The Derbyshire North Road Federation
The DNRF second old bird race to report on was being flown from Darlington on the 5/5/24 and at 10.20am the birds were liberated into a light south west wind the top open twelve positions in the federation are as follows continuous succession was the top spot of Mr & Mrs Dave Lee who won the federation the week previously their winner a 3y blue cock that was bred by Kevin Hemstock of Sutton in Ashfield Mansfield and this cock has had a string of 1st cards for the partnership at club level federation and amalgamation already he was flown on the widowhood system flying 116 miles with a velocity of 1375.
2nd and 4th federation was Darren Oakley flying 101 miles his first a 2y blue cock followed by another 2y blue cock and are both syndicate lofts blood bred birds originating from Dean Skuse birds and were both flown on the widowhood system with both cocks scoring on the south road and north road route his velocities were 1367 and 1321.
3rd federation was Ron Vardy flying 100 miles with a 1y blue pied cock being of Ron's own created strain flown on the widowhood system doing 1326.
Ron Vardy
5th, 7th, 8th and 12th federation was Mr & Mrs Guilford flying 114 miles their first a 2y blue Jansen cock followed by a 2y blue Gabby Vandenbeale X Jansen cock followed by a 2y blue cock of Jansen X the late David Oakes of Eastwood bird and his final a 3y Mealy cock bred by Brian and Sue Stone of Belper all were flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1304, 1292, 1260 and 1246.
6th federation was Mr & Mrs Hasslam & Son flying 107 miles with a 2y blue hen of Herman Cuesters origins doing 1297. 9th federation was Glyn Tryner flying 102 miles with a 1y blue cock bred off the late Dean Skuse birds flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1258.
10th and 11th federation was Derek & Ryan Nutthall flying 104 miles their first a 3y chequer hen followed by a 2y blue hen and both being Syndicate loft birds flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1254 and 1253.
The Rat Man.