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Reports by Clifford Browne

East Down Combine prepares for 2014 season

The East Down Combine held its AGM on Saturday January 25th 2014 in the War Memorial Hall in Crossgar and there was a fair turnout of members.

Len McCavery was in the chair and got proceedings underway just after 2pm and after welcoming all members present requested a minute’s silence for those who had passed away since the previous year’s meeting.

Apologies were then received and recorded and the Financial Secretary Sam Duke was then requested to read the minutes of the previous AGM which were passed as a true record of that meetin.

The meeting then moved on to the first item on the Agenda which was the Chairman’s Report from Len McCavery and in a very comprehensive report all the Officials, Centre Officials and General Committee were thanked for all their hard work and support throughout the season. Colin Smyth (vice chairman) was thanked for his help and Len had a special word of thanks for Sam Duke who had put in a tremendous amount of work as Financial Secretary. Len then thanked the PROs for all their work throughout the season keeping the Combine to the forefront in many areas. He next thanked the Transport Committee, Race Controllers & Drivers & Auditors.

The Weather Committee were thanked for all the work they had put into making decisions regarding basketing days etc which although not always popular were made in the best interests of the membership based on the information available to them at the time. Len went on to thank Marshall Feeds for once again supplying the On Board feeding throughout the season especially at this time of recession.

In conclusion Len extended congratulations to all the 2013 prize winners. Once again the Chairman’s report was well received by all those present.

The next two items were the Secretary and Treasurer’s reports and as Sam Duke combines both roles as Financial Secretary he combined his reports. Starting with the Secretary’s report Sam reiterated what Len had said by way of thanking all those who worked so hard for the Combine and he had a special word of thanks for Len McCavery for his role as chairman of the Combine in 2013 and Colin Watson for his year as President. He also thanked all the club Secretaries and Treasurers for their assistance throughout the past season and extended his congratulations to all the prize winners of 2013.

Moving on to look at the accounts and financially it had been a good year and the bottom line was an excess of income over expenditure of almost £3000 which was in sharp contrast to the deficit of 2012 which had been due in the main to a one off cost of £8180 for modifications to one of the lorries that year. Sam then went through the various other items of income and expenditure as well as the Balance Sheet in detail and then invited questions or comments from the floor but as his explanations had been very detailed the Accounts were passed without question.

Brendan McLoughlin then spoke on behalf of the Combine Auditors and endorsed what Sam had explained to everyone, stating that the Combine were very fortunate to have an excellent Treasurer with the books being prepared and kept in a very professional manner. This was further endorsed by the Combine’s other auditor Len McCavery.

The next item was the election of Office Bearers for 2013 and Len McCavery invited Wesley Robinson to conduct this part of the meeting.

The principal Office Bearers elected for 2014 are as follows:





V/CHAIRMAN Colin Smyth



Assistant race Controller Trevor McKelvey

PROs Ronnie Johnston

Brendan McLoughlin

Trevor McKelvey

Clifford Browne

Adam Muckle was elected to the general committee in place of Bertie Morrow.

With the election of the Office Bearers complete it was then time to look at the new business of the afternoon which included a number of propositions as well as the setting of the race programmes for 2014. A number of race programmes were received all very similar in nature with only minor variations and these were for Old Birds.

The 2013 East Down Combine Old Bird Race Programme automatically on the 2014 Agenda.

Mullingar, Tullamore, 1st Mt. Charles (Nenagh) 2nd Mt Charles, (Nenagh) Skibbereen Classic, 2nd Fermoy, 1st Talbenny, 2nd Talbenny & Derek Wishart Memorial Classic Fermoy 15 bird limit (on the same day) Bude, Penzance and Penzance Classic, St.Malo Old bird Derby.

Proposal (A) submitted by Ballylesson HPS

Mullingar, Tullamore, Mount Charles (Nenagh) Clonmel, Mallow, Skibbereen Classic, Pilmore Beach, 1st Talbenny, 2nd Talbenny & Derek Wishart Memorial Classic Mallow 15 bird limit (on the same day) Bude, Penzance and Penzance Classic, St Malo Old Bird Derby.

Proposal (B) submitted by the East Down Combine General Committee

Mullingar, Tullamore, 1st Mt. Charles (Nenagh), 2nd Mt Charles (Nenagh) 1st Mallow, Skibbereen Classic, 2nd Mallow, 1st Talbenny, 2nd Talbenny & Derek Wishart Memorial Classic Mallow 15 bird Limit (on the same day) Bude, Penzance and Penzance Classic, St Malo Old Bird Derby.

