". Be that as it may, we can all rest assured that our pigeons will have the best of care and consideration from Chairman Albi Deacon, President and race controller John Tyerman, along with Chief convoyer Trevor Cracknell and his team, plus the expert meteorological input from weather man Steve Appleby.
So on to the first race of the season for the ever expanding membership of the BICC. This took place on the weekend of 3rd May from the town of Falaise in the Calvados department of Normandy in northern France. The castle which overlooks the town was the birth place of William the Conqueror in around 1028. As many will no doubt be aware, William went on to defeat King Harold of England at the battle of Senlac Hill [commonly known as the Battle of Hastings] in 1066.
And so to the Falaise race itself! A total of 384 members entered 3,229 birds for this, the first race of the BICC Old Bird calendar. There were very few entries from the Norwich, Lowestoft and Ipswich marking stations, due no doubt to the easterly influence in the wind forecast for race.
The BICC convoy was liberated at 8 am on 3rd May and the following is race controller John Tyerman's preliminary report:-
"The BICC Falaise National had an entry of 3229 birds for the first French race of the season, and after collecting the pigeons from the numerous marking stations both transporters arrived at Hordean around 8pm on the Thursday evening, where marking was still very much in progress. A decision was made to take both lorries and after loading they arrived at Portsmouth docks around 10pm for the overnight ferry to Caen. From the ferry port it is only about a one hour drive to Falaise and they arrived there fairly early on Friday morning, so birds had a good 24 hours’ rest at the liberation site. I spoke with Chief Convoyer Trevor Cracknell around 6pm on the Friday evening and he confirmed that the birds had been fed and watered and all was well. I had earlier spoken with our Weather Advisor Steve Appleby and he was able to give a favourable forecast for the Saturday which I relayed to Trevor and his deputy Steve. Saturday morning dawned with blue skies over Falaise and around 7am I again spoke to Steve Appleby who confirmed suitable weather and flying conditions, also giving me a very detailed overall forecast. For a large part of the UK we had clear blue skies with light ENE winds and 27 miles of visibility on the English Channel. I again relayed the up-to-date weather report to our Convoyers and at 8am the birds were released into blue skies and sunshine. The NE wind was always going to favour the west side of the country and congratulations go to Gareth and Stuart Treharne on a fine win into Wales. It was also pleasing to note that the McGrevy's and Reg Wright both clocked good birds flying 323 and 330 miles into the NE wind on the day. Also, well done to John Rumney and Brian Hicks who both clocked birds flying over 415 miles. Our thanks again to Convoyers Trevor and Steve who always do a fine job in looking after our birds’ welfare and also to the fanciers who helped with the transporter loading at Horndean." - John Tyerman, Race Advisor.
Next we have weatherman Steve Appleby's report.
Weather Report
"Analysing the forecast on Friday evening for Saturday’s race the forecast proved correct presenting a good racing day for this the BICC first race. Temperatures over night did not fall as low as expected and rose quite quickly in the morning. As arranged, I spoke to John Tyerman at 07:00 hours Saturday morning and advised him of the overall weather situation. Conditions generally were very good with the east side of the line of flight from France under clear skies and the west seeing more in the way of cloud especially over the west country. Winds generally were light over the channel force 2 to 3 (4 9 mph) from the east north east. Visibility 27 miles plus as recorded by the weather buoys stationed mid channel." - Steve Appleby.
A further point that I have been asked to make by Carol our secretary is the fact that members are asked NOT TO PHONE CAROL on race days as she will be extremely busy with the verification times and any interruptions causes severe disruption to the data collection process. I should make it clear at this point that all positions quoted are purely provisional and are based solely on a member’s first bird verifications.
So the scene was set for the first National race of the season for BICC members and with the easterly influence in the wind it was thought that the more westerly located members would have a better than average chance of taking top honours. This proved to be the case with the west section members taking the lion's share of the spoils and the Welsh contingent of just 170 pigeons enjoying an exceptionally successful race.
