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C.Leadbeater & Sons win a great race out of Salisbury (2).

The last day of August saw 53 members send 882 birds to the second of two successive races out of Salisbury in Wiltshire. Saturday was a lovely morning, but the big difference was the wind, the young birds had faced Westerly winds every race up till this weekend, but for this race the wind turned into the North East, thankfully it was only a light wind in the morning, and most birds were safely home before the head wind got stronger in the afternoon.                                                                   

The Hill Ridware lads weren’t going to miss a chance like this, being on the west side of the federation, the East wind making them red hot favourites to top the fed, and they didn’t disappoint.        

Congratulations to C.Leadbeater & Sons on taking 1st; 4th and 6th fed on 1429; 1423; 1364;  the fed topper a blue Van den Bulck cock, the sire out of a son of “Mr Specialized” when paired to a daughter of “Golden Lady 2”; the dam of the fed topper is a daughter of Marcel Sangers “Banksy”. 

C T Leadbeater Sons 05 09 24a

C T Leadbeater & Sons

4th fed was a blue hen the same way bred as the fed topper, followed by a blue Johan van Herck hen.

D Nesbitt & Sons were 2nd; 3rd; and 5th fed on 1424.5 (2); and 1404, the first over the pad was a grizzle hen; she’s a daughter of “Young Opal”. Close on her tail was a cheq Lambrecht x Hereman hen, she’s a full sister to the three yearling hens that all topped our fed this year. Next was a red cock, his sire a Vandebrande, his dam a daughter of champion “Isla”, the top Leo Hereman hen. Those first four pigeons were a good 2 minutes clear of the chasing birds.

Mark Nesbitt 05 09 24a

Mark Nesbitt

The rest of the top ten was taken by Stretton birds, Phil Bourke was 7th fed on 1343; with a blue hen bred by Mark Evans of Denbighshire, her sire “Pied Kittel” is a son of “Kittel 82” the number one son of “Blackpool Kittel”, when paired to “Super Deal” who’s a daughter of Sangers” Banksy” x “Angelina”. Her dam is “Jackpots Diamond” a Central Lofts Hereman Cuester, she’s a daughter of” “Jackpots Son” when paired to “Diamond Junior 932”. “Jackpots Son” is a son of “Jackpot” when paired to a daughter of “Di Caprio” and he has bred multiple club and fed winners. “Diamond Junior 932” is out of “Junior”, the first son of “Best Kittel” when paired to a direct daughter of “Best Kittel” and “Shakira”.  

Phil Sophie Jack Bourke 05 09 24a

Phil, Sophie & Jack Bourke

Phil was also 8th fed on 1337.9 with a cheq hen bred by the prolific Gordon Bros of Northern Ireland. Her sire is a grandson of “Blizzard King Kittel”, her dam a daughter of “Witte Dirk” x “Princess 019”, this pair owned by Flanders, are responsible for breeding birds to win over 75 x 1st prizes. 

9th fed on 1337.0 was Phil Whetton with a blue van den Bulck hen, she’s off stock from Bob Fenech and Jackpot Lofts via Kev Southall of Hilton.   

Phil Whetton 05 09 24a

Phil Whetton

Pete & Jackie Cox were 10th fed on 1329 with a cheq hen, her sire a van den Bulck , her dam is a Van den Bulck x “Best Kittel”, this stock obtained from Ann Smith of Ashbourne.

Pete Cox 05 09 24a

Pete Cox

Around the clubs,

At Stretton, 7 sent 112 and the top four all appear in the fed result above.

At Osmaston Park, 15 sent 179 and Mick Stone took top spot on 1283 with the same blue Ceuleman hen that was 3rd club the week previous. Steve Stone was 2nd on 1279 with a cheq cock off the NRCC winner this year, Darren Oakley.   

Dave Waddington was 3rd club on 1273 with a blue pied hen off “The Bat” x Alan Brassington stock.

Stan Hall was 4th club on 1272 with a cheq pied Van den Bulck hen.

Up at Holbrook, 5 sent 141 and Kev Matthews was on fire taking the top 14 in the club, and having 6 on the drop as his first arrivals. The winner on 1321.6 was a cheq hen, her sire off a grandson of the Hereman “Blue Leo” when paired to a daughter of the Van den Bulck “Goede Rode”. Her dam is a Jos Cools, a grand daughter of “Remco”. 

Kev Matthews of Holbrook 05 09 24a

Kev Matthews of Holbrook

Runner up on 1321.5 was a blue cock, his sire is a Hereman, a great grandson of “Den Euro”, and his dam is a direct daughter of Jos Cools “Super Cools Lady”. 

3rd and 4th, both on 1321.4 were two brothers, both blue cocks out of Jos Cools x Patrick Boeckx stock. Their sire is a grandson of Cools “Winnetou”; and their dam is a double grand daughter of Boeckx “Strik”. Kev is crossing his good Jos Cools family with some of the best sprint birds in the very strong Tienverbond (Federation) in the province of Antwerp.

At Swadlincote Town, 7 sent 151 and Davis, Wright & Sons were 1st & 2nd on 1306; 1305; the winner a blue pied hen, her sire a Kris Wijnant, is a son off “Champ” and “Golden Eggs”, her dam a daughter of “31616” x Tony & Lee Painters “Van Persie”. Runner up was the cheq pied hen that was 4th the week previous, she’s a Van den Bulck x Staf Van Reet hen; her sire is “Kittel 82” who’s the number one son of “Blackpool Kittel”; her dam is a Best Kittel lines x Staf van Reet; she topped the fed in 2021 out of Honiton and is now in the stock shed; her mother was a winner of 7 x 1st and 1st fed Portland. Her sister topped the fed out of Stow on the Wold (2) earlier this season.    Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & Son were 3rd & 4th on 1294.7 with a blue Lambrecht cock, a grandson of their “Good Hen”, and 1294.3 with a blue pied hen out of a brother to their fed topping “21” hen, she’s off Premier Stud Hereman Cuester x John Soderlund  stock.

At Etwall, 6 sent 86 and Secretary Alan Peach took the top three on 1189; 1109; 1099; the first two both white Roland Jansenne hens, followed by a blue Jansenne hen. Pete & Shirley Harrison were 4th on 1088 with a blue hen.   

Over at Hill Ridware, 4 sent 57 and they appear at the top of the fed result above.

Finally, at Winshill, 6 sent 95 and Jack Sawrasewicz was 1st & 3rd on 1282 with a cheq van den Bulck hen and a cheq Van den Bulck x Leo Hereman “Olympiade 03” cock.                                                                                

Melv Willis was 2nd & 4th on 1202 with a blue Staf Van Reet x hen, and 1189 with a blue Wildie x Hereman hen




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