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Kings Cup Race Report by Homer - 31-07-24


Kings Cup Race Report by Homer

INFC Kings Cup winner is Dinny Kinsella of Gorey –

The Blue Riband INFC Grand Nat was won this season by Dinny Kinsella Gorey R.P.C, velocity 1195 clocking at 14.58hrs and a result that was never in doubt. A number of the early arrivals were recorded in the South Section and that was despite terrible weather conditions with rain and poor visibility. Gary and Mark Doyle were runner-up in the Arklow United RPC, and they had already finished 4th Open in the INFC Yearling Nat a few weeks earlier. In the South Sect former Kings Cup winners were well placed again with Liam McCall 4th and Paddy Rock & Son 6th and not to be outdone Ronnie Williamson took 1st in the North Sect & 3rd Open INFC, another former winner. The race was sponsored by Natural Grains in Newry.  Claims for Merit Awards and Hall of Fame Diplomas should be made in writing to the secretary, or via e-mail.

D Kinsella 31 07 24a    dinny kinsella 31 07 24a

Got his photo took with the Kings Cup a few years back at a charity event in Wicklow, now D Kinsella from Gorey has won it in 2024! & Dinny Kinsella at his loft in Gorey with the winner.

Paddy Rock 31 07 24a

Paddy Rock from Dublin former Kings Cup winner and 6th Open in 2024.

The INFC Committee are grateful once again for all the help at the race marking, and also all those involved in the various Clock Centres across Ireland including the temporary stations at Edgarstown in Portadown, Newry/Banbridge and Coleraine, every little bit of help is appreciated. On a personal note, many thanks to all those who supplied text and photos for this report or helped in any other way. The more info we get the better job can be done, any little snips, details of the bird itself plus info on the sire and dam. Any awards won previous, how long in the birds etc. ASAP after the race. Just to finish well done to the Race Control team Nigel Gordon, Peter McKeown and Jim Armstrong. An almost impossible job with plenty of experts looking on.

INFC Kings Cup Grand Nat Open St Allouestre 425/1961 – D Kinsella Gorey RPS 1195, G & M Doyle Arklow United RPC 1122, R Williamson Newry & Dist. 1082, L McCall Wicklow South Road 1070, O & M Monaghan Colin HPS 1060, P Rock & Son Dublin Northeast 1060, J Cleland Annsborough 1044, E Murtagh & Sons Ind North 1028, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 991, A Thompson Ballyclare & Dist. 987, A Thompson 979, J Campbell Armagh 979, G Buckley & Son Annaghmore 977, Gordon Bros & Sons Killyleagh Cent 976, G & C Topley Laurelvale 976, D Coulter Glenavy & Dist. 970, Devine & Hilmi Skerries 954, Cooley Bros & Son Newtown Kilpedder 949, E Murtagh & Sons 939, S & N Lester Laurelvale 938.

Doyle bird 31 07 24a

We are delighted to clock this little hen today from the INFC Kings cup on a tough day, hearts of lions. Coolroe lofts of G & M Doyle, Arklow.

INFC St Allouestre South Section 124/407 – D Kinsella Gorey RPS 1195, G & M Doyle Arklow United RPC 1122, Liam McCall Wicklow SR 1070, P Rock & Son Dublin Northeast 1060, Devine & Hilmi Skerries 954, Cooley Bros & Son Newtown Kilpedder 949, P Rock & Son 906, J Duffy & Son Rathnew 892, Michael Penston Arklow United RPC 884, F Moran Malahide & Dist. 845, P Rock & Son 820, James Cullen St Pauls 802, J Sharkey Castlebellingham 800, S Dunne & Son Balbriggan 787, James Cullen 750.

INFC St Allouestre North Section 331/1501 - R Williamson Newry & Dist. 108, O & M Monaghan Colin HPS 1060, J Cleland Annsborough 1044, E Murtagh & Sons Ind North 1028, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 991, A Thompson Ballyclare & Dist. 987, A Thompson 979, J Campbell Armagh 979, G Buckley & Son Annaghmore 977, Gordon Bros & Sons Killyleagh Cent 976, G & C Topley Laurelvale 976, D Coulter Glenavy & Dist. 970, E Murtagh & Sons 939, S & N Lester Laurelvale 938, B McAvoy Drumnavaddy 935, Adair & McCombs Crossgar 920, R & S Malcolmson Harmony 915, McCracken Bros Banbridge 911, Johnston Bros Fortfield 906, R Duddy Ballyclare & Dist. 905.

