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The Millbridge North Road Federation - 26-08-24

The Millbridge North Road Federation

The Millbridge North road federation was at Alnwick on the 15/6/24 and at 9.30am into a light southerly wind the birds were liberated the top twelve positions in the federation are as follows claiming 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th federation was S Speight & Son flying 114 miles their winner a 1y chequer pied cock being a Stickers Donker crossed Gus Jansen being bred by Ross Thackery the next a 1y blue cock being a Gus Jansen bred again by Ross Thackery the third arrival a 1y chequer pied hen being a Van Den Bulk crossed Gus Jansen again bred by Ross Thackery the fourth arrival a 1y blue cock being bred out of the partnerships RPRA award winning cock when paired to a Eddie Bateman hen and the final arrival a 2y chequer cock being a Herman Cuesters all being flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1551, 1549.094, 1540 and 2 x 1539.

S Speight Son 26 08 24e

S Speight & Son

3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th and 11th federation was Ron Kitching flying 115 miles Ron's first is his good red cock that's scored as a young bird yearling and now two year old on the south road route and the north road route and is bred from Ron's Steffan Lambrechts his next a 1y blue cock being a best Kittle followed by a 1y blue Leo Herman cock and then 2x 1y Lambrechts cocks all being flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1549.069, 1548, 1547, 1546 and 1536.955.

10th federation was Peter Horby of Craigside lofts flying 108 miles with a 2y chequer hen being a Staff Van Reet off Dean Bulluck of Ripon crossed Mike Chadwick of Chesterfield Jos Thone being flown on the widowhood system with a velocity of 1538.

Peter Hornby 26 08 24e

Peter Hornby

12th federation was Ralf Ellis & Son flying 125 miles with a 3y blue cock being a Gabby Vandenbeale flown on the widowhood system with a velocity of 1536.320. 

The Rat Man.