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The New North Road Amalgamation - 12-02-24

The New North Road Amalgamation

The TNNRA 2024 race programme is as follows old birds 8/6/24 Perth 22/6/24 Elgin 6/7/24 Thornton park and 20/7/24 Thurso young birds 14/9/24 Alnwick Futurity and 21/9/24 Dunbar Futurity.

All the 2024 Futurity rings have now sold and the sales will soon be underway for these events.

Some other events being operated by our members in our community are as follows Longford club will be operating a breeder buyer to be flown from Alnwick on the 14/9/24 anyone who keeps pigeons is welcome to take part in the event but only south west of England Lerwick club members can purchase the birds on sale five cash prize positions will be paid out and birds not ready can be entered into the sale with live to view birds details must be provided sale will take place on Sunday the 31st of march penning 11am till 12 noon at the Gala club Longford Gloucester GL29EB for further details contact Stuart on 07581327191 or Andrew on 07899093275.

The Ashby & Ilkeston open gold ring annual event to be flown from Berwick on the 14/9/24 is open to anyone who flies above 165 miles from Berwick with a north section of 165 miles to 200 miles and a south section of 200 miles and above £3000 prize money is guaranteed no matter what!! All you have to do is supply myself your own selected gold ring numbers at £10 each before the 1st of April 2024 and a list will be compiled for all competitors of the event to see all ring numbers and fanciers in the event in the first week of April contact myself on 07947896043.

The Derbyshire north road federation will be holding a breeder buyer event from Berwick on the 14/9/24 this is open to federation members only the pen sale of birds will take place at Pinxton miners welfare Wharf Road NG16 6LG on Sunday the 17/3/24 penning 11am till 12 noon live birds and if birds not ready full details must be provided in the sale day thank you.

Hucknall premier flying club will be operating a breeder buyer event from Berwick flown on the 14/9/24 there will be two sales performed one in March and one in April and will be conducted online only anyone in the local area is welcome and must contact Shaun Pilgrim for online access and details on 07399499225.

The Rat Man