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Kevin Johnson of Hill Ridware wins the Fed Futurity race out of Blandford.

2024 saw the federation hold its first futurity race; fanciers could buy a maximum of 3 rings at £10 each, these birds were then sold at 2 auctions. 124 rings were purchased and the two sales raised £6205, the fed took out 20% and after a small expense of room and bar hire, prize money stood at £5932. Ten prizes were paid out, 50/50 to breeder and buyer. 

22 members entered 50 birds for the race from Blandford, and they were liberated into blue skies and sunshine at 08-40 in a light SSW wind.

Congratulations to Kevin Johnson of Kings Bromley, flying in the Hill Ridware club, Kev took top spot with his blue hen “82” on 1723, Kev also bred this hen, so took home £1483.

Kev Johnson futurity race winner 23 09 24b    Kev Johnsons winner of the 2024 futurity race 23 09 24b

Kev Johnson futurity race winner 2024

It was nearly a perfect day for Kev Matthews of Holbrook, Kev was 2nd & 3rd on 1706; 1703; with a blue cock and a blue hen, both bred by himself, earning £1483. 

Kev Matthews of Holbrook 23 09 24b

Kev Matthews of Holbrook

S & H W Hall of Osmaston Park was 4th on 1664 with a cheq hen bred by Russ Bailey; both take home £296-60.

Stan Hall with grandson Sebastian 23 09 24b

Stan Hall with grandson Sebastian

Mr & Mrs Trevor Collins & Son of Swadlincote Town were 5th & 10th on 1660; 1496; the first a blue wf cock bred by Chris Parker, earning both £207-62, then a cheq hen bred by Litherland, Bailey & Harrison, again earning both lofts £207-62,so Trevor & Gary won a total of £415-24.

Brian & Sue Stone of Holbrook were 6th on 1592 with a home bred blue cock, earning themselves £415-24.

Brian Sue Stone 23 09 24b

Brian & Sue Stone

Pete Brown of Swadlincote Town was 7th on 1560 with a home bred blue wf hen, earning £415-24 prize money.

Pete Lil Brown Swadlincote Town 23 09 24b

Pete & Lil Brown Swadlincote Town

Phil Bourke of Stretton was 8th on 1559 with a cheq hen bred by M/M Darren Johnson, both lofts won £207-62. 

Phil Sophie Jack Bourke 23 09 24b

Phil, Sophie & Jack Bourke

Phil Whetton of Stretton was 9th on 1524 with a home bred dark cheq hen, winning a total of £415-24.

Phil Whetton 23 09 24b

Phil Whetton

Here is the info on the futurity winner, straight from the horses mouth,

Thanks to all those who have congratulated me on winning the Futurity race it is much appreciated and big well done to everyone who got their birds to the race and to those who timed, these small liberations can at times go awfully wrong.

From the moment I rung her, she has been prepared with this race in mind. Born mid/late February put on the darkness at 6pm from weaning at 21 days till the end April. As I race my YB’s natural as soon as they are taking to the sky, I take them off darkness as evening is really the only time, I can fly my young birds, and my belief is for a natural dawn, so the 3 months darkness is not possible.

Training starts as soon as I can, with as many days and nights spent in the baskets during the old bird racing season. Road training commences as time allows but with as many short tosses as possible with the furthest being Bromsgrove 26 miles. This year I managed to only get in 23 trainers before the first young bird race.

As she was only partly darkened, keeping her in good feather requires her to be kept active so she went where possible training everyday and in the last 5 weeks before the race had midweek racing and weekend racing. These weren’t any midweek racing as I tried to get her in as many small liberations races to prepare her for a futurity race that I could so utilised the 5 bird open races for this purpose at Birch Coppice and Anchor flying clubs. In this period, she won from Bath and was placed 4th in the Anchor 5 bird, so her schooling was going well. So well she was my first bird at least 5 times.

Motivation: My young birds are left natural, if they pair up, I will put a bowl in for them but no separation of sexes, sliding door or anything.  She wasn’t showing any fondness to any of the young cocks, but I noticed her showing up to an old cock in the aviary at the side of the young bird loft for a week or so before the race. Therefore, on the day of basketing for the futurity race about 20 minutes before I dropped the old cock into the young bird loft and before too long, she noticed him and went to him as proud as a hen can be, that motivation seemed to do the trick as she trapped almost without touching the landing board.

Feeding: On weaning my young birds are fed breed and wean and then as they are zipping around they get Gerry Plus until they start the natural moult and that is when I introduce moulting mix. For 5 weeks prior to the race she had been on moulting mix, I forego being competitive throughout the young bird season as I believe the feather growth is more important as these new feathers are there for next season. However, for 2 days prior to basketing she was fed 25% depurative, 50% diet and 25% maize sieved from Gerry plus. Believing that the protein and energy was already in abundance and a little bit of weight loss before the race was required.

Breeding: #82, not yet named is a Hereman Cuester bred from the race team of origins from Premier Stud. Her sire scored numerous times in the fed and is grand son of Man O’Chester, Better than bolt, with an influence of Kittel through his daughter Kittelena. Her Dam is also a winner on the road and sister to a Fed topper, being from a direct son of Man O’Chester and Dark Delilah when paired to a daughter of ‘Supersonic Mike and Dark Secret’. #82 is also a half sister to ‘Whitenose’ who won for me 2 years ago the Birch Coppice Breeder buyer along with other wins and fed cards but like his father was lost in the NFC Fougeres race this year, which was supposed to be Carentan.

Thanks Kev, very thorough but concise, well done on your win.




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