Davis, Wright & Sons “Commodore” better known as “31616”
Those who read my articles will have seen the “31616” of Davis, Wright & Sons mentioned rather frequently? I think it’s about time this wonderful bird got some credit, so here are a few details I acquired off Matt.
GB 2009 C 31616 better known as “Commodore” the top Vandenabeele cock owned and raced by Davis, Wright & Sons of Hartshorne in South Derbyshire.
SIRE. 02 H 85761 “RONIN”
His sire is “Ronin” he’s a son off Mr & Mrs K Lycett’s top cock “The Assassin” 00 K 45897; when he was paired to 97 Z 23428; she was a direct daughter of “The Pencil”; who was a fantastic Kellens x Van den Bosche cock. “The Pencil” gained ten top 10 fed prizes for Mr & Mrs K Lycett against birdages exceeding 5000 on every occasion.
“The Assassin” who was purchased from M & D Evans as a squeaker carried 11 flights in each wing; he was only raced as a yb and a yearling; winning close on £2000 in 9 race. Highlights of his short racing career were; 1st open Staffordshire Moorlands Gold Ring, winning by over 2 minutes; 10th section 24th open MNFC Portland and 2nd section 25th open MNFC Portsmouth; he was then put to stock.
“The Assassin” is a direct son of M & D Evans “Shadow” and “Ebony”; “Shadow” was the number 1breeding cock at Myrtle Lofts. He was prolific with many different hens, three of the best examples are; when paired to “Princess” he bred the super racer and breeder “Solitaire”. When paired to “Saffron” he bred “Eisenhower”; who was later purchased back by M & D Evans for £9500 at public auction. Then he bred “The Assassin” when paired to “Ebony”.
“Ronin” was then moved on the top Tamworth lofts of Clive Yates, Clive gave this bird to his wife Donna, who gave it to her father John Haywood. John then had a dispersal sale and that’s where Davis, Wright & Sons purchased him
DAM. 02 S 80494
The mother of “31616” was 02 S 80494 another M & D Evans Vandenabeele.
The sire of “80494”was “Zoon Benetton” 96 X 95427, he is a direct son of “Benetton” who was bred by Gaby Vandenabeele, and Myrtle Lofts paid 50,000 Belgian francs for him straight out the nest.
The dam of “Zoon Benetton” was “Belle” who was bred by Gaby Vandenabeele and Silver Toye in the West Flanders connection.
The mother of “80494” was 00 Z 19827; her sire was “Victor Reid” who won 1st section 4358 birds; 20th open 31,619 birds as a young bird. “Victor Reid” was a direct son of the famous “Jester” and “Carrie”; both bred by Gaby Vandenabeele.
Her mother was “Princess” bred by Noel & David Lippens in Belgium. “Princess” is a daughter of “Bolero” 1st National Brive in 1994; and another Gaby Vandenabeele who was a daughter of “De Vital”1st National Asduif K.B.D.B. in1993.
31616 AS A RACER.
A winner of 4 x 1st as follows; 1st Bath; 6th fed 1045b; 1st Hullavington; 8th fed 1468b; 1st Portland; 7th fed 1615b; and 1st Windrush.
He also won 2nd Portland; 10th fed 1822b; 3rd club out of Bath; Taunton and Newton Abbott; 4th club Honiton and 5th club Wincanton.
He is responsible for breeding birds to win 18 x 1st club; 16 x 2nd club; 14 x 3rd club; 10 x 4th club; and birds that went on to win 4 x 1st fed; 2 x 2nd fed; 2 x 3rd fed and 4 x 4th fed. Add to this, he’s also responsible for birds that won the following; 1st Open North Midlands Continental club Carentan; 1st Derby 2 bird Guernsey; 2nd Derby 2 bird Exeter; 6th Open North Midland Continental club Guernsey twice; 4th Section; 16th Open MNFC Ancenis; 1st Section; 4th Open MNFC Ancenis yearling classic; 2nd Section; 28th Open MNFC Carentan; and 6th Section; 33rd Open MNFC Guernsey
Although no longer with us; his legacy lives on; now you can see why “31616” deserves this write up?