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Ripon - May 10th 2014





RIPON - MAY 10TH 2014

Liberated 10.30 am in a strong west wind

It’s a tough job if you’re a race advisor, particularly when the weather is against you - never a well done when the birds drop in one after the other. When the going gets tough, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. So this week the race advisor should be recognised for getting it right in adverse conditions. Many north road concerns held until Sunday and had a fast race with the wind behind them. Jim Ashenden chose to go on Saturday at 10.30 am setting in motion a race of enjoyment where fit pigeons battled strong south west head winds to give an exciting race. Well done Jim. 

Mr Allan Thompson First open Essex & Kent Amalgamation First Stour Valley Federation Ripon velocity 1374 ypm 4036 birds

Allan, who flies in the Mistley & District Homing Society, timed in a very special three year old blue hen. Why is she special? Well a couple of years ago I was writing about her taking 2nd open in the Essex and Kent Amalgamation from Wetherby competing against 3380 birds; in first position was Mr Paul Reynolds. Now two years later here we are again, same blue hen, only this time with reversed tables - Allan first open and Paul second open.

Allan’s Blue hen is one of ten hens that he races on the roundabout system. Her dam was originally bred by Mr Garry Paganini, with her sire being a Staf Van Reet cross. Allan, who is now 72, does not keep many birds, so of course a win with the Essex & Kent Amal is a dream come true.


Mr Paul Reynolds 2nd 4th & 11th open Essex & Kent Amalgamation 2nd 4th & 10th Stour Stour Valley Federation Ripon velocities 1369 1351 & 1335.1 ypm

Paul’s first bird is a 2010 blue Gaby Vandabeele widowhood cock. This cock is another winning pigeon bred from his number one pair of Gaby Vandabeeles. What a good pair of stock birds this pair are, responsible for many winners, winners that have excelled in the big races, like the Essex & Kent amals and combines. Paul told me they are undoubtedly one of the best stock pairs he has ever had. This stock pair are of M & D Evans Jester and Carrie bloodlines. They are still producing but he only takes a few for racing as they are 2005 pigeons. Luckily the children also have the gift of producing good pigeons so all will not be lost when the old pair stop producing.

The 2010 blue cock, Paul’s first bird, has previously won 10th open E & K Amal Wetherby, 7th open E & K Amal Wetherby, 20th open E & K Combine Berwick, 51st open E & K Combine Ripon, 73rd open E & K Combine Arbroath. He is also sire of 2nd open E & K Amal Wetherby and 17th E & K Amal Ripon. The second bird timed in winning 4th open E & K Amal is a 2010 blue pied widowhood cock of Staf Van Reet x Gaby bloodlines. The third bird timed to record 11th open is a yearling blue white flighted widowhood cock, a grandson of the number one pair.

Paul with his winning pigeon

Mr & Mrs Ronnie Reason 3rd 10th & 19th open Essex & Kent Amalgamation 3rd 6th & 9th Stour Valley Federation Ripon velocities 1354 1335.1 & 1318.6 ypm

Mr & Mrs Reason continued their most outstanding season with three positions in the Essex & Kent Amalgamations Ripon top twenty, after last week’s most outstanding performance of taking first open Stour Valley Federation 15th open Essex & Kent Amalgamation Wetherby in an adverse wind.

This week it was all about the hens. The first bird winning 3rd open was a Gaby Vandenabeele widowhood hen. This hen was also timed to win 5th open E & K Amal Ripon last year.

The second bird timed a blue Gaby Vandabeele x Braspenning widowhood hen taking 10th open has won numerous cards in the past.

The third bird a yearling hen winning 19th open E & K Amal Ripon is of Heremans Ceusters origin. She won as a young bird and has already won this year prior to this amal. 

Ronnie & family

S, S, &  I Wallis and Royce First & Second & 7th Essex Central Federation 6th 7th & 15th open Essex & Kent Amalgamation Ripon velocities 1342 1341 & 1325 ypm

What a season this partnership are having, topping the Essex & Suffolk Border Federation, all of their first three races with birdage between 950 and a 1000 each week. This their first amal race 1st 2nd and 7th Essex Central Federation 6th 7th & 15th open E & K Amal.

Their first bird timed, a dark chequer pied Cooreman yearling hen racing on the roundabout system, was bred from a daughter of their champion Cooreman old Belgian stock hen who is responsible for many federation winners not only for themselves but for numerous other fanciers. The sire of the first bird was bred from a blue pied Cooreman cock a winner of 7 first feds for Terry Jones a friend of Steve Wallis, when paired to the old Belgian hen. The dam was bred by Bob Fenech.

The second bird timed, a blue pied roundabout Cooreman hen, was bred by Freddy Harnett from one of his latest top stock pairs of Cooreman.

The third bird timed in was a dark cheque white flighted yearling widowhood cock, another grandson of the old Belgian Cooreman stock hen, when paired to a sister to Steve Fenech’s Messi.

