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The Millbridge North Road Federation - 16-12-24

The Millbridge North Road Federation

The Millbridge north road federation kicked off the young bird season with its first visit to Darlington after a successful old bird season with the Scottish distance mileage available and again in 2025 and further on the table the Darlington Young birds were liberated at 11am into a west wind on the 3/8/24.

The top twelve in the federation is as follows; taking gold silver and bronze plus reserve on the podium finish of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in the federation was A & B Halstead flying 66 miles the winner a blue Lambrechts hen followed by a blue Van Dyke crossed Lambrechts cock then a Lambrechts blue cock followed by a Syndicate Lofts Foxy Lady line bred crossed Lambrechts chequer cock then was a chequer Lambrechts hen then a Lambrechts blue hen and the final a red Lambrechts hen all the hens were flown naturally and the cocks flown on young bird widowhood system and the Lambrechts originate from Mick McMurchie of Scotland their velocities were 5 x 1291, 1289 and 1288.

A B Halstead 16 12 24c

A & B Halstead

8th federation was Dyer & Borg flying 62 miles with a blue hen being a Franz Zwols from stock obtained from Peter Kirkwood with a velocity of 1259.

Dyer Borg 16 12 24c

Dyer & Borg

9th federation was Peter Smith flying 67 miles with a chequer cock of his own creation breeding doing 1108.925.

10th federation was John Benson flying 59 miles with a blue cock being bred down from fellow fed member of Peter Simmons good performing red Cock of Knobby that's achieved good consistency in performance Johns velocity was 1108.718.

11th and 12th federation was Ron Kitching flying 57 miles with 2 x Stefan Lambrechts cocks flown naturally with velocities of 1049 and 1039.

The Rat Man.