The winner of the Falaise race recording 1437 ypm to take 1st West section and 1st Open, was racing home to his loft situated at the top of the Welsh Valleys at Nantyglo near the World Heritage site of Blaenavon. The winning fanciers being the father and son partnership of Gareth and Stuart Treharne. The Treharnes are no strangers to success as they have won a number of National races here in Wales and in one Young Bird National from Carentan a couple of years ago took the first NINETEEN positions on the National result!!! Here's what Stuart has to say about the partner's latest National win:-
"The Falaise National winner is a 3 year old light chequer cock which has previously won 9th Open Welsh South Road National Eastbourne and 4th Open Welsh South Road National Carentan as a young bird. He was hawked as a yearling and as a result was just sent to a few inland races to allow him to recover. He raced steadily as a two year old without anything exceptional but was still very nervous and jumpy and I wondered if he would ever recover fully from the hawk strike. This year he had one race to 76 miles and straight into Falaise at 238 miles. He had 4 short training flights before the start of the season but nothing since. The birds exercise 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening and they had been exercising very well without being forced at all. He is raced roundabout and gets the pan before a race as do all our birds - the hens are not shown at all before basketing. Both his parents were bred by Eijerkamp and have bred a number of very good birds for us. His sire is direct son to Hamburg and Lady Martine and his dam is a direct daughter of Jonge Polly the bloodlines are a mixture of Janssen, Van Loon and Vandenabeele. On his return from the race we did not expect the birds and thought it was one of the two birds missing from the morning club race. Eventually it clicked that it was a Falaise bird and we starting calling him. He was in excellent condition and flew round for a while. It didn't look like he had been out of the loft. The convoyers had done a great job! We had 17 out of 19 but did lose a very good hen that was 4th National Saintes last year and was our fancied bird. We would like to thank all the people that have contacted us offering their congratulations it is very much appreciated."
Congratulations Gareth and Stuart on another great performance.
The Treharne lofts
The Peasedown St John partnership of Geoff and Catherine Cooper are ranked by many and this writer in particular, as one of the best in Europe as their record in National and International races over a long period of time are second to none. In the Falaise race their first in the clock was, for quite some time, leading the field only to be pipped to the post by the Treharne pigeon flying 30 or so miles further west into the Welsh Valleys. Geoff and Catherine's timer recording 1407 ypm takes 2nd West section 2nd Open and is a two year old dark chequer cock. He has been amongst the first to the loft every race so far this season, after returning badly injured from Saints as a yearling. Like all the birds, he was raced widowhood, having three short inland races, then into this, his first channel race of the season. His sire is a pigeon called “Brother to Farm Boy” who is a full brother to Farm Boy who won 12th International Dax, 3rd Nat Dax and 7th Nat Dax and 3rd Euro Diamond Dax and 7th Ace pigeon Euro Diamond. Farm Boy is the sire of Farmer George 1st International Bordeaux. The Dam is a daughter of the nest sister to Mark Gilbert's Darkie, winner of two 1st Nationals. Catherine states that once again the birds arrived home in excellent condition with nearly 100% returns. Geoff and Catherine have also asked me to pass on their congratulations to the winners and also congratulations to the new members in the Northern sections who timed in.
Catherine with the 2nd open
Third west section and Open vel 1405 goes to another Welsh pigeon raced by well known pigeon fanatic John Smale of Llanvihangel Crucorney, a small village situated to the north of Abergavenny. John is a previous winner of a number of Welsh Nationals as well as winning the Queen's Cup and has, over recent years, become an extremely enthusiastic supporter of cross border National racing with the BICC and NFC. He is particularly enthusiastic about competing with the BICC, an organisation that he likens to a Swiss watch - Rolex no doubt! Over the years, John has amassed some of the best long distance bloodlines from some of the best long distance lofts in the UK and mainland Europe so it’s no surprise that he is so consistently successful in National races. The Falaise timer is a yearling grizzle cock the sire of which is a direct son of Geoff Kirkland's good racer The Snake. The dam is a daughter of John's 2nd National Bergerac hen when she was paired to a direct son of the Lambert and Davies "Golden Pair" which are the sire and dam of many top National pigeons here in Wales. The grandfather of the Bergerac hen is direct from John's Thurso National winner Gillian when mated to Westra Eddie the Thurso National winner of Fishlock and Harding. So you could say that the Smale timer was bred in the purple. The above cock was one of two cocks paired to the same hen. John motivated the grizzle by moving one of the cocks at a time for a few hours to the next adjoining section so he could see the other cock with the hen through the section dowels, creating a great deal of jealousy. It certainly seemed to have worked!!
