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Enfield Continental Flying Club - 25-09-23

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The next race of the season was a due to be flown from Guernsey on the 27th May with the UBI Combine, but the race was changed to Exeter as they had a fear of low birdage. After marking on the Friday night 5 Members had sent 89 Birds. Continuing their fine form we had Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Blue Chequer De Klak Hen. Second club went to Billy Watkins with a Chequer Cock bred by Mark Edwards. 3rd Club went to Club Secretary Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht Hen. Taking Fourth we had Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer De Klak Cock. 5th Club was Billy Watkins with a Blue Pied Hen, the Sire of this Pigeon was Bred by the old BBC Stud & the Dam was bred by the Natural Breeding Station in Belgium. Finally in 6th we had Steve Holloway with a Blue Pied Padfield x Soontjen Cock.

Steve Holloway                      Algis Tiatauris

Steve Holloway                                                     Algis Tiatauris

On the 3rd of June the Inter Counties Fed flew from Yeovil, with 6 of our Members Sending 82 Birds which were Liberated at 7.30 in a Light North West Wind. Taking top spot was Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer Pied Janssen Hen. Runner up was Club secretary Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht Cock. Third Club was Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer Leo Heremans Hen. 4th Club was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen bred by Simon Schofield. Fifth was Steve Holloway with a Red Chequer Hen from his Van Reet family. Finally in Sixth was A & J Tiatauris with a Chequer Hen De Klak.

Algis Jurgita Tiatauris

Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris

Our next race was with the UBI Combine which was flown on the 11th June after a 1 day holdover. Algis & Jurgita continued their excellent form with another Win with a Blue w/f Jos Thorne Hen. Taking 2nd & 3rd Club was Steve Holloway with a Chequer Pied Padfield Jan Aarden Cock & a Mealy Maarten Vinkenborg Cock. 4th & 5th once again was Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with 2 Chequer Hens, a De Klak & a Leo Heremans. Finally in 6th we had Jaio Figuiera with a Chequer Busschaert Cock.

The Following week 5 Members sent 61 Birds to Honiton, which were Liberated at 8.15 in a Light East Wind, with Billy Watkins winning with a Chequer Cock bred by Mark Edwards. Steve Holloway took 2nd with a Blue Lambrecht X Van Reet Cock a Son of “Pedro” winner of 5x1st’s for Steve. 3rd & 4th was Billy Watkins with a John May Chequer Hen & a Chequer Cock from Bill’s old family. Fifth Club was Steve Holloway with a Dark Chequer Lambrecht Cock. 6th went to Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer Cock De Klak.

Billy Watkins Jess

Billy Watkins & Jess

25th June was a come back race from Blandford, with these being Liberated at 5.45 in a Light South Wind. Taking 1st & 2nd we had Billy Watkins with Chequer Hen a Grandaughter of Isla’s Rainy Day Boy, 1st National, 1st International Pau. The other side of this hen’s Bloodlines come from the Stotfold ace Johnny Black & a Chequer Mark Edwards Cock who won the week previous. 3rd spot was Steve Holloway with a Dark Chequer Lambrecht Cock, 5th Club Honiton the week before. 4th & 5th was Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer Lambrecht Hen & a De Klak Chequer Hen. Finally in 6th was Billy Watkins with a Blue Herman Beverdam Hen.

1st July Yeovil, for this race 5 Members sent 63 Birds, which were let up at 11.45 in a West North West Wind. Taking 1st Club, also 1st Inter Counties Fed 1496 Birds was Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht x Soontjen Cock, a son of “Pedro”. This Cock also took 2nd Club Honiton earlier in the season. 2nd Club, also 8 th Fed was Billy Watkins with a Chequer Cock with the Bloodlines of Isla’s Rainy Day Boy.

3rd Club, also 29th Fed was Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer De Klak Cock. Fourth Club was Billy Watkins with a Blue Simon Schofield Cock. 5th Club was Algis

  • Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer De Klak Cock. Finally in 6th we had Jaio Figuiera with a Chequer Busschaert Cock who took 4th Club in the UBI Combine Guernsey Race earlier in the season.

We had our last Old Bird race of the Season on the 9th July which was another UBI Combine race flown from Guernsey. These were Liberated at 10.15 in a South West Wind. Taking the top 3 Positions we had Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris with a Chequer w/f Hen & 2 Chequer Hens all from there De Klak, Hereman & Lambrecht family. 4th Club was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen with the Sire being bred by Guy Reed of the Isle Of White. Finally taking 5th & 6th we had Arif Karibas with a Chequer Cock & Chequer Hen both Jan Aarden x Kirkpatricks.

Young Bird Season………..

