The Derbyshire North Road Federation
The DNRF was at Hexham race course In Northumberland on the 26/8/23 and were liberated by Tyson at 08:30am into a north west wind on site turning south west on route. The top twelve positions in the federation were as follows; claiming top spot was D & J Gibbions with a Belgian rung import blue hen bred directly by Yohan VanHurt flying 120 miles with a winning velocity of 1482.
Dale Gibbions
2nd federation was M & L Herbert flying 119 miles with a darkness flown paired up chequer white flight hen being a Halbreck crossed Herman Cuesters doing 1463.
3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th federation was Wayne Knobbs flying 134 miles his 1st & 2nd were 2 x own created strain blue cocks followed by a new north road amalgamation Futurity bird of a chequer hen bred by Wayne himself of his own strain followed by an own bred blue cock then a A Kemp & Son of Nottingham bred chequer pied hen of Kevin Lawson and Hubert Walker bred origins purchased at the new north road Futurity sale and his final another new north road amalgamation purchased bird bred by Szmaglik & Humphries of Bristol from their Muller Jan Ardens of a chequer hen all flown on the Darkness system with velocities of 1431, 2 x 1395, 1394,1392.9, 1392.8.
Wayne Knobbs
4th, 5th, 11th & 12th Federation was Robert Pearson flying 137 miles his first a home bred new north road amalgamation Futurity bird of Brian Johnson Lambrechts / Herman Cuesters chequer cock followed by another new north road amalgamation Futurity bird bred by Kevin Lawson from his Lambrechts being a blue hen followed by another new north road amalgamation Futurity purchased bird bred by Derek & Ryan Nuttall of their syndicate lofts blood lines of a chequer white flight hen and his final a blue cock of Brian Johnson bloodlines of his Herman Cuesters all were flown on the sliding door system separated on the Darkness system Roberts velocities were 1411, 1410, 1392.09 & 1391.
When this article was wrote in 2023 all the members would like to thank Rose Lander and Clarence Haymes for all the hard work of 2023 season they have done and put in and that all members friends and family have a happy 2024 year .
The Rat Man.