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The Derbyshire North Road Federation - 11-10-23

The Derbyshire North Road Federation

The Derbyshire North Road Federation kicked off its 2023 young bird season with the first young bird race from Wetherby race course in West Yorkshire on the 29/7/23 at 07.30 am into a south west wind. Clarance Haymes liberated the birds the top twelve in the federation are as follows; claiming 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th , 8th , 9th & 10th was Glynn Tryner flying 58 miles with his darkness team flown young birds of the late Dean Skuse Syndicate loft based birds blended with Glynn’s Gabby Vandenbeales in their creation his velocities were 2 x 1244 ,1243.5, 2 x 1243.1, 1242, 1241 & 1240.

3rd & 5th was Ralph Jepson flying 61 miles with 2 x young blue cocks doing 1243.8 & 1243.3.

11th & 12th Federation was Mr & Mrs Lyndon Moakes flying 59 miles with two darkness flown Dave Peeters birds bred through Joesbury & Darby partnership stock of a chequer white flight hen & a blue cock doing 1239 & 1238.

Next a diary and calendar filler, Saturday the 28th of October is a Derbyshire open pen sale anyone who keeps pigeons is welcome to attend to sell any bird or equipment or buy anything. How it works just turn up to have a look or place your bird or birds into the pens or equipment pay £5 per pen and we auction it off whatever the amount it sells for is your profit big or small and you take it if it does not sell, simply collect your £5 and take back what did not sell you have lost nothing or gained a bargain or just a good social for a few hours everyone is welcome to take part no matter who you are or where you live, come along and spectate or take part at Pinxton Miners Welfare upstairs function room Wharf Road Pinxton NG16 6LG. Pens will be erected prior for penning 11am till 12.15pm operators  Rose Lander & Gregg Johnson

Rose 07804733676 Gregg 07947896043