INFC Kings Cup (South Leinster Fed) St Allouestre - D Kinsella Gorey RPS 1195, G & M Doyle Arklow United RPC 1122, Liam McCall Wicklow SR 1070,  Cooley Bros & Son Newtown Kilpedder 949, J Duffy & Son Rathnew 892, Merrigan Bros Rathnew 620, Cooley Bros & Son 592, P & J Snell Rathnew 532.

INFC Kings Cup (NIPA) St Allouestre - R Williamson Newry & Dist. 1082, O & M Monaghan Colin HPS 1060, E Murtagh & Sons Ind North 1028, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 991, A Thompson Ballyclare & Dist. 987, A Thompson 979, J Campbell Armagh 979, G Buckley & Son Annaghmore 977, Gordon Bros & Sons Killyleagh Cent 976, G & C Topley Laurelvale 976, D Coulter Glenavy & Dist. 970, E Murtagh & Sons 939, S & N Lester Laurelvale 938, B McAvoy Drumnavaddy 935, Adair & McCombs Crossgar 920, R & S Malcolmson Harmony 915, McCracken Bros Banbridge 911, R Duddy Ballyclare & Dist. 905, John Greenaway Bondhill 905, Paul Dunlop Edgarstown 896.

INFC Kings Cup (East Coast Fed) St Allouestre – Devine & Hilmi Skerries 954, F Moran Malahide 7 Dist. 845, J Sharkey Castlebellingham 800, S Dunne & Son Balbriggan 787, F Moran 739, M/M Ken Guildea & Son Balbriggan 630, J Sharkey 606, Nigel Gordon Castlebellingham 595, B Cahill Skerries 536, Nigel Gordon 528, Nigel Gordon 526, J Sharkey 510, Reynolds & Cairns Castlebellingham 502, G ‘Reilly Malahide & Dist. 499, H Shealy Boyne Valley 496.

INFC Kings Cup (Irish SR Fed) St Allouestre – N Grant & Sons Dublin North County 667, Pat Leonard & Family Kildonagh RPC 635, A Meehan Ballymun 482.

Clock Centre/Station Update – Kings Cup

Banbridge Centre – R Williamson Newry & Dist. 1082, James Cleland Annsborough 1044, B McAvoy 935, McCracken Bros Banbridge 911, Donnelly Bros Newry City 881, Brendan Chambers Ballyholland 876, Donnelly Bros 868, James Cleland 856, J Murtagh & Son 836, R Carroll Millvale 824, J Murtagh & Son 796, M Russell Dromara771, Rev Sawyers & Son Banbridge 728, O Fitzpatrick & Son Gilford & Dist. 710, James Clellan 709.

Lisburn Centre – O & M Monaghan Colin 1060, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 991, Gordon Bros & Sons Killyleagh Cent 976, D Coulter Glenavy & Dist. 970, Adair & McCombs Crossgar 920, R & S Malcolmson Harmony 915, Johnston Bros Fortfield 906, M Adair & Son Cloughey 897, R Ruddle & Son Bangor 878, I Donaghy Lisburn & Dist. 874.

Portadown Centre – E Murtagh & Son 1028, John Campbell 979, G Buckley & Son Annaghmore 977, G & C Topley Laurelvale 976, E Murtagh & Sons 939, S & N Lester Laurelvale 938, J Greenaway 905, Paul Dunlop Edgarstown 896, G Douglas Meadows 875, S & J McCullough Beechpark Soc 835, 773, S & N Lester 753, T McClean Edgarstown 728, Jim Robinson 720, R Mulligan 716.

Muckamore Centre – A Thompson Ballyclare & Dist. 987, A Thompson 979, R Duddy Ballyclare & Dist. 905, A Thompson 881, A Thompson 772, L O’Neill & Sons Larne 763, S & N Maginty Muckamore 730, A Darragh Cullybackey 718, W R Moore & Son Ballyclare 678, C & L Woodside Ballyclare 975, J & D Braniff Glen 668, L O’Neill & Sons 640, C & L Woodside 625, J Harkness Crumlin 618, M/M Robinson Cullybackey 616, D & J Campbell Eastway 615, C Moore Cullybackey 584, R Duddy 542, B & M Gilmore 522, J Harkness 519, B & M Gilmore 496. Robin Duddy Merit Award and Hall of Fame Diploma, Arnold Thompson Hall of Fame Diploma.

Lisburn Centre – O & M Monaghan Colin n1060, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 991, Gordon Bros & Sons Killyleagh Central 976, D Coulter Glenavy & District 970, Adair & McCombs Crossgar 920, R & S Malcolmson Harmony 915, Johnston Bros Fortfield 906, M Adair & Son Cloughey 897, R Russell & Son Bangor 878, Ian Donaghy Lisburn & District 874.

