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The Derbyshire North Road Federation - 21-06-23

The Derbyshire North Road Federation

The DNRF was visiting Berwick upon Tweed on the northern tip of England on the Scottish Borders convoying team of Clearance, Kai and Cameron liberated the birds at 07.00am into a west south west wind on site on the 27/5/23. The top ten positions in the federation are as follows, claiming top spot plus 5th and 8th federation was the father and son partnership of Derek & Ryan Nuttall flying 188 miles their winner a 2y red chequer cock being a Syndicate loft based bird crossed a JPS lofts Lambrecht’s their next a 2y blue hen being a central lofts bird crossed a Syndicate lofts bird and their final scorer a 2y chequer hen of pure Syndicate lofts bird all were flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1350, 1299 and 1273.

Ryan Nuttall

Ryan Nuttall

2nd and 7th federation flying 186 miles was Glynn Tryner and both birds being bred from the late Dean Skuse birds were Dean purchased direct from the Syndicate lofts and Peter Fox Glynn’s first a 1y blue cock followed by a 1y blue white flight hen both were flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1342.53 and 1290.

3rd, 4th and 6th federation was Harry Potter of south Normanton working his magic in the sky of Darren Oakley flying 185 miles Darren’s first a 1y blue cock followed by another 1y blue cock and are both full brothers flown on total widowhood system Darren flies cocks and hens but in different sections and are not together or Fed together at any time only seeing each other on race day return for a period these two brothers are again bred from the late Dean Skuse birds of syndicate loft birds and so is his third scoring bird a 1y blue white flight cock of syndicate loft based all were fed on Beyers Galaxy mixes Darren’s velocities were 1342, 1339 and 1291

Darren Oakley

Darren Oakley

9th federation was D & A Smith flying 193 miles with a 1y chequer cock that has already achieved club card positions and scored money in the new north road amalgamation’s 2022 Alnwick Futurity race final for the partnership and shown good promise he’s a Ron Hillcoat Herman Cuesters cock flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1267.

10th federation was Kevin Ward flying 177 miles with a 2y blue hen which herself has achieved many chesterfield Stute club wins and federation and new north road amalgamation cards for Kevin she’s a Jansen from Kevin’s old original Louella lines of Arjan, Friske and Eddy Merrick lines he has she was flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1265.

The top ten from Berwick

The Rat Man.