John Smale
Fourth West section and Fourth Open vel 1398 ypm goes to a pigeon racing way out west to the Port Talbot loft of Selwyn, son Steven and the rest of the Ashton family. The Ashtons came very close to winning a BICC race in 2013 when they finished at 2nd open BICC Alencon only beaten by another Welsh pigeon racing to the lofts of Williams Brothers, Son and Burgham. In this year's Falaise race Selwyn and Co clocked a two year old Cattrysse cock. The sire was purchased from Mr Saville in the Midlands and the dam came via Louella Lofts. The cock was mated in early January and reared a single yb before being put on the round about system. However, he didn't take to the system and so was re mated and sent to Falaise sitting 1 day old eggs. All the Falaise team were jumped 153 miles from their previous inland race. The birds are fed a home made mixture made up from Bamfords No Maize YB mix with blue peas, Gerry Plus and Diet mixes added to the partners own recipe. Selwyn has asked me to thank and congratulate the convoyers and officials for the superb condition of the birds on their return.
Selwyn Ashton and family
In fifth west section fifth Open is a pigeon racing to the far south west to the Plymouth loft of Mark Shepherd who was competing in his first ever National race. Mark's timer, a yearling VanDyke x Vandenabeele widowhood cock, was bred by Mark's friend from the North East, Colin Priestman of Consett. Not raced as a youngster, he had two short inland races this season before going across the channel for the first time in only the third race of his life. In one of these inland races he finished at 10th Fed. All the widowers are fed in their boxes on an ounce of good widowhood mixture from Beyers, both morning and night. They are exercised for 45 minutes to 1 hour in the mornings and then usually have a 25 mile "livener" most evenings. Tollisan Schroeder products are used to keep the team in good nick. The next race for the Falaise cock will be BICC Tours if all is well.
Mark holding his winning blue cock
We move back up to the Welsh Valleys where we find the winner of 6th West section 6th Open vel 1390 ypm at the Llanhilleth loft of Ken Caldwell. Ken's timer is a 3 year old Staf Van Reet x Soontjen cock flown on the roundabout system and having only the third race of the season. He is bred down from birds purchased from Keith Goodenough of Hirwaun. The usual practice is for the hens to be allowed their liberty for 60 - 90 minutes in the early morning followed by the young birds, with the roundabout cocks going out at lunchtime when they are allowed to do as they please for a couple of hours in the early afternoon. The cocks are fed individually in their boxes and are allowed to eat to appetite.
Ken Caldwell
P. J. Newton of Weston Super Mare comes in next with a bird recording 1382 ypm to take 7th West section 7th Open. Phil gives the following information on his timer and methods. "This bird was sent to this race driving to nest all my birds are raced on the natural system and birds are on open loft year round. In the winter hens are out one day and cocks the next. My Falaise timer is bred down from my own family of birds created over many years. The birds are fed on my own mix which I mix in a cement mixer every week or two. I would like to thank my wife Tess for all her help with the birds."
Phil Newton
The well known multi National winning partnership of Mr & Mrs King of Blandford Forum in Dorset timed to take 8th west section 8th Open vel1379 ypm with their good widowhood cock “Stourcrest Pictor” who has previously scored 7th Section 19th Open British Barcelona Club Carentan, 21st Section 185th Open National Flying Club Fougeres, 4th Section 18th Open National Flying Club Cholet, 1st Section, 85th British Barcelona Club Fougeres, 54th Section 103rd Open British International Club Alencon. He is bred from their very successful Vandenabeele family having been bred from a son of “Stourcrest Virgil” 1st Open BICC Falaise x a daughter “Stourcrest Helen” 1st Open BBC Bordeaux, all closely related back to the original lines from M & D Evans.