Balbriggan Station - P Rock & Son Dublin Northeast 1060, Devine & Hilmi Skerries 954, P Rock & Son 906, F Moran Malahide & Dist. 845, P Rock & Son 820, J Sharkey Castlebellingham 800, S Dunne & Son Balbriggan 787, F Moran 739, N Grant & Son 667, P Leonard & Family 635, M/M K Guildea & Son Balbriggan 630, J Sharkey 606, N Gordon Castlebellingham 595, B Kelly 588, P Rock & Son 584.   

Coleraine Centre – James Walker Ballymoney 718, Rudi Gage Windsor Soc 638, John McConaghie Ballymoney 469, D & H Stuart Ballymoney 348.

INFC Kings Cup St Allouestre - Mid Antrim Combine update

The Irish National Flying Club Kings Cup birds were liberated in St Allouestre in France on Saturday 29th June at 6.00am in light westerly winds. Surprisingly no local birds were recorded in the Mid Antrim Combine on the first day considering only 10 miles up the road Arnold Thompson of Ballyclare had three in the clock the first one timed at 20.30hrs.

Alan Darragh of Cullybackey, a former winner of this race from Jersey in 1986 clocked the next morning at 08.35am flying 505 miles to win 1st Mid Antrim Combine, 55th North Section & 71st Open on velocity 718. Alan's 3yo cock is a son of his Yearling National winner when paired to a daughter of his 4th & 5th Open Yearling National pigeons. 

darragh 31 07 24a

Former race winner Alan Darragh of Cullybackey best in the Mid Antrim Combine from St Allouestre Kings Cup.

Mr & Mrs Robinson of Cullybackey were next best timing a 2yo blue cock on the second day to win 92nd North Section & 116th Open velo 616. The cock had a few races as young bird and raced through to Penzance last year as a yearling. This year he had four races up Ireland and 1st Dale. He was racing on roundabout then paired up for France and sent sitting 12 days on eggs. The cock is a half-brother to their 1st Section B & 9th Open Nipa Plougastel OB National hen two days previous being out of the same sire from Tommy Grattan, the dam also came from Tommy.

robinson 31 07 24a

Laurence and Heather Robinson of Cullybackey timed in both the Nipa & Infc French old bird Nationals this season.

Chris Moore of Cullybackey timed his 3yo blue Single Bird Challenge hen at 13.23pm on the second day to win 3rd Mid Antrim Combine, 101st North Section & 130th Open velo 582

moore bird 31 07 24a

Blue hen of Chris Moore’s winning 130th Kings Cup St Allouestre.

Chris wrote "This hen is bred in the purple, being a granddaughter of C & L Fryers Gold Medal winner on the sires side and the Dam is again from C & L Fryers and contains both of Laurence's 6th Open King's Cup pigeons, 2012 and 2016 respectively. The Grandmother here has flown France 3 times, to win £3000 in prize money and win 2nd section 60th Open St Malo 2014 and then 6th Open King's Cup in 2016. She is a Daughter of the Gold Medal Winner. I'd like to thank Laurence and Christine for all the great pigeons they gave me plus advice and guidance on how to work them. I'd also like to thank Sam Murphy for training and some "sneaky, sneaky" tosses were also provided by Martin Graham and Neill Anderson, also thanks to Alan Darragh for taking my birds to the Marking Station, very much appreciated due to my work commitments".

Ian and Eric Stewart of Randalstown timed the only other birds in the Mid Antrim Combine result on the third day to win 153rd and 154th North Section & 204th and 205th Open on 345 and 335. Only a few seasons ago Ian & Eric topped the Mid Antrim Combine in this race 13th Open National. Mervyn Eagleson PO.

stewart bros 31 07 24a

Ian (l) and Eric Stewart of Randalstown with their Kings Cup pigeons.

Mid Antrim Combine Kings Cup St Allouestre - Alan Darragh Cullybackey 718, Mr & Mrs Robinson Cullybackey 616, Chris Moore Cullybackey 582, Stewart Bros Randalstown 345, Stewart Bros Randalstown 335.

East Antrim Combined Kings Cup - A Thompson Ballyclare & Dist. 987, A Thompson 979, R Duddy Ballyclare & Dist. 905, A Thompson 881, A Thompson 772, L O’Neill & Sons Larne 763, W R Moore & Son Ballyclare& Dist.  678, C & L Woodside Ballyclare & Dist. 975, J & D Braniff Glen 668, L O’Neill & Sons 640, C & L Woodside 625, D & J Campbell Eastway 615, R Duddy 542, B & M Gilmore Doagh & District 522,  B & M Gilmore 496, T H Gibson Ballyclare & Dist. 307, R Duddy 301, J & S Graham Kingsmoss 250.

