Burton & South Derbyshire Federation.
Spink & Barks take top two out of Hullavington (1).
Saturday August 12th saw 53 members from 9 clubs send birds 1034 to the first of two Hullavington races.
Young bird sickness has raised its’ ugly head again, not only in our area, but across the midlands and further afield?
Not only is this upsetting for the birds and their owners, the knock on affect is that birdage is down for federations, in races where numbers are normally at their peak?
Fingers crossed the young birds get through this quickly and they can build up fitness again ready to resume racing?
Back to the race, and with showers again forecast to arrive here at the home end around lunchtime, Alys managed to get the strings cut and birds released at 09-35 into a strong SSW wind, a fast race was on the cards, with the majority of birds going over, but in general the returns were good.
Congratulations to the Armitage loft of Spink & Barks, who fly in Hill Ridware, Phil & Daz took 1st; 2nd; and 4th fed on 2029; 2026; 2002, they actually had three arrive together, but the 2nd bird over the pad, didn’t register on the ETS!!
Their winner is a cheq Leo Hereman x De Bruin hen, her sire is a son of Phil & Daz’s top De Bruin hen “95”, and the dam was bred by good friend Alan Devlin of Workington up in Cumbria. She is a daughter of Alan Johnson’s cock which came from Brian Johnson. “The Johnson Cock” is a son of the famous “610” hen and a grandson of “Olympiade 003”.
Runner up was a blue hen off Mr & Mrs Jim Whitehouse & sons stock; which originates from Simon Parkinson; the sire is a full brother to “Sunday Girl” and the dam is a daughter of “Paula Radcliffe”.
4th fed was another blue hen; this hen won the previous week out of Cheltenham (2), her sire is off Mark Nesbitt, he’s a full brother to fed winners; the dam is out of a son of the De Bruin hen “95” when paired to a Louis Thijs from Jim Whitehouse.
The previous weeks fed toppers Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton of Swadlincote Town were 3rd fed on 2018 with a blue cock, the sire is Alan’s top wall, Lunt & Green cock, who is 18 years old and still filling his eggs; the dam came from Geoff Farmer out of birds he purchased from Ray Lunt.
Liam Clamp of Winshill was 5th fed on 1997 with a blue wf hen.
Phil Bourke of Stretton had three together to take 6th; 7th; and 8th fed on 1994.7; 1995.3; 1992.
The first over the pads was a blue cock, his sire a brother to “Eddy”; and the dam a full sister of “Mr Fahrenheit”, so steeped in the best of Mr & Mrs Lycett bloodlines.
7th fed was a blue Heremans hen bred by Excelsoir stud; the sire a son of champion “Better than Bolt” a winner of 14 x 1st; the dam a full sister to Curtis, Wall & Lunt’s “Super 65” a winner of 4 x 1st fed.
8th fed was a blue Stefaan Lambrecht x Pitbull hen, bred off one of Mick & Adam O’Hara top pairs “Mealy Mick” and “Blauwe Pitbull”. This pair from the Liverpool lofts has bred multiple winners, who have then gone on to breed further winners at federation level.
9th fed on 1974 was Brian & Sue Stone of Belper, flying at Holbrook. They took the first 6 in the club, the best coming off stock from Danny de Voogd of Yerseke in Holland.
10th fed on 1973.5 was Ron Dakin & son of Stretton FC, Ron timed in a white cock off a Buscheart x Phil Whetton Lambrecht. The Lambrecht hen is off a cock from the late Trevor bird when paired to a granddaughter of “De Zot” from Matt Munslow.
Around the clubs,
At Stretton, 5 sent 145 and the top four all appear in the fed report above.
At Holbrook, 4 sent 180 and Brian & Sue Stone took the top six, the first taking 9th fed, details above.
2nd club was Jansenne cock, a son of Brian & Chris Guilford’s NRCC winner.
3rd club on 1972 was a Van den Bulck; and the 4th on 1963 was a son off Brian & Sue’s top Macaloney cock.
At Etwall, 7 sent 86 and Kev Southall made it a hat trick of wins with his ybs, taking 1st & 3rd club on 1910; 1827; both van den bulck cocks from stock of the Jackpot Lofts in Ireland. Steve Billings was a close runner up on 1909 with a blue hen; and J & J Lofts were 4th on 1815 with a blue cock.
Into Derby now, at Osmaston Park, 14 sent 211 and the Shenton Bros took top spot on 1927 with a cheq cock off their stock from Mr & Mrs Child’s & son of Stretton.
Alan & Liz Houldsworth were 2nd & 3rd on 1906; 1905; with a red cock and a blue hen, both off stock from Spink & Barks of Armitage.
Mick Stone was 4th on 1882 with a blue Eric Ceuleman hen.
At Swadlincote Town, 8 sent 169 and Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton were 1st; 3rd; and 4th on 2018; 1928; 1925; the winner; a blue cock was 3rd fed and details are above. The next two to the Newhall Lofts were a cheq pied hen off stock from Sean McDonough x with a Steve Foster Lambrecht, then a cheq cock off the Sean McDonough stock, the sire out of Sean’s national winning lines, the dam a granddaughter of “Magic Pie”. This young cock is the same way bred as Alan’s fed runner up the previous week out of Cheltenham (2). Charlie Murfin was runner up on 1932 with a cheq cock out of a Ponderosa Jansenne x Sylvain Verhestraeten.
Across at Hill Ridware, 5 sent 111 and Spink & Barks took the top three which all appeared in the fed top 10 report above. Mr & Mrs Jim Whitehouse & sons continue their good form with the ybs, taking 4th club on 1967 with a blue Johan den Hartog & son cock, this was bred by Barry Jones and is nestmate to the blue wf cock that was runner up in the club the week previous.
any news to
“The Maltster”
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