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The Millbridge North Road Federation - 05-07-24

The Millbridge North Road Federation

The Millbridge north road federation was at Berwick upon Tweed on the Scottish Borders at the Berwick Rangers football ground on the 1/6/24 and at 08.00am into a north west wind the birds were liberated on their way.

morning at Berwick

Morning at Berwick

The top twelve positions in the federation are as follows; top of the shop and 9th federation was A Bunting & Son and loft assistant Clive Frudd flying 151 miles their federation topper being a 1y blue cock being of their own created strain family and their second being a 4y dark cock being bred and gifted to the partnership by Barry Rogerson both scoring birds were flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 2068 and 1991.

 Clive Frudd

Clive Frudd

2nd and 3rd federation was the dangerous duo of S Speight & Son who's certainly excelling on the grand old north road route taking their form from south road to the north road and a family of butchers it ain't just their spicy chicken that has hot wings their pigeons have hot wings cutting the clouds flying 140 miles their first arrival a 2y blue cock and the second a 1y blue cock and both being half-brothers to their RPRA award winning bird the first crossed with Ross Thackeray's good pied cock that topped the Dewsbury federation at 400 miles and 2nd Dewsbury federation at 500 miles and the second scoring cock crossed a Bateman Brothers of Liverpool both were traditional widowhood flown cocks with velocities of 2006 and 2005.

4th and 5th federation was Ralph Ellis & Son Flying 151 miles their first a 2y blue cock being a Gabby Vandenbeale followed in by a 2y chequer cock being a Van Den Bulk and both being widowhood flown cocks with velocities of 2004 and 2003.

6th, 7th, 8th and 11th federation is Ron Kitching flying 141 miles with the first three of Steffan Lambrechts and the final a Best Kittel all widowhood flown cocks with velocities of 2 x 2000, 1999 and 1986.383.

10th and 12th federation was P & G Cooper flying 141 miles with 2 x Herman Cuester hens arriving and being flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1987 and 1986.211.

Well that's the top twelve reported on next report will be the Perth race until next time a famous man of Sheffield said I be seeing you .....

The Rat Man