INFC Clubs St Allouestre

Gorey RPS D Kinsella 1195.

Arklow United RPC – G & M Doyle 1122, Michael Penston 884.

Newry & District – Ron Williamson 1082, 680, 655, 526, 331. 

Wicklow South Road – Liam McCall 1070, A Duffy 389.  

Colin HPS – O & M Monaghan 1060, 732, 525, J Gregory & Sons 355.   

Dublin Northeast RPC – P Rock & Son 1060, 906, 820, 564, 525, 371.  

Annsborough – James Cleland 1044, 856, 709.  

Crossgar HPS – McCartan & Woodsides 991, Joe McGreevy 696, Adair & McCobs 920, 827, McCartan & Woodsides 367, Joe McGreevy 300.   

mccartan woodsides 31 07 24a     mccartanwoodside bird 2nd single bird 31 07 24a

The high flying Crossgar partnership of McCartan & Woodsides & McCarton and Woodsides Crossgar clocked his Single bird challenge at 7.46 from Kings Cup finishing 9th Open, she was 35th Open 2022.  This photo taken couple mins after clocking.

Ballyclare & District – A Thompson 987, 979, R Duddy 905, A Thompson 881, 772, W R Moore & Son 678, C & L Woodside 675, 625, R Duddy 542, T H Gibson 307, R Duddy 301.   Everyone's proud to get a pigeon from France and this young man is the next generation. Racing out of Ballyclare, wee , he's well known in the pigeon world and he's my wee shadow. He is a bundle of knowledge and just love's racing and we are chuffed to bits to see this big smile.

Arnold Thompson 31 07 24a

Arnold Thompson from Ballyclare & District 10th and 11th Open Kings Cup and Hall of Fame Diploma.

Duddy 31 07 24a

Robin and Pat Duddy from Ballyclare with Robin’s Hall of Fame winner.

Wee Hunter 31 07 24a

Wee Hunter of the W R Moore & Son lofts in Ballyclare, great France success last two seasons.

Armagh HPS – John Campbell 979. Well done to John who not only takes the Red Card in the club but backs it up by finishing 8th North Section & 12th Open NIPC. What a fantastic pigeon and only a yearling at that! Congratulations from all the club members.

Annaghmore – G Buckley & Son 977, 618, R Buckley 611,

Killyleagh Central - Gordon Bros & Sons 976, R Watson & Sons 864, 746, Gordon Bros & Sons 712, 636, J Linden & Son 502, Clifford Healy 313, 313.

Laurelvale – G & C Topley 976, S & N Lester 938, S & N Lester 753, J Serplus 675, S & N Lester 669, G & C Topley 574, S & N Lester 563, S & N Lester 549, John Dowey 528, S & N Lester 465. As expected, another gruelling endurance test for the distance men. As I sit and write this I have to admit I’m filled with admiration ( and maybe a small amount of envy ) for the fanciers and birds listed below . What it takes to condition and prepare these athletes of the sky for these races is beyond me . Same lofts every season. I think one word may sum the lot up .... unreal! Well done to Geoff on the club win and to everyone on the result. From Facebook.

Glenavy & District – D Coulter 970, 757, 713, 476, D Scott 382.  

Skerries – Devine & Hilmi 964, B Cahill 536.

Newtown Kilpedder – Cooley Bros & Son 949, 619, 592.

Drumnavaddy Inv HPS – B McAvoy 935, Rev T A B Sawyers & Son 728, J Brush 652, M/M N S Close 623, Rev T A B Sawyers 564, E McAlinden 525, Rev T A B Sawyers 483, G & S McMullan 247. Congratulations to Barry McAvoy who won Drumnavaddy.

Harmoy HPS – R & S Malcolmson 915, L O’Neill & Son 763, Abernethy & Turner 687, L O’Neill & Son 640, G & J O’Hare 583, 555, Billy Wallace 316.    

Banbridge – McCracken Bros 911, Rev T A B Sawyers & Son 728, McCracken Bros 638, Rev T A B Sawyers & Son 564, M Conlon & Sons 551, Rev T A B Sawyers & Son 483.   

Fortfield – Johnston Bros 906.

Bondhill Social – John Greenaway 905, 604.

Cloughey – M Adair & Sons 897, Agar Bros 545, 540, 346.  