After a one week break, and a training race from Stoney Cross, the Young Bird season got started on the 29th July from Stoney Cross with 4 Members Sending 61 Birds which were liberated at 9am in a South West Wind. Starting off with a Bang we had Billy Watkins doing a 1,2,3 with a Chequer Hen bred by John Turnell of Cheshunt, a Chequer Hen bred by Pat Newell of Billericay & another Chequer Hen bred by Sean Barton of Kent from his old Sid Jones Janssen family.. 4th Club was new starter Tony Cassannova in his first ever race with a Black Jan theelan x Raymond Molevold Hen. Finally taking 5th & 6th Arif Karibas with a Chequer Cock & a Blue Pied Cock.

Race 2, Blandford. 4 Members sent 76 Birds which were libbed at 6.30 in a NW Wind. Taking 1st,2nd & 4th we have Billy Watkins with a Chequer Hen, a Blue Hen both bred by Mark Edwards & a Blue Hen from Bill’s old family. In 3rd, 5th & 6th place was Arif Karibas with a Chequer w/f Cock & a Blue Hen of May X Lambrecht bloodlines and another Blue Hen

Our 3rd Young Bird race was flown from Yeovil where 4 Members sent 106 Birds which were liberated at 7am in a South West Wind. 1st & 2nd was Billy Watkins with a John Turnell Chequer Hen winning her 2nd race of the season after winning 1st Club Stoney Cross. Billy’s Second pigeon was a Mark Edwards Chequer Hen, previously 2nd Club Blandford the week before. 3rd Club was Jaio Figuiera with a Chequer Busschaert Cock. 4th Club Billy Watkins with a Chequer Hen a Grandaughter of Isla’s Rainy Day Boy. Finally in 5th & 6th Arif Karibas with a Chequer Cock bred by Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris & a Blue Pied Janssen Cock..

On the 19th August 4 Members sent 96 Birds to Blandford which were Up at 10am in a South West Wind. Having a good week taking1st,2nd & 5th positions was Arif Karibas, with help from his Children Aylin & Ismail timing in for him. Arif’s winner was a Blue Hen of Lambrecht x May Pigeons bloodlines, a Dark Chequer Hen & a Blue Hen also of May Pigeons x Lambrecht bloodlines previously 5th Blandford. Taking 3rd, 4th & 6th spots we had Billy Watkins with a Red Chequer Cock of Raymond Molevold x Johnny Black Bloodlines, a Chequer Hen previously 4th Club Yeovil. & a Slatey Hen of Sean Barton, Sid Jones Bloodlines.

26th August the race point changed to Wincanton with the birds being Liberated at 8.45 in a Light SW Wind. Arif Karibas clocked up another win with a Chequer Cock of May Pigeons x Lambrecht bloodlines. Taking 2nd, 3rd & 4th was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen, a Grizzle Hen & a Chequer Hen taking her third 4th place of the season after previously been 4th Club Yeovil & 4th Club Blandford. Finally taking 5th & 6th places was Arif Karibas with a Blue Hen previously 1st Club Blandford & a Blue Cock.

Arif Karibas with children and Loft Managers Ismail Aylin 1        Arif Karibas with children and Loft Managers Ismail Aylin 2

Arif Karibas with children and Loft Managers Ismail & Aylin

Sept 2nd we were at Yeovil with the Birds being Liberated at 11am in a North East Wind. Taking top spot was Arif Karibas with the help of his children Ismail & Aylin with the same Lambrecht x May Chequer Cock what won 1st Club Wincanton the week previous. Taking 2nd, 3rd, & 4th we had Billy Watkins a Red Chequer Raymond Moleveld Cock, previously 3rd Club Blandford, a Slate Hen bred by Sean Barton, winner of 6th Club Blandford & a Chequer Hen, a Grand daughter of Isla’s Rainy Day Boy when crossed with Johnny Black blood. Finally 5th & 6th was Arif Karibas with a Blue May x Lambrecht Hen, past winner of twice 5th Club Blandford, & a Blue Cock another May x Lambrecht, previously a winner of 5th Club Wincanton, & 1st Club Blandford.

9th September we were at Honiton with the Birds being Liberated at 6.50 with no wind being given at the lib site. Taking the top 3 positions was Billy Watkins with the Winner being a Slate Hen bred by Sean Barton of Kent from his Sid Jones Janssen family. This hen is a past winner of 6th Club Blandford & 3rd Club Yeovil., 2nd` a Chequer Hen of Busschaert x Isla’s Rainy Day Boy bloodlines, previously 4th Club Wincanton & 4th Club Yeovil. Billy’s 3rd pigeon was a Blue Hen from his old family. Taking the next 3 places was Arif Karibas with a Chequer Cock, a winner of 1st Club Yeovil & 1st Club Wincanton. A Chequer Cock bred by Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris, previously 5th Club Yeovil. & a Blue Pied Janssen X Cock who won 6th Club Yeovil.

The Final Race of the Season was a UBI Combine race which was flown from Exeter, to which no members sent to it, but it was an exceptionally hard race.

In the next write up…..

Exciting news including our Show Programme for 2023 Until then, Take Care.

Jamie T……..