Mr & Mrs King
Wesley Selway of Highbridge timed a two year old Spangle cock having his first race on the south road, having previously flown north to Fraserburgh, to record a velocity of 1378ypm. This proved good enough to take 9th west section 9th Open. The cock's sire was bred by Hugh Brassingdale with the dam coming from Spangle enthusiast Bruce Millard of Chew Magna. Wesley is a previous winner of 1st Open NFC in the young bird National in 2005 and also won the coveted Gold Cup with the NFC in 1993. The cock had only had one race previously this season and that was from Coventry on the North road before being sent to Falaise driving his hen to nest after having been separated for a short time.
Steve Luscombe from Plymouth, a previous winner of 1st Open BICC in 2012, timed a yearling hen to record 1376 ypm for 10th west section 10th Open. The hen, now named "Little Rose", was bred a cock bred from a grandson of the great Vale Cahors, [gifted by Robbie Prettyjohn] when paired to a red pied Jan Theelen hen. The dam of Little Rose was purchased at the Blackpool Show from Robert Ten Berge of Futural. Little Rose was paired in early December and allowed to rear one round of youngsters. She was then separated with the other roundabout hens and placed on lock down for two months. Two weeks prior to racing, the birds had one 15 mile training toss and then exercised around the loft. She has had three inland races before going to Falaise. She picked herself because when exercising she was flying separate from the bunch and clapping around like a widowhood cock.
Little Rose
Right, that's the top ten in the Open race [and West section] covered so let's move on to the other section prize winners.
In the North Central section the winner here was racing to the Kettering loft of Martin Wright & Son recording 1235 ypm. Martin gives the following information:-
“The pigeon we clocked is a 2 year old widowhood cock. He has shown fair results as a young bird, then I lost him for about 3 months and all of a sudden he arrived back looking very sorry for himself. I bred this one myself and he is a Janssen bloodlines. He has had three races this season so far up to 100 miles and has not done too badly in the build up to Falaise where he clearly excelled. Flying as M Wright & son we compete with the Burton Latimer South Road Flying Club and enjoy the sport greatly, especially when we won 1st & 2nd Fed a couple of weeks back!"
The Wrights
Brian Beal of Coventry clocked the 2nd section winner here on 1232 ypm. This is a yearling celibate hen of Wildemeersch x Matteeuws bloodlines. The hen has not been mated this year and has not been shown the cock birds either before or after the races - racing purely to the perch. Brian trains the birds 3 or 4 times a week from 40 - 50 miles and they are fed a combination of GEM Plus and Diet mixtures.
Third section was clocked at the Wellingborough loft of Lee Smith on 1224 ypm. Lee clocked a 3 year old granddaughter of Paul Kendal's "Morning Glory" which was twice 2nd Open NFC Pau for the Kendals. Lee's timer is raced on the roundabout system and fed to appetite on Garvo sprint mixture after each of the racers' twice daily exercise periods. She is a previous prize winner with the MNFC in a Bordeaux National and is no doubt being prepared for a longer channel race later in the season. Lee would like to congratulate club mate Mark Wright on winning the section.
The East section winner was clocked at the Mountnessing loft of Gosling & Jarvis doing 1370 ypm. The winning pigeon is a 2 year old chequer cock flown on widowhood and having only his second channel race. He was a third round bred youngster so he was not raced on the darkness system and had one race as a youngster. As a yearling he was sent to many inland races and sent to his first ever channel from Messac 282 miles with the BBC where he won 14th section 25th National. This year he had three inland races prior to Falaise. The sire is "Kato" having now bred winners with three different hens including the partnerships last channel race position when they were 9th NFC young birds 2013. Kato is a grandson of Vend 1st NFC Pau bred by Jim Biss. The dam of the section winner was bred by their friend Steve Wakerley and she is a daughter of his famous blue cock which has won 17th Pau classic on the day; 32nd Tarbes classic on the day 52nd classic Tarbes and 25th BICC Perpignan. She is also a full sister to 3rd classic Tours and 3rd Classic Bergerac on the day. The partnership entered five pigeons in the race with 100 percent returns.