Edgarstown HPS - Dunlop dominates Blue Ribbon Kings Cup. The INFC liberated 1,961 birds on Saturday 30th June from St Allouestre.  With 222 gallant birds making the overall result after 4 days and 10 being clocked in club. Topping Edgarstown Club is the French master himself, Paul Dunlop, clocking a 2 yr old on the night after 15 hrs and 41 mins on the wing. Paul's winner is down from his own long line of distance bloodlines that has won almost everything when it comes French racing into Ireland.   Paul finished 1st Club, 23rd North Section & 30th Open, Velocity 896.

Paul Dunlop 31 07 24a

Big result for the Portadown based Edgarstown HPS, 1st Club was Paul Dunlop.

2nd spot goes to another top French flyer in Tommy McClean, who clocked early on the 2nd morning to finish 51st North Section & 67th Open, getting a Merit Award in the process. Just behind in 3rd is yet another man that sets his stall out for the water and France, Jim Robinson, who clocked a St Malo arrival at the same time and finished 53rd North Section & 69th Open. 4th spot is another arrival for Paul Dunlop that finished 65th North Section & 85th Open.  5th place goes to the Brackey Lofts of Alan & Raymond Neill, with a much deserved 79th North Section & 97th place finish.

6th spot is occupied by Paul Dunlops third arrival that finished 82nd North Section & 100th Open. 7th position goes to Tommy McClean with another Merit Award Winner with a 144th North Section & 189th Open finish. Literally just behind are the United Lofts boys of R G & G Donaldson who finish 8th club, 145th North Section & 190th Open with their own Merit Award Winner.

The final bird clocked on the 3rd day in Wicklow meant the race opened into a fourth day and that meant that the 9th arrival in the club was for G&C Simmons who have themselves a Hall of Fame Diploma winner with a 167th North Section & 219th Open finish for their cocks 3rd time in Kings Cup prizes.

Not to be outdone there was a 10th arrival and Jim Robinson clocked his 8-year-old Cock with the clock ticking and the velocities dropping to finish 169th North Section & 221st Open for this cocks 5th time flying France. Well done to all Top 10 Fantastic arrivals and their respective owners.  Just under 5% of all clocked were Edgarstown HPS birds. Congratulations to Award Winners G & C Simmons for gaining their Hall of Fame.  plus Tommy McClean & R G & G Donaldson For Their Merit Award Winners. Simmo PO.

Rathnew – J Duffy & Son 892, Merrigan Bros 620, P & J Snell 532.  

Newry City Inv – Donnelly Bros 881, 868, C McArdle & Sons 586, Donnelly Bros 563, 423, Mark Ewbanks 313, 237.     

Bangor – R Russell & Son 878, J & I Moore 758.

Ballyholland HPS – Brendan Chambers 876, Johnny Murtagh 836, 796, 707, 505. E & B McAteer 485, Johnny Murtagh 446. Brendan Chambers takes first place in the 1st Club & 36th Open INFC. That is 2 wins in the hardest races of the year including 1st Open NIPA Plougastel, well done Brendan. Johnny Murtagh had a great race clocking 5 birds in race time and well done, E & B McAteer.

The Meadows – G Douglas 875, 682, Larkin Bros 631.

Lisburn & District – I Donaghy 874, 673, 374, M O’Reilly 315.

Malahide & District – F Moran 845, 739, G O’Reilly 499, Michael Kiely 476, G O’Reilly 429, F Moran 313.   

Millisle – J Rankin 839.

Beechpark Social – S & J McCullough 835, 773, H Lynch & Son 716, S & J McCullough 676, B Carson & Son 469.   

Millvale – R Carroll 824, T Mooney & Son 515.

R Carrll 31 07 24a

Raymie Carroll from Millvale HPS proudly holding his single entry in Kings Cup timed on the day at 10.26 pm. Fantastic achievement, and fully deserved. Dam from Tommy Mooney and sire from Mickey Gillan. 

St Pauls RPC – James Cullen 802, 750, 605, 515, 229.  

Castlebellingham – J Sharkey 800, 606, Nigel Gordon 595, 528, 526, J Sharkey 510, Reynolds & Cairns 502, J Sharkey 419.   

Balbriggan – S Dunne & Son 787, M/M K Guildea b& Son 630, P J Corcoran & Son 405.  

Dromara HPS – Matthew Russell 771, N Black & Son 608, 575, C & L Fryers 566, N Black & Son 488, 485, 476, 447. The winner from France this year was Matthew Russell timing his only entry. This bird was his challenge entry too and has a fantastic story to go with it. Matthew did a bit of a write up on his bird, knowing Matthew it's the first time he's done a bit of writing since he was about 12.

