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The Millbridge North Road Federation - 28-05-24

The Millbridge North Road Federation

The Millbridge federations fourth race of 2024 season was being held at Hexham on the 19/5/24 and at 13.05pm into a light north east wind the birds were liberated the top twelve scoring birds in the federation are as follows leading the pack and taking first federation was Mr & Mrs Smith flying 86 miles with a 2y blue cock being a Bushart bred from a cock from Kevin and Mary Cross of the north east and his mother purchased at Simon Toone of Pontefract reduction sale held he was flown on the widowhood system with a winning velocity of 1639.

Stephanie Smith holding the winner     1st federation Hexham 2

Stephanie Smith holding the winner & 1st federation Hexham (2)

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th federation was Ron Kitching flying 87 miles his first a 2y red cock that's raced south road and won on this route now he's switched to north road and doing the same with this his second north road race being flown his next was last week’s federation topper a 1y blue cock followed by 2 x 1y cocks and all scoring birds being Stefan Lambrechts flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 2 x 1631, 1630 and 1629.

6th and 8th federation was A Bunting & Son flying 98 miles their first a 3y dark hen being a Gabby Vandenbeale flown on the widowhood  system and their second a dark cock from Barry Rogerson flown on the natural system with velocities of 1608 and 1598.

7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th federation was A & B Halstead flying 93 miles their first a 1y blue Lambrechts cock followed by a 2y blue Lambrechts hen the next a 1y blue Lambrechts cock followed by a 1y blue Van Dyke X Lambrechts cock and their final a 1y blue Huysken Van Riel X Lambrechts cock all flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1599, 2 x 1598 and 2 x 1596. 

The Rat Man.