Burton & South Derbyshire Federation.
Davis, Wright & sons take first five out of Cheltenham (1).
Saturday July 29th saw the federations opening young bird race of 2023 from Cheltenham, this was put back a week due to the poor weather and predicted lack of entries for the scheduled weekend of July 22nd/23rd.
43 members from 8 clubs entered 1071 birds which were liberated by Alys at 11:00 in a fresh SW wind, turning W.S.W. en-route. It turned out to be a good opening race despite the strong westerly winds with very decent returns; Swadlincote Town members took the top 12 in the fed, in fact apart from Mr & Mrs Alan Houldsworth’s winner at O.P.H.S. in 13th spot; the top 20 in the fed belonged to Swadlincote Town birds.
Congratulations to Davis, Wright & sons of Swadlincote Town on taking the top five and 10th fed. The first five timed in a 3 second spell recorded velocities of 1830.9; 1830.9; 1829.9; 1829.9; 1829.4. The fed topper is a dark cheq cock; his sire topped the fed out of Hullavington; he’s a son of the Gordon Bros “147” when paired to the lofts top Staf van Reet hen, she topped the fed out of Kingsdown. The dam is line bred to Debbie Fearn’s “Hideaway” x Honeysuckle Lofts Jansenne.
Runner up was a mosaic hen; her sire is a son of Debbie Fearn’s “Hideaway” x “Sweetie”; the dam is a daughter of “31616” when paired to a daughter of Tony and Lee Painters “Van Persie”.
3rd fed was a blue pied hen; she’s a daughter of Gordon Bros “Champ” x “Golden Eggs”.
4th fed was a blue pied cock; his sire is “Father Ted” who’s a brother to Tony & Lee Painters “Van Persie”, her dam is a daughter off the Gordon Bros “Champ” x “Golden Eggs”.
5th fed was a blue cock; his sire is a son of “The Sandra Cock” when paired to “Frankie”; his dam is a George Carteus hen.
T & D Fearn was 6th; 7th; and 8th fed on 1806; 1805.9; 1805.4; Debbie’s first was a cheq wf hen; her sire is a mealy pied son of “Paleface” who’s a winning brother of “Tiger” ;when he was paired to “Cleo”; who’s a daughter of “Hideaway” ; she’s a multiple prizewinner including 1st fed Carentan. Her mother is a Kris Wijnant from the Gordon Bros, a daughter of “The Freak” and “Golden Eggs”. Debbie’s 2nd bird was a cheq cock; his sire a grandson of “Hideaway” x Honeysuckle Loft Jansenne; he’s a winner of 3 x 1st. His mother is off a son of Tony & Lee Painters “Van Persie” x “Sweetie”. Debbie’s third was a lavender cock; his sire is a son of “Hideaway” when paired to a daughter of Davis, Wright & sons “31616” x with the daughter of “Van Persie”; this makes the lavender cock the same way bred as Davis, Wright & sons fed runner up.
Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & son were 9th on 1802 with a cheq hen out of a granddaughter of “Kittel”.
Davis, Wright & sons back again in 10th spot on 1796 with a blue cock; his sire a Staf van Reet, a winner of 1st; 3rd and 5th fed; his mother another van Reet; is a winner of 2nd and 5th fed. In total, the Davis, Wright & sons loft had 11 birds in the fed top 20.
Around the clubs,
At Stretton, 5 sent 139 and Phil Bourke took the first four on 1671.1; 1671.1; 1670.7; 1670.7; the winner a cheq cock; a Hereman Cuester x Central Lofts Van den Bulck, a granddaughter of “Blackpool Kittel”; he was followed by a red cock off Steve & Paul Kulpa x Scottish national winning lines. Both these cocks were bred and gifted to Phil by Mark Evans of Denbighshire, well done Mark.
3rd club was a cheq Flanders x “Griepel” cock bred by Excelsior; then a home bred M/M Lycett Vandenabeele hen.
Up into Derby now, at Osmaston Park, 9 sent 172 and Mr & Mrs Alan Houldsworth took top spot on 1794 with a blue hen; her sire off Kev Southall of Hilton; the dam home bred, probably off Alan’s Lambrechts?
Dave Waddington was runner up on 1766 with a blue cock out of “The Bat” and Alan Brassington blood lines.
S & H. W. Hall was 3rd & 4th on 1731.5 (2); Stan timing in a blue wf hen and a blue hen; both off his Dave Stone stock.
At Etwall, 6 sent 81 and Kev Southall took the first four, the winner on 1676 a blue Van den Bulck cock; followed by a blue Van den Bulck hen on 1651; then two dark wf Cuester hens on 1650; 1534.
Up at Holbrook, 5 sent 203 and Glynn Stone took the first five on 1737; 1722; 1693; 1675.9; 1675.4; the winner bred by Ian Snaith, runner up bred by Mark Sherwood, both these birds are N.M.C.C. futurity birds.
3rd club was a Hereman Cuester; bred the same way as the cock that was 2nd open in the potteries one loft race final in 2022. 4th club was another Hereman Cuester, this one the same way bred as the club’s best yb of 2022. 5th club was another Hereman Cuester, this one bred off Johnathan Jackson stock.
Over at Hill Ridware, 4 sent 60 and Mr & Mrs Jim Whitehouse & sons took the top three on 1627; 1621; 1621; the winner a grizzle cock; followed by a grizzle hen; then a blue wf cock, these were bred by Barry Jones off his Johan den Hartog & son stock.
D. Nesbitt & sons was 4th club on 1615 with a blue Leo Hereman cock.
At Swadlincote Town, 10 sent 300 and they virtually dominated the fed result, details of the leading birds above.
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“The Maltster”
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