Blue pied cock 22D42061 "The Storyteller" bred by Russell Bros, grandson of their silver medal winning cock 11. This pigeon was one of the 5 survivors of a pine marten attack, in the winter of 2022. He has previously been 1st club 6th section Talbenny yb national, 4th club Penzance y/n 2nd club 24th section Dale.

This season started with me chasing a sparrow hawk off him when he was pinned to the ground in front of the loft. He had all the inland races up to Skibbereen, rested for a week then sent to the 2 dales where he showed his form getting beat in a photo finish. He was raced on roundabout to 2nd dale then let go down on eggs. A few private tosses and one Skerries with Ivan Mawhinney then into the Kings Cup to be timed at 5.45am the second morning.

In second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth we had N. Black & Son. Team Black have had a fantastic France and will be looking forward to continuing that in the Friendship race whenever that is. Included in the photo is their Hall of Fame pigeon.

Well done to Lawrence Fryers on timing one of his two entries, he is never far away from France. Well done to Darren Aiken on timing from the King's Cup for the first time, I'm sure it will not be the last. The club had a very good race with 4 members timing in the result and Chris getting a bird the fourth morning but not timing it in. A fantastic achievement winning the shortest and longest race of the year by Matty.

Derriaghy – D Johnston 769, R Benson 757, 711, D Johnston 643.

Muckamore HPS – S & N Maginty 730.

Ballymoney HPS – James Walker 718, John McConaghie 469, D & H Stuart 348. Well done to James Walker on winning the Kings Cup club race into Ballymoney.

Cullybackey HPS – A Darragh 718, M/M Robinson 616, C Moore 582.

Monaghan HPS – Richard Mulligan 716, 616. Well done to Richard two birds in Kings Cup.

Gilford & District RPC – O Fitzpatrick & Son 710, A Feeney & Son 628, T Lennon & on 495.

Strabane & District – Raymond Monteith 700, 443.

Loughgall – Sam Corrigan 685, 592.

The Glen HPS – J & D Braniff 668.

Dublin North County – N Grant & Sons 667.

Windsor Social – Rudi Gage 635.

Kildonagh RPC – Pat Leonard & Family 635.

Crumlin & District – John Harkness 618, 519.

Eastway – D & J Campbell 615.

Newtownbreda – T Marshall & Son 613, 443.  

Clontarf RPC – W Kelly 588.

Hillsborough & Maze - Jeff Greenaway 567, 544.

Corrigs – C McManus 525.

Doagh & District – B & M Gilmore 522, 496.

Carlow Premier – Noel O’Connor 502.

Markethill – G Steenson 496.

Boyne Valley – H Shealy 496, V Black 474, Dylan Dwyer 465, Patrick Arthur 296.

Lagan Valley RPC – J & J Tagart 493.

Ballymun – A Meehan 482.

Annalong – Len McCavery 444.  

Randalstown HPS – Stewart Bros 345. 335.

Kingsmoss - J & S Graham 250.

I.N.F.C / BHW Single bird Challenge - Provisional Result

Flown from Saint Allouestre, 29th June 2024

1st E. Murtagh & Sons, Individual North Vel. 1028, 8th Open Joe Doheny Trophy, Framed Diploma, £500

Murtagh New 31 07 24a

Aaron Murtagh with his grand kids, the loft won 8th Open Kings Cup and Hall of Fame Diploma.

2nd McCartan & Woodsides, Crossgar Vel. 991, 9th Open. Framed Diploma, £250

3rd A. Thompson, Ballyclare Vel. 979, 11th Open. Framed Diploma, £150

4th Glen Buckley & Son, Annaghmore. Vel. 977, 13th Open £100

5th G & C Topley, Laurelvale. Vel. 976 15th Open £75

6th P. Rock & Son, Dublin Northeast. Vel. 906, 26th Open £50

7th R. Duddy, Ballyclare. Vel. 905, 27th Open £50

8th G. Douglas, Meadows. Vel. 875, 37th Open £50

9th Donnelly Bros, Newry. Vel. 868, 39th Open £50

10th Fintan Moran, Malahide. Vel. 845, 42nd Open £50.

