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A Digital Thurso - 29-08-23

A Digital Thurso

Something a little different to write about in this article and also to give praise to a special pigeon when you hear his story and also of his owner Mr Ion Pirvu and his technique. Over to the pigeon first and then to his owner, the bird a 1y blue cock raced south road as a young bird at the Birch Coppice club in Tamworth with the Tamworth South Road Federation and as we all know this can happen from training or racing or even around the loft as obstacles for our pigeons are more and more each year with the world evolving. The blue cock, after a young bird race, returned to his loft smashed open with blood and bone on display being fair and knowing his breeding Ion tried to repair him and it was that bad that when the bird consumed water or digested corn grains this would just simply trickle or fall out of his body. Most fanciers would of thought unfortunately that’s that but Ion gave the bird a chance and applied healing creams and strong disinfectants to his body and then stitched up the birds skin with string and a needle to his best of abilities. It was touch and go as the bird lost a lot of blood and weight but with patience and strength he made a full recovery over the autumn and winter period of 2022 (see the photos of his injuries I’ve included). In 2023 season Ion decided to try flying some birds north road as his club of Birch Coppice share the same marking facilities as the Appleby Magna club who are members of the Warwickshire Federation who have recently switched to try the north road route so Ion decided to give it a bash as he can fly north road and south road from the same club HQ so Ion selected a small team to try on the north road in 2023 as old birds and the damaged now healed blue cock was in this team so Ion started to train and race him on the north road route and with distance flying in mind with Ion and the breeding of this cock Ion decided to send the cock to Fraserburgh in northern Scotland with the Appleby club the Warwickshire federation and also united with the new north road amalgamation so on the race of Fraserburgh this cock was included in Ion’s entered birds and sent for the event. He achieved 1st Warwickshire Federation, 1st Appleby club, 3rd centre section new north road amalgamation and 14th open new north road amalgamation Fraserburgh 351 miles and two weeks later Ion again with a one bird single entry entered this blue cock to go to Thurso climbing up distance from Fraserburgh just sending one bird on the far northern tip of Scotland were again this blue cock came up trump’s claiming 1st Warwickshire federation 1st Appleby club 1st centre section new north road amalgamation and 2nd open new north road amalgamation Thurso 419 miles so a great achievement for this blue cock after flying south road as a young bird and enduring his horrific injuries this cock has certainty repaid Ion back with his persistence and patience it just shows you let’s not be so quick to condemn birds. Well done Ion and Ion has also achieved a good south road achievement with his old birds of 1st south centre section and 30th open Midlands National Weymouth so a good old bird season. Ion has obtained some quality birds from his home Country of Romania and of the Netherlands and of one loft race end of event sales from the Derby Arona Tenerife one loft and the Royal city Romanian one loft race knowing birds are obtained from doing the job in the sky as these fly.

The blue cock injured and ion repairing him 1      The blue cock injured and ion repairing him 2

The blue cock injured and ion repairing him

The final in the events as this blue cocks breeding is of a Royal city one loft race bird of ace pigeon of the event  purchased from Romania and his origins are of Huub Hermans, Herboots/Faber and Rotarescu V & M in his creation and his mother being already a breeder of a 2nd open national bird in Romania he was raced to Fraserburgh and Thurso on the natural system and just loft exercised being let out just once a day as Ion cannot train in the week for being at work and the app on many occasions opening the traps to let them out and call them in and Ion watching them on his phone from the CCTV systems.

The cock was fed on combined mixes from Vanrobeys long distance mixes Bamfords Red Rosette mix and the Gabby Vandenbeale mix from Beyers blended together Ion informs us with him adding extra peanuts and a must of unlimited supply of regular fresh mixed Grits.

Over to Ion himself and his amazing creations, I first heard in conversation a few years back of a gadget pigeon fancier who is a genius on phones and computers and is really keen on pigeons by my late friend Rob Horton of Tamworth who sadly passed away at no age in life mentioned Ion to me in conversation as Rob was a flying member at the Birch Coppice club about this app but now as Ion has joined our amalgamation and has achieved some impressive results I’ve finally spoken to Ion and got to know more. Ion is a 46 year old IT business analyst and IT specialist from Romanian who now lives In Tamworth but works long hours in the office at Birmingham in the city and at companies around the UK also like myself Ion is a father to young children and his love being his family work and family is very time consuming itself and family in the good ways so it’s hard with keeping racing pigeons as most who work will agree but Ion has developed and designed something to help things for when he’s away or times very limited for him he’s designed a complete loft management system that’s compatible from his mobile phone and laptop where everything in the loft is monitored and worked from the touch of a button from the office desk and all can also be monitored with all live cameras inside and outside of the lofts. Ion can see and watch the pigeons whenever he wants on his phone or laptop and even talk and command the birds with voice recordings as speakers are also in the lofts for calling the birds in from after exercise calling them down to feed extra all from the phone in his hand or laptop and the live recording also at the same time everything in the loft operates from the phone or laptop, opening doors on runners opening traps letting birds out for exercise calling and getting the birds in darkening the young bird blinds lifting the darkening blinds and closing the blinds even topping up drinkers with fresh water and feeding and even measuring the corn out to what they require everything has been set up and designed for this lights on timers to switch on and off whenever vents opening you name anything that needs moving in the loft it can be done to help Ion when time is short with the birds obviously nothing beats being with your birds in person but when work pays the bills this must come first especially in this current economic climate quite an amazing creation I thought and to share the story Ion builds and designs this so if it would help any fancier who works long hours and is struggling with the pigeons he’s happy to assist in the app he has created you can contact Ion on 07400944781.

The digital system 1      The digital system 2      The digital system 3      The digital system 4

The digital system

Well thanks Ion for sharing your story with me and for having a go at the Scottish races with the amalgamation all the best.

The Rat Man