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The Millbridge North Road Federation - 07-01-25

The Millbridge North Road Federation

The Millbridge federations second young bird race to report on was back at Darlington for Darlington 2 the birds were liberated at 1245pm on the 10/8/24 into a strong south west wind the top twelve in the federation are as follows; taking 1,2,3,4 was Ronnie Kitching flying 57 miles his winner a red chequer cock and second a blue chequer hen and are full nest mate brother and sister and being Stephan Lambrechts and being bred from Ron's top performing breeding stock cock the next being a blue cock of Leo Herman's and the fourth a blue chequer pied cock of Stephan Lambrechts they were flown on a simple natural young bird system were they are left to pair up and do as they please in the loft their velocities were 2 x 1313, then 1312 and 1312.250.

5th and 6th federation was S Speight & Son flying 56 miles their first a blue white flight cock being a direct Woodroofe Brothers as brothers Albert, Fred and Dave loaned them a few stock birds to breed off were the partnership would like to thank the brothers for their advice and kind loan of class pigeons the next a chequer white flight cock being bred by Mick McGrath of Leeds that was purchased at a pre winter presentation evening gala young bird auction held at the gala attended these were flown on the darkness system with velocities of 1312.088 and 1311.

7th federation was Ralf Ellis & Son with a dark Grizzle cock flying 67 miles doing 1310.

8th federation was Craigside lofts of Leeds flying 51 miles with the quality of John Mills of Murray & Mills and Jane Mitchell birds of a white hen doing 1300.

9th was C Lister & Son & Grace flying 60 miles with a home bred strain blue cock doing 1292.

10th & 12th federation was Peter Smith flying 67 miles with 2 x home bred strain birds of a chequer cock and blue hen doing 1278 and 1270.

11th federation was A & B Halstead flying 66 miles with a blue chequer cock of a Lambrechts being flown on the widowhood system and is bred from MC Murchie birds with a velocity of 1272.

Over the festive period the organisation held a Christmas meat and farm produce hamper bonus ball draw with a very large mixed meat hamper and a Christmas veg hamper this was won by Kevin ward and delivered just before Christmas Day so could be enjoyed over the festive period thanks must go the Topcliffe farm produce for supplying the hampers Kevin won.

festive winner Kevin ward 07 01 25a    Meat hamper 07 01 25a    Veg hamper 07 01 25a

Festive winner Kevin ward & the meat and veg hampers

Also an open classic gold ring event open to all who fly 185 miles and above from Perth on August bank holiday 25th of August 2 x sections 185 - 240 miles north section and south section 240 miles and above £10 a ring maximum of 10 per loft 3 marking stations if interested and require some rings contact myself for some rings on 07947896043. 

The Rat Man.