On being put to the meeting proposal B carried . For Young Birds and again the 2013 East Down Combine Young Bird Programme automatically goes on the 2014 agenda and this was 1st Navan, 2nd Navan, Mullingar, Tullamore, 1st Mt. Charles (Nenagh) Fermoy, 1st Skibbereen Young Bird Derby & Talbenny Young Bird Derby (on the same day) 2nd Mt.Charles (Nenagh) 2nd Skibbereen Young Bird Derby.

Proposal (A) submitted by Ballylesson HPS

1st Navan, 2nd Navan, Mullingar, Tullamore, 1st Mt Charles (Nenagh), 1st Mallow, 1st Skibbereen Young Bird Derby & Talbenny Young Bird Derby (on the same day) 2nd Mallow, 2nd Skibbereen Young Bird Derby.

Proposal (B) submitted by the East Down Combine General Committee

1st Navan, 2nd Navan, Mullingar, Tullamore, 1st Mt Charles (Nenagh) Mallow, 1st Skibbereen Young Bird Derby & Talbenny Young Bird Derby (on the same day), 2nd Mount Charles (Nenagh) 2nd Skibbereen Young Bird Derby.

And again proposal (B) carried so the race programme for 2014 is

Old Birds (commencing Saturday April 12th)



1st MOUNT CHARLES (Nenagh)

2nd MOUNT CHARLES (Nenagh)





2ND TALBENNY (in conjunction with the Derek Wishart Memorial Classic Race from Mallow Limit 15 birds)




The Young Bird Programme (commencing July 19th)





1st MOUNT CHARLES (Nenagh)



2nd MOUNT CHARLES (Nenagh)


With the race programme in place there then followed a number of propositions. The first of these was from Drumaness Mills HPS and read: “That a maximum of 10 birds per member/s be included in any East Down Combine weekly open result . Derby and Classic races to remain as before”.

After some discussion and being put to the vote this proposal failed. Next was a proposal from Ballylesson HPS: “That the hampering of pigeons down Ireland should be per race program (Friday)”

And this motion was also defeated. There then followed two proposals from Bangor RPC and again both of these failed to pass. They read: “That the EDC video all liberation (excluding EDC races liberated by others), videos should then be uploaded to the EDC website or another video sharing website within 48hrs of the liberation”

“That the EDC publish a list of all available liberation sites 4 weeks prior to AGM proposal deadline”

The final proposal was a proposed New rule submitted by the East Down General Committee which read:

“Any East Down Combine member/s racing in more than one East Down Combine club shall be liable to the East Down Combine for an annual administration fee equal to 75% of the annual East Down Combine membership fee for each additional club. This fee does not entitle the said member/s to any additional voting rights”

This proposal was passed and as this was the last proposal the chairman moved on to 2014 Correspondence which saw an application for membership to the EDC from the Killyleagh & Dist club and an application for affiliation from the EDC 2 Bird club both of which were accepted.

As these were the last items of business for the afternoon the chairman then closed the meeting after thanking everyone for their attendance and wishing all members a very successful 2014 season.

Sam Regan reports From Around The Ards Peninsula

AGM Reminder

Peninsula Amalgamation members are reminded that the Peninsula Amalgamation and Three Bird Club's A.G.M. will be held on Monday Evening the 10th of February 2014 in the Club rooms of Ballywalter S.P.C. at 7.00.p.m. all Peninsula members please take note of the time, location and date.


Millisle HPS Moot

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the Millisle club were again organising a Moot this year and this will again be held in the First and Last in Millisle. Over the past number of years these have been very successful and this year look like it will be no exception. The time is 7.30pm the date is Friday the 7th of February and the cost which includes supper is only £5 and this year’s panellists will be Sean Diamond, Alan Darragh, Neil Frazer (Frazer Feeds) Harry McCoy (Reid and McCoy) and Bertie Blair. So if you are looking for a good evening out Millisle on the 7th looks like a good choice.


The 3rd of February is the 2nd Anniversary of the death of Ken McConaghie and the Ballylesson club and members of the EDC as a tribute to this highly esteemed member of the Ballylesson club and who for many years the chairman of the East Down Combine have by way of a memorial to the memory of Ken on this anniversary forwarded me the following verse:

God called your name so softly

That only you could hear

And no one heard the footsteps

Of angels drawing near

The golden gates stood open

God saw you needed rest

His garden must be beautiful

He only takes the best
