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Enfield Continental Flying Club - 08-08-24

Enfield Continental Flying Club

With the fourth race of the season soon arriving down at the Cabbage the next race to be flown was from Blandford on the 4th of May, which would see all the birds flying to just over the 100-mile mark. After the marking had been completed 7 members had sent 171 Birds which were liberated at 10am in a Light Southeast wind. Taking the winning position was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen who was bred by Mark Edwards. Runner Up spot went to Club Secretary Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht X Van Reet Cock, a previous Inter Counties Fed winner for Steve. He is also a son of “Pedro” a winner of 5x1st’s and many other top 6 positions. Third place was Billy Watkins with a Chequer Van Rijn Cock bred by Bryan Cowan. 4th & 5th Club was Steve Holloway with a Blue Pied Cock & a Dark Chequer Cock both Lambrechts. Finally in 6th place was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen from Bill’s old Janssen family.

The following weekend on the 11th May the Club was racing from Exeter with 7 Members entering. The next morning the birds were liberated at 7.40 in a Southeast Wind. Top spot for this race was Steve Holloway with a Dark Chequer Lambrecht Hen, a daughter of “Pedro”. Taking Second was Arif Karibas with a Blue Lambrecht Cock bred by Steve Holloway. 3rd & 4th place went to Billy Watkins with a Dark Chequer Hen of Guy Reed bloodlines and a Blue Hen bred from Mark Adcock stock. 5th Club was Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht Cock given to Steve as an egg by ex-member Geo Barker. Finally in 6th place was Billy Watkins with a Mark Bulled Chequer Hen with “Legacy” bloodlines.

With the season now in full swing we soon hit the 6th old bird race which was flown from Yeovil with the lib being nice and early at 6.30am in a Light Northwest Wind, with 6 Members sending 121 birds. First past the post picking up his first win of the season was Arif Karibas with the Blue Lambrecht Cock, who took 2nd Club Exeter the weekend before. Runner up for the week was Steve Holloway with a Lambrecht Dark Chequer Cock, another given as an egg by Geo Barker. Third & Fourth places went to Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen from bill’s old family and a Chequer Hen bred by Simon Schofield. Finally 5th & 6th positions were taken by Steve Holloway with a Blue Lambrecht Cock, another gift egg from Geo , also previously 5th Club Exeter and a Blue Cock, a past winner of 2nd Club Blandford and 1st Club, 1st Inter Counties Fed.

Arif Karibas

Arif Karibas

On the 25th May we were racing from Yelverton with the UBI Combine with these being marked on the Thursday Night for a Saturday Liberation. On the Saturday Morning I received the call from Dave Housden saying that they had been Liberated at 6am in a Light Southeast Wind. This week’s winner was John “Jaio” Figuiera with a Chequer Pied Janssen Cock. Taking Second & Third places was Arif Karibas with a Chequer cock of Premier Stud x Brian Price Cock bloodlines & a Chequer Pied Cock bred by Algis Tiatauris. 4th Club was Peter Glass with a Dark Chequer Hen. Arif Karibas also took 5th position with a Blue Lambrecht Cock, the 1st Club winner the week before, also 2nd Club Exeter earlier in the season. This Cock was bred by Steve Holloway. Finally in 6th spot we had Peter Glass with a Blue Pied Hen.

The 8th Old bird race of the season was from Yeovil with 6 Members sending 124 Birds which were liberated at 6.30am in a Northwest wind. Taking the top 2 position was Steve Holloway with a Blue Maartin Vinkenborg Cock, and a Blue Padfield Jan Aarden x Soontjen Cock previously 2nd club Blandford & 6th Club Yeovil. 3rd,4th & 5th places went to Billy Watkins with a Blue Cock bred from Bill’s old family, a Chequer Hen of Mark Bulled “Legacy” bloodlines, a past winner of 6th club Exeter & another Chequer Hen who was bred by John May. Finally in 6th spot was Steve Holloway with a Blue Van Reet Cock, a winner of 5th Club Exeter & 5th Club Yeovil.

