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The New North Road Amalgamation 2Bird - 15-07-24

The New North Road Amalgamation 2Bird

The TNNRA second 2Bird event to report on was being flown from Elgin City in Murray North Scotland by the Elgin City Football club on the community park car park as always the two birds are liberated separately being a specialist event so on the 22/6/24 at 08.30am into a west wind the two bird part of the organisation was liberated flying for £257 winning the event and just sending one bird was Darren Hadfield flying 326 miles with a 1y blue cock that won as a young bird and was one of Darren's best flying young birds of 2023 he's been showing form and knocking on the door now he's settled to Darren's roundabout system and he was certainly in form leading the event all the way home to his loft being a small kit unusual things happen and over the years some great performances of some sole alone birds achieved this has happened before over the years the events have been held Dougie Fisher of Bingham from Thornton Park had a keen break away 2Bird hen that completely excelled the event to get back and now a few seasons later Darren's made this occur again with the cock really excelling his velocity with his winning velocity of 1321 winning £76 the cock was fed on Aidi concept corn mix of the Noël Willockx family brand and his breeding of his mother being a new strain Darren is testing out of Walter Van Looy coming from Darby & Joesbury partnerships stock loft and his father being a no ring gift bred cock from fellow close club mate friend Lyndon Moakes bred from a successful pair Lyndon has being of Dave Peeters bred birds.

Darren Hadfield 2Bird Elgin winner 15 07 24c

Darren Hadfield

2nd was Dave Woods flying 360 miles with a 2y blue white flight cock that is a late bred with a 2020 ring on being so late he was rung with an old ring and was bred and gifted to Dave by Eddie Keyte of Hurley of Kingsbury Warwickshire and is a son of Shearer one of Eddie's best race cocks being a Bushart when paired to a Crammond & Langstaffe hen he was raced at David's on the natural system sitting one week old nest eggs winning £39 with a velocity of 1105.

Dave Woods 15 07 24c

Dave Woods

3rd sending just one bird and the same bird scoring 4th from the Perth 2Bird event previously for them was Derek and Ryan Nutthall flying 327 miles winning £27 with a 3y blue hen being a syndicate lofts inbred grandson of Mike Ganus Rocket when paired to a daughter of Butcher Boy of Central lofts she was flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1074.

4th and 5th with their two birds coming together two minutes apart from 327 miles was the Partnership of Parry & Ellis winning £46 their first a 1y chequer cock followed by a 2y blue hen both being Soojens off the late John Salt birds flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1072 and 1069.

6th and 7th was TP Wainwright flying 346 miles winning £58 with 2 x own strain natural flown cocks with velocities of 1049 and 965.

8th was A Kemp & Son flying 335 miles with a 5y blue cock being bred down from George Bell of Calverton birds being flown on the widowhood system and has competed and scored from Scotland distance races in the two bird events of 2023 he won £4 with a velocity of 909.

9th was Aubrey Baker flying 314 miles with a 2y blue chequer hen bred from out gift birds from one of the NFC's legends Eric Hickingbottom of Bolsover being flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 901 winning £2.

10th was G Chaplin & Son flying 351 miles winning £5 with a 2y dark grizzle cock being a Pit bull from John Abela of Preston that flown also the two bird Perth event and has carded quite sometimes now he was flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 896.

Well that's some gallant fanciers and birds reported on upwards and onwards more distance events of select racing to come. 

The Rat Man