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The Derbyshire North Road Federation - 17-05-24

The Derbyshire North Road Federation

The DNRF third race of the season to report on was being flown from Darlington (2) on the 11/5/24 and at 10am the birds were liberated into a south east wind the top twelve positions in the federation to report on are as follows; claiming it again of 1st federation for the third week running was Mr & Mrs Dave Lee who also achieved 2nd federation their winner was last week’s federation winner a 3y blue cock that was bred and gifted to Dave by Kevin Hemstock of Sutton in Ashfield Mansfield this cock has excelled in Dave's hands carding most weeks in his carrier at club level federation and amalgamation on the road his second a 2y blue hen of Dave's own created blends of Louella stud birds all were flown in the roundabout system flying a distance of 116 miles with velocities of 1379 and 1378.

Dave Lee 3 in a row fed topper

Dave Lee 3 in a row fed topper

3rd, 8th and 10th federation was Ralph Jepson flying 105 miles with velocities of 1374, 1356 and 1352. 4th federation was Darren Hadfield flying 104 miles and only sending one bird to the event of a 2y dark hen being a Dave Peeters X Lambrechts flying on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1372.

5th, 6th and 7th federation was Derek & Ryan Nutthall flying 104 miles their first and third arrivals are full brothers of Van Wan Roy X Syndicate lofts bloodlines and their second a 2y blue cock that is bred out of pigeons obtained from Alan Todd of the north east and all were flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1361, 1359 and 1358.

9th federation was John Holmes flying 104 miles with a 1y blue hen being a Leo Van Rijn X Lambrechts flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1353.

11th federation was Mr & Mrs Moakes flying 104 miles with a 1y blue hen being a Patrick Boeckx X Sagan flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1349.

12th federation was Mr & Mrs Hasslam & Son flying 107 miles with a 1y blue hen on the roundabout system of Herman Cuesters base bloodlines with a velocity of 1341.

The Rat Man.