8th June was another UBI Combine race flown from Guernsey which were released at 8am in a West wind. Arif Karibas picked up his second win of the season with the Chequer Premier Stud x Brian Price Cock, who took 2nd Club Yelverton. This was Arif’s last race for Old Birds as he moved to a new house 3 miles away and he has to re-break out his birds. 2nd Club was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen from his old family. Third place went to new member Pat Eggenton with a Blue Chequer Van Reet x Kipp & Sohn Cock. 4th went to John Figuiera with a Blue Janssen Hen. Finally, 5th & 6th went to Arif Karibas with a Chequer Pied Cock bred by club mates Algis & Jurgita Tiatauris and a Dark Chequer Jan Aarden Cock.

The 10th Old bird race was flown from Honiton on the 15th June, with a 9.45 Lib in a South West wind. Billy Watkins took the first 2 positions with a Blue Pied Hen, the sire coming from the old BBC stud and the Dam being bred by the Natural Breeding Station and a Blue Cock of Bills old family. 3rd & 4th was Steve Holloway with the Blue Lambrecht x Van Reet Cock who has taken 2nd Blandford, 6th Yeovil & 2nd Yeovil so far this season as well as a previous 1st Fed winner. Steve’s 2nd pigeon was a Chequer Pied Soontjen x Padfield Cock who has also taken 2nd Club Yeovil this season. Bill Watkins also took 5th place with a Blue Hen from Bill’s old Janssen family. Finally in 6th place was Steve Holloway with a Chequer Van Reet Hen.

Wincanton was the club’s next race with them being liberated at 8.30 in a West Wind. Bill Watkins took first place, also 24th Inter Counties Fed with a Chequer Hen bred by John Turnell of Cheshunt. 2nd,3rd & 4th Club was Steve Holloway with a Dark Chequer Lambrecht Hen received as a egg from Geo , a Dark Chequer Hen, previously 1st Club Exeter and a Daughter of “Pedro” And a Chequer Lambrecht Hen from another Egg from Geo Barker, winner of 6th Club Honiton the previous week. Finally in 5th & 6th was Billy Watkins with a Blue Hen & a Blue Pied Hen who took 1st Club Honiton the week before who was bred from stock from the old BBC Stud and the Natural Breeding Station.

29th June was another UBI Combine race flown from Truro with these being liberated nice and early at 5.40 in a Southwest Wind. John “Jaio” Figuiera clocked up with his second win of the season with a Blue Janssen Hen who also took 4th Club Guernsey. Taking 2nd & 3rd was Steve Holloway with a Mealy Pied Maarten Vinkenborg Cock & a Dark Chequer Lambrecht Hen. Continuing his good week was John Figuiera with a Chequer Pied Janssen Hen with 4th place. John Hore of Hoddesdon took 5th Club with a Dark Chequer Cock from his Lerwick family. Finally in 6th spot was Steve Holloway with a Chequer Van Reet Hen.

6th of July was the last old bird race of the season which was flown from Blandford. These were Liberated at 9.15 in a Southwest Wind. Steve Holloway was the race winner with a Dark Lambrecht Chequer Hen who has taken 3rd Club Wincanton & 1st Club Exeter and is a daughter of “Pedro” winner of 5x1st’s. Second club was Billy Watkins with a Chequer Braspenning Hen bred by Pat Newell. 3rd place was Steve Holloway with a Late bred Lambrecht Dark Chequer Hen. Fourth Club was John “Jaio” Figuiera with a Chequer Pied Janssen Hen, who took 4th Club Truro the week before. Fifth Club was Bill Watkins with a Blue Cock bred by John May. Finally in 6th we have John Figuiera with a Blue Pied Hen Janssen.

With the Old Bird season now over, we now have a 2 week break before the Young Bird season starts on the 27th July which will be flown from Stoney Cross.

Also, the club would like to send congratulations to the following 2 members for scoring the following top positions in National racing this season.

Billy Watkins for his 40th Section Messac 276 miles,

4th Section, 30th Open, 17th Section, 111th Open BBC National Norte Sur Erdre 299 Miles,

41st section, 71st BICC National Norte Sur Erdre,

50th Section NFC Norte Sur Erdre

11th Section, 37th BBC National Bordeaux, 28th Section,

41st BICC National Bordeaux 468 miles.

Billy Watkins

Billy Watkins

John Hore for 86th BICC National Bordeaux, with 4 on the result 475 miles

Also, to Arif Karibas for getting his new loft ready, with help from Steve Holloway.

Arifs new set up

Arif’s new set up

That’s all for now………

Jamie T…..