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Mick and Neil Harvey take top 2 in fantastic race out of Hullavington.

Saturday June 22nd saw 71 members enter 1201 birds for the first visit to the Wiltshire village of Hullavington. It was a glorious day, warm, with blue skies, fluffy white clouds and a westerly wind.

This was a short and sweet comeback race for the birds and after the rigours of the previous weeks they seemed to enjoy it? Alys cut the strings at 10-20 and ETA into Burton was the hour and 45 minute mark for the trip of just over 90 miles.

Congratulations to Mick and Neil Harvey of Swadlincote Town flying to their Loft 2 at Neil’s home; they took 1st & 2nd fed on 1575; 1574; the fed topper was a 2yo cheq hen; her sire is a grandson of “Corky’s Pride” the Tom Sherwood Jansenne hen that won the MNFC Bordeaux race for Mick & Neil. He was bred out of a son of “Corky’s Pride” when paired to a full sister to James Parker’s “National Beauty” who was a winner of the NFC Fougeres in 2016. The dam of the fed topper is a Hereman Cuester from Gary Cox of Hull. 

Mick Neil Harvey 1st 2nd Fed Hullavington27 06 24bsd

Mick & Neil Harvey 1st & 2nd Fed Hullavington

2nd fed was a yearling White cock; his sire is on loan from Neil’s good friend James Parker of Reading; it is bred off some of his recent purchases off Marcel Sanger’s “Kittel” and “Greipel” lines. The dam of the fed runner up is off Mick and Neil’s top Hereman Cuester pair from Chris Vasey and Gary Cox stock, this pair is responsible for breeding fed toppers; multiple other fed cards and 3rd open NMCC.

Club mate Charlie Murfin was 3rd & 4th fed on 1571.8; 1571.0; the first a 2yo blue cock; his sire a son of Sylvain Verhestraetens “Jaguar”; his dam loaned off Debbie Fearn. He was followed by a yearling blue cock, again a Verhestraetan x Debbie Fearn.

Taking 5th and 9th fed on 1569; 1567.2 was Phil Bourke of Stretton, the first was the good yearling cock “Kev”; this cock was bred by Kev Matthews of Holbrook, his sire a Van den Bulk x Leo Hereman; his dam the Jos Cools that topped our fed for Kev; this is the second win for this cock this year. He was followed by a yearling Soontjen hen, a daughter of “Mo’s Bro” from the D & G Wright stock. This hen was tipped to come well by young Jack, who for the second week running had been playing about with the hens during the week, and for the second week running his tip came to the loft first!! Keep it up Jack.

JACK BOURKE27 06 24bsd    Kev Phil Bourkes winner out of Yeovil 3 Hullavington27 06 24bsd

JACK BOURKE & Kev, Phil Bourkes winner out of Yeovil (3) & Hullavington

Mark Nesbitt of Hill Ridware was 6th fed on 1568.5 with a yearling Dark cock off friend Nathan Foulkes of Stoke on Trent.

Back to South Derbyshire now; and Davis, Wright & Sons of Swadlincote Town take 7th fed on 1567.7 with a 3yo Blue Pied cock, he’s a previous winner of 1st; 3rd and 5th fed; his sire a son of the lofts original Staf Van Reet stock; his dam a daughter of Tony & Lee Painter’s  “Kev’s Boy”

C.T.Leadbeater & Sons of Hill Ridware was 8th fed on 1567.5 with a yearling Johan Van Herck hen; a previous winner of 3rd fed Yeovil

10th fed on 1566.8 was Glyn Stone and his mum Glenda, flying under the name of M. Stone up at Holbrook. Their first timing a 2yo Simon Parkinson hen, she’s a grand daughter of Simon’s 2 x 1st open MNFC winner.

Around the clubs,

Starting at Stretton, 7 sent 144 and Phil Bourke was 1st & 2nd on 1569; 1567; both these birds details appear in the top ten report above.  

Pete & Jackie Cox were 3rd & 4th on 1561; 1560; both 3yo cocks bred off stock from Ann Smith of Ashbourne, the first a blue “Wild Wind” Leo Hereman; closely followed by a cheq “Best Kittel”.

Into Derby now, at Osmaston Park, 16 sent 206 and Mick Stone took top spot on 1537 with a yearling van den Bulck cock.



Mick Fearn was runner up on 1535 with a 3yo Lambrecht hen. 

Stan Hall was 3rd on 1527 with a yearling Cheq cock off Dave Stone stock from the Windmill View lofts.

Secretary Steve Stone was 4th on 1515 with a yearling Dark cheq hen purchased as a yb from Trevor Jennings of Holbrook, possibly one of the good Cooremans Trevor raced?

Up at Holbrook, 6 sent 137 and Glyn Stone flying with help from his mum Glenda had a great race, they took 9 of the top 10 positions. Their winner on 1566 was the 2yo Simon Parkinson hen. Their 3rd club on 1545 was a 2yo blue hen off the good racing cock “05”; who was a multi winner of fed cards and 9th open NMCC. 4th club on 1544 was the very good Hereman Cuester hen “46” she’s been in the top 6 in the club 5 times this season; her sire from the Wright Bros; her dam from John Ellerby.    

Glyn Stone with his Mum Glenda winners at Holbrook27 06 24bsd 

Glyn Stone with his Mum Glenda winners at Holbrook

Stopping the Stone demolition was Kev Matthews, who was runner up on 1565 with a yearling cock. The sire of this cock is off a son of “Super Cools Lady” when he was paired to a direct daughter of the famous Jos Cools base pair “Miel” and “Octavia”. The dam is out of a son of “Zoon Chipring” who was a grandson of the famous “Winnetou”; when paired to a daughter of Jos Cools “Bliksem”.

At Etwall, 7 sent 109 and Alan Peach had a clear winner on 1508, timing in a well fancied dark wf cock.

Pete & Shirley Harrison was 2nd on 1480 with a yearling blue cock and Steve Billings was 3rd & 4th on 1475; 1471; with a 4yo grizzle cock and a 2yo blue hen. The top two birds in the result both bred by Kev Southall.

At Swadlincote Town; 16 sent 344 and the top five all appear in the fed top ten, details above.

Across at Hill Ridware, 5 sent 100 and Mark Nesbitt was 1st & 3rd on 1568.5; 1566.4; the winner a yearling dark cock off Nathan Foulkes; followed by the top Lambrecht x Hereman cock “64”; a winner of 3 x 1st fed in 2023 and a 1st and 2nd fed this year; his sire a son of Adam Wealthall’s “Grizzly Bear”; his dam a daughter of “Isla”.                            

C.T.Leadbeater & Sons were 2nd & 4th on 1567.5; 1563; their first a yearling Johan van Herck hen; followed by a yearling blue cock; a previous winner of 8th fed Weymouth 

Finally, at Winshill, 8 sent 93 and Debbie Fearn came out on top with a yearling cheq cock on 1564, this cock called “Sweetie” was well fancied winning the nomination. He’s off the “Hideaway” line crossed with a De Meyer from Tony & Lee Painter stock.   

Debbie Fearn Winshill winner 27 06 24bsd 

Debbie Fearn Winshill winner                                                     

Jim Parker & Son were 2nd & 3rd on 1557; 1546; with their top 5yo blue wf Hereman cock “23”; followed by a yearling cheq Hereman cock.     

Melv Willis was 4th on 1509 with a yearling van den Bulck cock.                                                                                     




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