Burton & South Derbyshire Federation.
Phil Bourke takes 1st & 2nd fed out of a hot Honiton race.
Saturday September 9th was certainly a hot one, so hot that a lot of members decided to either give it a miss or send a depleted team; one can’t blame anyone given the forecast. Add to this the MNFC and MCC had races the same day too, so a much lower birdage this week.
Luckily the low mist cleared and Alys liberated the breeder buyer birds at 08:30; and the fed race birds at 09-15; with no wind to talk of at the race point or en-route home. The birds did a lot better than most of us thought, with temperatures reaching close on 30 degrees in the afternoon.
34 members from 7 clubs entered 408 birds; and congratulations go out to Phil Bourke of Stretton on taking 1st & 2nd fed on 1399.5; 1399.2; with a pair of nestmates. These two blue hens are bred out of a brother to Mr & Mrs Lycett’s champion “Eddy” when paired to a Central Lofts “Kittel”; the fed topper was 2nd club the week before out of Yeovil. In total Phil had 4 birds in the top 19 of the fed, not a bad effort that; only sending 10 hens; well done Phil.
Spink & Barks of Hill Ridware had three together to take 3rd; 4th; and 5th fed on 1379.3; 1379.2; 1379.1; the first a blue hen, her sire a son of their top De Bruin hen “95”; her dam out of a direct Louis Thijs from Jim Whitehouse. She was followed by another blue hen; this one bred by Jim Whitehouse out of his Simon Parkinson stock; her mother is a full sister to Simon’s “Paula Radcliffe”. Close behind was a cheq hen out of stock from the Cumbria ace Alan Devlin. The sire is a son of “The Flanders Cock”; the dam “Purple Safier” who is inbred to the “Safier Cock”; and he is a full brother to Chris Knowles “Birthday Boy”.
Mr & Mrs Jim Whitehouse & sons, also of Hill Ridware; was 6th & 10th fed on 1378.7 and 1374. Both these are Johan Den Hartogs from Barry Jones stock.
S & H. W. Hall of Osmaston Park in Derby was 7th; 8th; and 9th fed on 1378.3; 1378.3; and 1378.2. The first was a chq wf hen off Russ Bailey and Dave Stone stock; then a cheq cock off Dave Stone lines and a blue Van Den Bulck hen. Well done Stan.
Around the clubs,
Starting at Stretton, where 3 sent 52 and Phil Bourke took the top three positions on 1399.5; 1399.2; 1371; the first two took 1st & 2nd fed, details above. 3rd club was a cheq Soontjen x Vandenabeele hen; her sire is “Bo’s Bro”.
Phil Whetton was 4th on 1370 with the same mealy hen that won the week before out of Yeovil. She’s a Lambrecht x Van den Bulck out of the Ian Parsons Lambrechts and the Jackpot Lofts Bulcks from Kev Southall.
Up at Holbrook, 3 sent 36 and a big well done to Fred Turner on taking the top three in the club on 1305; 1280; 1255; the winner out of syndicate lofts stock; followed by two Cooremans from Trevor Jennings.
T & J Mather & S Haywood were 4th on 1235; tony timing in one out of his distance blood; the dam was 1st section I N.F.C Coutances last year.
Across at Hill Ridware, 3 sent 56 and the top five all appear in the fed result above.
At Swadlincote, 5 sent 82 and Davis, Wright & sons continue their impressive season with another winner. Taking first club on 1362 was the blue wf hen that was 4th club the week before out of Yeovil. Her sire is a Kris Wijnant out of “The Champ” and “Golden Eggs” pairing which came from the Gordon Bros. The dam is a daughter out of their top racer and breeder “31616” when paired to a daughter of Tony & Lee Painters “Van Persie”.
Charlie Murfin was runner up on 1305 with a cheq wf hen; this one is bred by Debbie Fearn and purchased by Charlie in the club breeder buyer, hence winning the weekly breeder buyer prize. The sire is a son of Tony & Lee Painters “Van Persie” when paired to a Kris Wijnant hen who’s a daughter of “Freak” and “Golden Eggs”. The dam is off a grandson of “Hideaway” who is a winner of 3 x 1st x with a Stefaan Lambrecht hen, who is dam of multiple prizewinners.
Davis, Wright & sons were back again in 3rd spot on 1302 with a red grizzle hen; his sire a Kris Wijnant; is off “Champ” and “Golden Eggs”; the dam is a Staf van Reet.
Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & son were 4th on 1287 with a blue cock; bred by Mr & Mrs Alan Stretton; and purchased at the transporter sale held at Gresley Old Hall.
At Osmaston Park, 10 sent 74 and S & H.W. Hall took the top three positions on 1378.3 (2) and 1378.2. Details of these three above in the fed report.
Shenton Bros were 4th on 1278 with a cheq cock out of their stock from Mr & Mrs Childs & son of Stretton.
At Etwall, 7 sent 58 and Alan Peach was 1st & 3rd on 1323; 1311; the winner a grizzle Roland Jansenne cock, followed by a red Jansenne hen.
Pete Harrison was 2nd club on 1314 with a dark cheq hen and Kev Southall 4th on 1297 with a blue cock out of a Tony & Lee Painter x Van den Bulck pairing.
Lees & Miller win the 2023 fed breeder buyer
Over the 2 sales 54 birds were entered for the 2023 fed breeder buyer; of these; 22 made it to the race entered by 13 members.
Congratulations to R & J Lees & Miller on taking the first prize. Ray & Jean timed in a blue pied cock bred by Alan Peach; to record an excellent winning velocity of 1436, both lofts received £474.40 each.
Runners up on 1420 were Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & son timing in a dark cheq hen bred by Kevin Johnson, both lofts receiving £355.80.
Trevor and Gary also took 4th spot on 1230 with a blue pied hen bred by themselves; picking up another £237.20; so in total they picked up £593.00, good days work lads.
Mr & Mrs Graham Evans took 3rd spot on 1384 with a blue hen bred by Mr & Mrs Don Wilson of Egremont up in Cumbria, regular supporters of this race, so well deserved, both lofts received £237.20 each.
Total prizemoney paid out was £2372.00.
Congratulations to Alan Peach on a very succesful weekend; he won Etwall on the Saturday; bred the breeder buyer winner for Ray & Jean Lees and then was runner up in the who dares wins one loft race semi- final from Chale on the Sunday, nice one Alan.
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“The Maltster”
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