The partnership all look after a compartment of pigeons, giving them the chance of some departmental banter on race days. The Wallis boys have a widowhood cock team each and Rodders Royce looks after the roundabout hens. But at the end of the day it’s all about the partnership, they all share the work, with winning as their first priority.

The Wallis & Royce team

Mr A. P. Neal  5th & 12th open Essex & Kent Amalgamation 5th & 8th Stour Valley Federation Ripon velocities 1344 & 1332 ypm

The Mistley & District Flying Club has some 17 members, with several of them being placed in the top five of the Essex & Kent Amalgamation Ripon race. Tony Neal is one such member taking two positions of the first twenty.

Tony is certainly not a new kid on the block when it comes to outstanding wins in the Essex & Kent combines and amalgamations with already having won first second and third open Essex & Kent Amal Ripon y/b 2007 first open Essex & Kent Combine Berwick 2010 first open Essex & Kent Ripon y/b 2011, and First Stour Valley Federation 4th open Essex & Kent Combine Berwick 2013.

The first bird timed in to take 5th open in the E & K Ripon Amal was the same pigeon that won 4th open E & K Combine Berwick last year. This three year old Janssen x Busschaert’s origins go back to an outstanding Busschaert cock belonging to Martin Ali and was known as the Fed Cock. The second bird timed was a Janssen Van Rijn yearling widowhood cock. Eleven widowers were sent; two old cocks and nine yearlings and all completed the race on the day and in good time.

Tony Neal

Mr Steve Bearmain, First federation Havering North Road Federation Wetherby 1305 ypm

Steve Bearmain timed in a two year old black widowhood cock to top the Crossroads Flying Club and also the Havering North Road Federation. Steve’s pigeon made excellent time considering having to cross to the east of the amalgamation in strong south westerly winds that were reaching gale force at times.

Steve would like to thank Paul Thomas who flies in the Rayleigh club for helping him with the knowledge that allows him to successfully compete in today’s pigeon sport. The black cock came via Paul and contains the blood of Jimmy Richards’ stock, the sire being 1st combine Stonehaven and the dam winning 1st B.I.C.C. Falaise.

Steve Bearmain

Mr  Tony Williams First West Essex Federation velocity 1296

Tony’s family of Wildemeersch pigeons have flown well for him in the past. But he had a pleasant surprise with this particular winner as he had not been easy to pair. Last year he would not take a box or a hen and had to be left spare. This year he acted exactly the same way and was left in the young bird loft were he suddenly took a shine to a young hen. He was then given a box and the rest is history.

Around 20 widowhood cocks are flown they have to race right the way through the programme. Around 40 young birds are bred for racing each year.

Ashley & Ron Tubey First county of Essex Federation Ripon velocity 1294 ypm

This father and son partnership is without doubt a force to be reckoned with. Their winning in combines and amals goes back decades, with each year adding more to their winnings. Already this year they have won all five races that they have competed in with this week being no exception taking the first three in the club and topping the federation.

Their first pigeon was a two year old blue cheque Heremans Ceusters widowhood cock. This same pigeon topped the federation last year as a yearling.  

Ashley & Ron

Ling Bros first East London Federation velocity 1294 ypm

The three Ling brothers Bill David & Henry had an exceptional 2013 season with their highlights being 1st Essex & Kent Combine Ripon and 1st Essex & Kent Combine Arbroath in a gale force adverse south west wind. Once again they have started the year off with exceptional performances already topping the federation three times. This week they not only topped the federation in the amal race from Ripon, but on the same weekend they have won first section Berwick in the North Road Championship Club.

Their first bird from the Ripon amal was a blue pied hen sitting 10 day old eggs; this Casaert hen was bred by Billy Lynch. She came as a late bred in September and was trained weather permitting through the winter.

Ling Bros

Result as follows:
10.5.2014 Ripon
Liberated 10.30. Strong Sth West
Approx 4036 birds
1    A THOMPSON                 SV            1374        
2    P REYNOLDS                    SV            1369                
3    M/M REASON                 SV            1354        
4    P REYNOLDS                                    1351
5    A P NEAL                          SV             1344
6    WALLIS & ROYCE            EC             1342       
7    WALLIS & ROYCE                            1341
8    A GREENHALGH              EC           1339
9    L FRIBBINS                       EC           1335.8
10  M/M REASON                                1335.1
11  P REYNOLDS                                  1332.4
12  A P NEAL                                         1332.1
13  M/M P LAKE & SON       EC           1331
14  M/M J BUCKFIELD          EC           1327
15  WALLIS & ROYCE                           1325
16  M/M PITTMAN               EC           1321
17  F HARNETT & SON         EC            1320
18  R & P THOMAS               EC            1319
19  M/M REASON                                 1318.6
20  J ASHENDEN & SON  EC                 1318.4
S BEARMAN & SON             H.N.R.      1305         
T WILLIAMS                          WE            1296          
A & R TUBEY                         COE          1295           
LING BROS                            E.L.            1294        