Gosling & Jarvis
Basildon fancier and past winner of both BICC and BBC National races, Charlie Simmons comes in next at 2nd East section vel 1138 ypm. Charlie clocked a Janssen x Hofkens cock flown on the natural system having been mated for the first time this year in early April. This one was bred down from birds obtained from Steve Redfern of Doncaster. The racers at the Simmons loft are exercised twice daily and fed in to a good commercial widowhood mixture.
Third East section goes to B. McAllister with one on 1129 ypm. The McAllister timer is a three year old hen containing Jos Thone Emperor bloodlines in large measure. Readers may recall that Emperor was instrumental in the breeding of Brian Sheppard's Dax International winner "The Legend". The hen has only recently been introduced to the cocks in the loft and wasn't actually mated to any one in particular so was in effect racing to the perch.
The centre section proved to be, as the Duke of Wellington is quoted as saying after the battle of Waterloo, "A damned close run thing", with three lofts vying for pole position. These were Leon Hall of Oxford, Lloyd & Kelly of Steventon and Bartlett & Jones of Southampton. In the end the Lloyd & Kelly partnership took the honours on a velocity of 1313.19 ypm with Leon Hall's pigeon tucked in at 2nd section vel 1310.9 ypm and Bartlett & Jones on 1310.5. I did speak briefly to Eamon Kelly and this is what he had to tell me about their section winning pigeon:- "He is a Blue Bar Pure Maris Cock Bird bred by Crowley & Green. He is a consistent pigeon this being 3rd 1st section win in 2 years. I sent 15 birds and had 12 home on the day and 2 next morning - all birds returned home in good condition. This was a fair race for all with some great performances." Eamon asked me to pass on his congratulations to all the successful fanciers.
I did eventually receive an email from Leon Hall with details of his pigeon and this is what Leon had to say:- "Being the 1st race of the season for me, this was a special race as I had been in hospital for a stomach operation and I was looking forward to this race. He is 1 of 10 cocks raced on the roundabout system (with a little twist to it which keeps cocks and hens on their toes all the time, plus the hens don't seem to pair together). My winning pigeon was bred out of my Norman Sibley stock, bred down from his super fed cock winner of 35 x 1st in club and fed. He is sire g/sire and gg/sire of winners. I have now had 2x1st and 2 x 2nd section winners from these Cuelemans. I would like to congratulate the winner of this race and to also say thank you to Mrs Carol Francis for all her hard work at the marking station." Let's hope your health improves soon Leon.
Leon Hall
The Bartlett & Jones pigeon is a yearling cock flown on the "naturalhood" system [make of that what you will]. He flew the channel five times as a baby in 2013 and was sent to Falaise driving his hen to nest. His pedigree shows a mixture of Janssen Van Den Bosch, Van Loon and Kees Bosua bloodlines.
Rob Jones
Mike and Christine Lee of Alfrick near Malvern in Worcestershire timed a two year old cock flown natural on 1253 ypm to win the North West section. The section winner was mated in February and reared a round of young birds before racing started. He has had three races leading up to Falaise and is bred from the loft's No 1 cock and contains Supercrack lines in his breeding. The birds are allowed their liberty once per day and can do as they please whilst out. The feeding consists of Court Farm and Versele Laga mixtures plus some of "Jeremy's Tonic" added to the water during the week. This was their first race with the BICC having only recently joined - what a start!
Mike & Christine
John Rodway of Rushwick clocked three quick one that look likely to finish 2nd, 3rd & 4th in the North West section. The first of the three recording 1247 ypm. Firstly, John has asked me to congratulate club mates Mike and Christine Lee on topping the section. That having been done we move on to John's timers which could well finish at 2nd, 3rd & 4th section. The first in the clock is a three year old blue pied hen that was lost as a young bird and returned a year later badly fretted having obviously lived rough for all that time. She was allowed to rest and moult out as a yearling before being put back on the road as a 2 year old. The pigeons at the Rodway loft are kept as natural as possible with the youngsters living in with the old birds and fed on a home made mixture containing poultry corn, barley, oats, crushed maize and lightly laced with organic rape seed oil. To this base mix John adds a commercial racing mixture as he sees fit. Like his club mates the Lees, John also uses Jeremy's Tonic range of pigeon products as marketed by club mate and One Loft race manager Jeremy Davies.