Other Single Bird Challenge birds timed in the Open result were - Matthew Russell, Dromara, (Vel. 771, 55th Open), O & M Monaghan, Colin, (Vel. 732, 65th Open), Jim Robinson, Edgarstown, (Vel. 720, 69th Open), Noel Grant & Son, Dublin North County, (Vel. 699, 81st Open), P Dunlop, Edgarstown, (Vel. 688, 83rd Open), A & R Neil, Edgarstown, (Vel. 647, 99th Open), McCracken Bros, Banbridge, (Vel. 638, 103rd Open), T. Marshall & Son, Newtownbreda, (Vel. 613, 120th Open), Chris Moore, Cullybackey, ( Vel. 582, 130th Open), Agar Bros, Cloughey, (Vel. 545, 143rd Open), Nigel Gordon, Castlebellingham, ( Vel. 544, 145th  Open), B & M Gilmore, Doagh, (Vel. 522, 157th Open), Reynolds & Cairns, Castlebellingham, ( Vel. 519, 159th Open), H. Shealy, Boyne Valley, (Vel. 512, 163rd Open), P Lambert, Arklow, (Vel. 480, 178th Open), Dylan Dwyer, Boyne Valley, (Vel. 480, 179nd Open), J Gregory & Sons, Colin, ( Vel. 355, 201st Open).

INFC Kings Cup Race report by HOMER

1st South Sect & 1st Open INFC, D Kinsella Gorey RPC, vel 1195 flying 365 miles winning £899 and collecting King George v Challenge Cup and South Leinster Federation Trophy.

1 D. Kinsella Gorey R.P.C. velocity 1195 clocking at 14.58 - FB South Leinster Fed

Well what can I say about this man Dinny Kinsella his performance this year on the channel 2 fed wins and 4 club wins and to top it off he has only gone and won THE KINGS CUP what a phenomenal channel flying season . He is a great club man raising money every year for the gorey club with his gold ring races.

From me and all the lads in the Gorey racing pigeon club we would like to give you a massive congratulations and we couldn’t be happier for you couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Little picture below in 2018 Dinny holding the kings Cup  at the Wicklow breeder buyer just shows a lot hard work and dream can come true . Well done again Dinny

Just been on a visit to the lofts of Dinny Kinsella. Dinny pictured holding his Kings Cup winning pigeon a yearling Vandenabeele. To win the Kings Cup flown from France is a fantastic achievement for any pigeon fancier, competitors from all 32 counties sent just under 2000 pigeon racing for prize money and pools of just over £25k. The birds were liberate at 6oc from Saint Allouestre approximately 365 miles to Dinny’s loft in Gorey. 

Weather conditions at release point and Cornwall were good but a band of misty rain covered most of Muster and Leinster so fanciers knew they were in long days waiting for their bird  Just under nine hours later Dinny’s blue yearling cock hit the landing board to record a velocity of 1195 yards per minute.

As reports of birds and times were starting to come in it was looking good for the Kinsella loft. Then late last night it was confirmed that Dinny Kinsella was the Kings Cup winner a lifetimes achievement for most fancier but Dinny and his yearling pigeon are young enough so we may not have heard the last of this pairing in King's Cup racing.

Dinny’s phone hasn't stopped ringing ever since with well-deserved congratulations coming in from North, South, East, West, and beyond. Owen J Dunbar PO.

2nd South Sect & 2nd Open INFC, G & M Doyle Arklow United RPC, vel 1122 flying 367 miles winning £1341 and collecting Gilliland Cup for 1st IHU member after the winner.

2 G & M Doyle Arklow velocity 1122 clocking at 15.36hrs

Hi William replying to your question on the 2nd Nat kings cup, it was a Roland Janssens pigeon bred at home off our blue bingo lines crossed to a daughter of the krak from Jan van Bentum. Co breeding with ourselves coolroe lofts and Jan van Bentum Holland, pigeon of a Roland Janssens. Mark. Very good season for this loft also 4th Open INFC Yearling National.

1st North Sect & 3rd Open INFC, Ronnie Williamson Newry & District, vel 1082 flying 460 miles winning £,886 and Nelson Vase for 1st RPRA  member after the winner and NIPA Cup.

