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The New North Road Amalgamation - 19-12-24

The New North Road Amalgamation

£16,696 Central race.

the TNNRA central section of the organisation had its 2024 Futurity final event from Alnwick in Northumberland for the central and southern part of the midlands members £16,696 was on the table to 48 scoring positions paid out to racers and breeders the birds were liberated at 9.30am into a westerly wind by Peter and Jordan.

The top ten scoring positions in the event are as follows claiming 1st ,2nd and 8th in the top ten plus other positions won was Gavin Cooper of Groby Leicester flying 190 miles from Alnwick with a great day being achieved and a caviar sandwich on the table at his local Leicester masons banquet of the Leicester Knights Gavin informs us his young birds are flown solely on the natural system and not on the darkness system and left to do as they are pleased in the loft but trained twice a day as much as possible weather permitting with a morning flight at the same place of Mansfield at the 28 mile mark and an evening trainer flight of 14 miles on the M1 motorway this is done by Gavin and his close helping friend in the sport of Dave Cooper were they help each other and work together training the birds taking it in turns with the training role the winner a Blue hen being bred by Clarance & Barbara Haymes and sons & Grandsons of Cromford Matlock their second bird a blue hen being bred by Bentley & Cuthbert of Nottingham who bred the South section winner and second scoring bird and the IFC Alnwick YB open winner 2024 and many many other organisations breeder buyer, gold ring  or Futurity scoring birds over the last few seasons so their pairings are being right this hen is being out of a Herbots cock that they purchased in 2021 and this cock bred a scoring bird for the partnership winning £400 in a breeder buyer they entered being flown by Craig Gorrill from Chale some 270 miles to Craig's loft the mother being a Herman Cuesters hen purchased from Carl Ford of Fordys lofts birds were they were sold through Gary Tomlinson for Carl Ford were the partnership purchased this hen and this hen has bred the partnership many scoring birds including a 8th new north road amalgamation 2024 flying 335 miles from Elgin, Gavins third bird a blue cock being bred by father and son partnership of Derek & Ryan Nutthall of Newstead of Nottinghamshire  the cock being bred from a cock being a son from the central lofts Butcher boy when paired to a granddaughter of Mike Ganus Syndicate lofts Rocket Gavin's velocities were 1380, 1379 and 1347 in the top ten 1st racer wins £2,505.84 breeder £2,505.84

second bird 19 12 24a    Gavin Cooper 19 12 24a

2nd Prize bird & Gavin Cooper

Bentley Cuthbert 19 12 24a

Bentley & Cuthbert

Second racer £1,253.64 breeder £1,253.64 and 8th racer £168.40 breeder £168.40 Gavin had other scoring prize winning birds out the top ten reported on thanks must go to Gavin's wife for putting up with Gavin's pigeon obsession and hard work he puts into the birds and time and supporting him being with the love of their children and many dogs kept also and to close friend of Dave Cooper.

Next to report chasing Gavin's top two closely was an old hand at this game with north road and south road success of John Havens of Whitwick Leicester were John claims 3rd, 6th, 7th and 9th spots his first a blue white flight cock flying 185 miles and johns first bird being a home bred bird of a Soojen crossed  Gabby Vandenbeale and he was paired up sent sitting 10 day old nest eggs the next two being bred by Team UK of Nottingham the first a blue hen being a Jan Grondelaers and the father when on the road scored many cards when paired to a 2 x 1st federation winning hen from Darlington the next a dark cock we're Luckaz informs us it's bred from the New Young Kittel cock of the Angwin Family when paired to a hen from NFC man of Damian Szpak of London from his NFC Queen 85 hen and Johns final top ten bird a chequer hen being bred by Sylwester Kaminski of Worksop and being bred from birds directly from Team UK of their  BICC New North Road Amalgamation and NRCC scoring birds of winners and breeders combined, Johns birds were flown on the darkness system flying paired up in the young bird section with velocities of 1378, 2 x 1362 and 1345. Johns first wins him £1672.48 the next racer £251.88 breeder £251.88 the next achievement of racer £185.10 breeder £185.10 and the final racer £147.53 and breeder £147.53.

Andrezj Damian Szpak and Lucaz 19 12 24a

Andrezj Damian Szpak and Lucaz

4th was Dave Cooper of Ratby Leicester who also scored out of the top ten reported flying 191 miles being a chequer hen home bred and is the same way bred as the 10th north section Futurity scoring bird in 2023 bred by Dave raced by Darren Oakley the dam being a direct daughter from off Playful when paired to a gift bred cock by friend of Roger Elton of Mr & Mrs Elton of Leicester Dave informs us she was paired to a yearling cock in the hope she would lay and sit eggs prior to the event but this did not happen she was flown completely natural not on the darkness and received only 3 x races from Wakefield and Wetherby prior to the event but trained twice a day with friend Gavin coopers birds Dave's velocity was 1377. Plus wins £921.16

For the position 5th is Dennis Morrisey of Corby who also scored out the top ten claiming other prize money out the top ten reported flying 202 miles with a blue hen being home bred bird from off a gift cock from John Norris of Grantham from out his high performing Lerwick family when paired to a gift hen from the Murphy Brothers of Corby she was flown naturally flying back to just her perch were Dennis now calls her lucky after the race event she was having a bath in the front of the loft were Dennis was watching the birds bath popped into the house to make a pot of tea and on his return a hen sparrow hawk inside the open loft door was starting to eat this hen Dennis ran to save the hen were just in time he did after patience and care she has made a full recovery if any longer in the house grabbing a biscuit or check the television it could of bean a different story a sorry affair that's happening more and more to pigeon fanciers it could of bean a different outcome Luckies velocity was 1366.and wins £587.54.

Dennis Morrisey 19 12 24a

Dennis Morrisey

10th is the partnership of Litherland Bailey & Harrison of Swadlincote flying 183 miles and the partnership scored prizes out the top ten reported the bird being bred by Terry Hayward of Cardiff and being a Van Elsaker crossed Herman Cuesters Terrys had great success with Welsh National and IFC open wins and federation wins over the years and selected a few to have a go in the event and Terry also bred other prize scoring birds out the top ten reported so well done Terry the bird was flown on the darkness system with a velocity of 1344. And winning for the position racer £126.66 breeder £126.66.

Terry Hayward 19 12 24a

Terry Hayward

Well a good race and event flown and 2024 closed thanks must go to the south west of England Lerwick club for convoying and welfare of the birds for the event.

The Rat Man.