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The Derbyshire North Road Federation - 02-02-24

The Derbyshire North Road Federation

The DNRF last race of the season to report on now, this was being flown from Berwick upon Tweed on the Scottish Borders on the 9/9/23 and the birds were liberated at 10.45am into a south west wind the top twelve positions were as follows; claiming 1st and 4th federation was M & L Herbert flying 172 miles his first a blue pencil pied hen being a Herman Cuesters followed by a Blue Brockamp hen flown on the darkness system and both hens being sent paired up their velocities were 1229 and 1166.

2nd and 9th federation was D & A Smith flying 193 miles with two birds purchased and the new north road amalgamation Futurity young bird sale the first a chequer cock being a Ron Hillcoat Herman Cuesters followed by a Dark cock bred by Harold Griffiths of Pinxton flown on the darkness also paired up with velocities of 1205 and 903.

3rd, 8th and 12th federation was Aspley & Wraggsdale flying 180 miles their first a blue cock being a Van Loon crossed Herman Cuesters followed by another Van Loon crossed Herman Cuesters blue hen and their final a Van Loon crossed the late David Rouse of Kimberly stock bird blue cock flown on the darkness system left together with velocities of 1200, 915 and 787.

5th, 6th and 7th federation was Darren Padgett flying 194 miles his first a dark Van Den Bulk hen followed by a red cock bred by Matthew Cotton of Codnor and then a grizzle cock being a Sagan bred by Mr & Mrs Darren and Vicky Johnson of Holbrook Darren’s velocities were 1071, and 2 x 1061.

10th and 11th federation was Richard Oldham flying 190 miles his first a blue cock being a Jan Arden crossed Wildesmersch and his second a blue hen being a gift bred bird bred by Aspley & Wraggsdale they were flown on the traditional natural system with velocities of 863 and 788.

In this race the federations free nom was won by the first bird of Aspley & Wraggsdale and Darren Padgett timed in each won £50 each.

Well that’s all the 2023 races reported on and here is the federations 2024 race programme
Old birds 27/4 Wetherby, 4/5, Darlington, 11/5 Darlington, 18/5 Hexham 25/5 Alnwick, 1/6 Berwick, 8/6 Perth, 15/6 Darlington, 22/6 Elgin, 29/6 Darlington, 6/7 Thornton Park, 13/7 Darlington, 20/7 Thurso. young birds 27/7 Wetherby, 3/8 Wetherby, 10/8 Darlington, 17/8 Darlington, 24/8 Hexham, 31/8 Hexham, 7/9 Alnwick, 14/9 Berwick. The federations young bird breeder buyer sale being raced from Berwick on the 14/9 will take place on the 17/3/24 at the federations HQ Pinxton miners welfare penning 11am till 12 noon auction to start.

The Rat Man.