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The New North Road Amalgamation - 30-11-23

The New North Road Amalgamation

The north sections top ten scoring birds and fanciers racing from Dunbar with £29,470.22 available for prize money in the Futurity north section event with the young birds (previously reported on the winner and bird of Robert Pearson of Kilburn Derby flying 212 miles) Robert a young bird specialist also had another six scoring birds in the top ten with six birds dropping together here is the details claiming 2nd was Robert Pearson with one of his own bred birds he purchased back being a dark pied cock being a Lambrecht bred from Brian Johnson of near Pontefract stock birds Robert obtained off Brian Robert won £4,420.53.

3rd place was Robert Pearson with a chequer cock being bred by Gary Jones of Ilkeston being a Jansen De Klak cross Herman Cuesters winning them both £1,473.51 each out of £2947.02.

Gary Jones

Gary Jones

4th place was Robert Pearson with a chequer white flight hen being bred by Derek & Ryan Nuttall of Newstead Nottinghamshire being bred direct off syndicate lofts stock with a cock out of Pro 10 when paired to a hen out of Pro Rik and the mother being a daughter bred off iron man out of the late Dean Skuse’s performing cock on the road for him in which all Deans stock birds he would always obtain and purchase direct from the syndicate lofts most years Robert & the Nutthall’s won £810.43 each out of £1,620.86.

Ryan Nuttall

Ryan Nuttall

5th place was Robert Pearson with a blue hen being bred by Kevin Lawson of Ollerton being a Lambrechts and is bred from off a brother and sister from Kevin’s famous black gold pair that have bred multiple scoring birds for himself and many other fanciers and including the winner of this event this is also the same way bred as the Ireland brothers of Nottingham last year’s new north road amalgamation Futurity scoring bird Robert and Kevin win £515.73 each out of £1031.46.

Kevin Lawson

Kevin Lawson

6th was Robert Pearson with a blue cock being bred by Gary Jones of Ilkeston being a Dirk Van Den Bulk winning Robert & Gary £442.05 each out of £884.11.

7th was Darren Oakley of south Normanton Derbyshire flying 206 miles with a chequer cock being bred by Darren himself and purchased back his breeding being bred from out a pair of Darren’s raced race team birds and being a combination of syndicate lofts birds originating from the late Dean Skuse birds blended with Herman Cuesters originating from S & B Cooke of Wrexham this cock was sent paired up driving two hens to nest he had paired too, he was sent Fed on Beyers corn trained Tuesday to Thursday and exercised once a day for a hour around the loft at evening time and raced on the darkness system and receiving warm up races with the Nottingham north road Federation and the Derbyshire north road federation Darren wins £648.34.

Darren Oakley

Darren Oakley

8th was Rafal Barutowicz of Nottingham flying 217 miles with a dark hen being bred by Peter Hornby of Leeds and this being a Platteeuw being bred from stock birds from Peter’s friend Jayne Mitchell the platueews pigeon agent and seller of golden drops Rafal and Peter won £294.70 each out of £589.40 won.

Rafal Barutowicz

Rafal Barutowicz

9th was Robert Pearson with a chequer cock which he bred and purchased back himself this cock is a full brother to his Ashby & Ilkeston gold ring scoring bird from Berwick that won him £250 in the event this being a Herman Cuesters that originates from stock birds again from Brian Johnson near Pontefract all Roberts young birds were flown on the Darkness system separated on the sliding door system Robert won £515.73.

10th was Darren Oakley with a dark hen being bred David Cooper of Ratby Leicester the breeding being its mother being a direct Curtis Wall Lunt & Green being bred down from the famous miss playful lines from Blueridge lofts when paired to a cock from fellow club mate and local fancier of Roger Elton as this cock when paired to different hens has bred David scoring birds on the road Darren and David won £221.03 each out of £442.06 won.

David Cooper

David Cooper

Well that’s the top ten scoring birds out the paid out prizes of 50 paid positions.

The Rat Man.