John Rodway
Over in the North East section we see John Searle of Great Abington's timer leading the way on 1142 ypm. John timed a three year old widowhood cock of Jim Biss Natrix x Busschaert bloodlines. Mated in January he reared a round of youngsters before being widowed and has had three races out to 145 miles before going to Falaise. Fed on a combination of GEM Super widowhood and Gerry Plus he was obviously in superb condition on being basketed.
John Searle
Reg Wright of Patrington Haven clocked the winner of 2nd North East section on 1131 ypm. His timer is a yearling Blue Hen of Heremans Ceuster breeding. Reg races a total of 20 hens raced on the roundabout system. Feeding is a combination of home mixed feed at the beginning of the week with widowhood mix introduced towards the end of week. The race team has been exercised twice daily since the beginning of February so they were certainly fit for the start of racing. The cocks are always shown prior to the race and again on return. Reg has been a fancier since the age of 7 and started racing at age 16yrs in Croydon. He moved back to his hometown of Hull in 2010 with Janssen Van Loon stock birds and has recently introduced some new strains including Van der Merwe, Maris, Heremen Ceuster and R&K O'Connor strain from Croydon. This is his 4th year back racing prior to moving and his first season with the BICC. Reg states that the birds had been well looked after and were in excellent condition on return. He also says that a new marking station in the North would be really great to avoid the long journey to Northampton! There you go Reg you can volunteer to run it!!
Reg Wright
Third North East section goes to one racing to the Bury St Edmunds loft of Brian Mean recording 1085 ypm who clocked a two year old blue hen flown on the natural system which was bred by Chris Bougen.
At the final count, a total of 351 members verified pigeons from the total number of 384 members who sent - that's a success rate of 91.4%. I think that can safely be classified as a VERY successful race. Well done to all concerned.
Before I close this race report I would like to point out that the BICC, through its members’ support of the Charity Nom, have raised £1119.50 for the Bowel Cancer Charity fronted by Lynn Faulds Wood. I have included below Lynn's letter of thanks which was sent to club Vice President Mike Armitage.
Hi Mike,
Thanks so much for the wonderful cheque for £1119.50. I know how hard it is to raise such huge sums of money and I can guarantee every penny will go on our work as no one involved with the charity receives any payment - especially me as you know. We are working with University College London on our simple Home Symptoms Checker - - and it is going onto the NHS Choices website - it would be great if the funds raised could go towards that project.
Our videos are proving very popular - across the world too. In the Czech Republic 90,000 people have watched my colonoscopy on MEP Pavel Poc's website - he chairs the gastroenterology committee in the European Parliament - but it is amazing so many people in so many different countries are watching our videos in English! If anyone wants to see them, they're on YouTube (my colonoscopy has been watched nearly 230,000 times on that channel alone) and on in case anyone wants more information.
Best wishes to all your lovely family - and the pigeon people who worked so hard to raise so much money.
Lynn Faulds Wood
So members can see that their monies are being put to good use and the Bowel Cancer Charity should continue to be enthusiastically supported through the Z pool otherwise known as the Charity Nom.
One final piece of news just in as I complete this race report, is the fact that one of the BICC's most generous benefactors, Jim Emerton of York, has kindly donated a trophy to the value of £500 for competition by Cornish fanciers and will be awarded to the fancier who clocks the first bird into Cornwall from the Barcelona International race. This will be known as the Jim Emerton Mensa Barcelona Trophy. So there you go Dutchy fanciers, there's a fine trophy for which you can compete and I have been assured that if enough of you join the BICC you will have a number of other prestigious trophies up for grabs. It's up to you now. I can also inform members that Jim Emerton has also presented a trophy to the Cureghem Centre the organisers of the Barcelona International race, for competition by UK fanciers for the first bird clocked flying over 750 miles into the UK from the Barcelona race. These two new trophies come in addition to the two £1000 trophies already donated by Jim to the BICC for competition in the Barcelona International race. I think I speak for all long distance enthusiasts in thanking Jim for his continues generous support. Many thanks Jim.