3 Ronnie Williamson Newry velocity 1082 clocking at 18.28

Well done dad on clocking first up North in the Kings Cup from France with your wee hen. This season was unknown if you would be able to race or not with your long stay in hospital, trying to sign yourself out to get to your birds, what a battle. You managed to race your old birds in Newry while still very unwell. It's been hard to watch your journey in the lofts unwell, trying to push on unwell but the joy and pleasure you get from your birds is what keeps you going. You won the Kings Cup in 2013 and named the bird after your father 'Rabs Delight' and to see this little hen is off Rabs delight complete the long hard race from France and from Michael Fitzpatrick. You won 1st Open in the hardest races in 2013 to come so close again with his off spring, amazing. You’re a legend in the pigeon sport but most of all you’re a legend to the sport. always been blessed to stand beside you and represent you. Claire Williamson. I got some info on the Blue Cheq yearling hen now named “Little Gem”  Lightly raced as a youngster and trained to Balbriggan. Sire as was mentioned was a direct son off “Wee Rab” the lofts Kings Cup winner flying 480 miles with 2322 birds competing in a Lt North wind. When paired to “Wee Lilly” who won the Kings Cup in 2018 for good friend Michael Fitzpatrick. The dam was  a Cheq hen (813) flown to France winning 19th Open St Malo and put to stock. Her sire was a son of “Rabs Delight” and Champion Lady Helen the Friendship Nat winner. She was the only bird timed on the second day from Fourgere at 481 miles just two arrivals in race time head wind. Her dam was from a direct son of “Mowo” the Kings Cup winner for the late Maurice Wilkinson paired to (02116) a daughter off Lucky Pride 5th & 8th Open Kings Cup Vannes. (02116) is g/dam of 44 1st Open NIPA St Malo in 2021. Claire.

ron williamson 31 07 24a      Rons bird 31 07 24a

Former Kings Cup winner Ron Williamson from Newry & District came close again in 2024 & “Little Gem” the yearling Blue Cheq hen timed by Ron Williamson to take 1st North Sect & 3rd Open INFC.

3rd and 11th South Sect & 4th Open INFC, Liam McCall Wicklow South Road, vel 1070 flying 377 miles winning £568.

Liam McCall 31 07 24a      McCall bird 31 07 24a

Winner in 2017 and again in 2021 Liam McCall of Wicklow finished 4th Open this year & The winner of 3rd South Sect & 4th Open INFC, Liam McCall Wicklow South Road, vel 1070 flying 377 miles.

Firstly, I wish to congratulate Dinny Kinsella on winning the 2024 Kings Cup Race, this is every fancier’s dream, also congrats to G and M Doyle on taking 2nd Open. It was also a good day for S L F fancier’s having 3 birds in the first four open positions. My bird making 4th open and 3rd S L F, 3rd South Section timed at 16.20hrs is a 3 year old b/c cock. His build up for the national was 4 land races including 2 from Barleycove at 189 miles.  He also had channel races flying 2 Dales, and a Bude taking 2nd club from Bude, he is bred down from my family of birds which has gave a good account of themselves over the years. Dam of 4th Open is a granddaughter of Home Alone 1st open  Kings Cup 2021 .He was the only bird timed on the day. Once again, a very difficult race with weather conditions far from good and this proved to be the case with around 5% of the convoy being timed on the day. So well done to everyone who timed on the day. Liam McCall.

2nd North Sect & 5th Open INFC, O & M Monaghan Colin HPS, vel 1060 flying 481 miles winning £2458. 5 O & M Monaghan Colin velocity 1060.7 clocking at 19.18hrs.

Monaghan 31 07 24a      monaghan bird 31 07 24a

Michael and Owen Monaghan. Owen holding 5th Open, 2nd North section now named Lady Caragh after Michaels daughter. Michael holding 65th open we also had another bird finishing 153rd open only sending 6 birds and we won £2,544 in pools and prize money & Lady Caragh the winner of 2nd North Sect & 5th Open INFC Kings Cup for O & M Monaghan of the Colin HPS in Belfast.

Hi homer. Our bird finishing 5th Open & 2nd North Section was sent to the race sitting a 4-day old youngster. She was trained once or twice a week with john Abernethy and had every other inland race then had the 1st Dale and Bude where she got over 9.5 hours on the wing but on arrival looked very fresh so was strongly fancied for France. This hen’s sire was bred for stock from a gift pigeon from Rab Braniff which bred many pigeons to fly France for us when paired to a hen from Darren McFadden of England from his razor girl hen. This hen has bred so many good channel pigeons for us. The dam is our Danny Dixon hen she's van Weldermesch. She's the mother of so many good birds including 19th kings cup 2018 she's g dam to 9th Kings Cup for John Gregory and sons also mother of 87th Penzance yearling national this year and we have timed quiet a few of her children in the prizes from Penzance yb nationals. Our 2nd bird timed at 7.14 2nd day is also closely related to the 1st hen. Michael.

4th South Sect & 6th Open INFC, P Rock & Son Dublin Northeast RPC, vel 1060 flying 409 miles winning £170. 6 P. Rock & Son Dublin velocity 1060.3 clocking at 17.20hrs.

The pigeon we timed to be 6th kings cup is a yearling dark cheq cock. We timed him at 5-20pm and was soaked through when he came. He raced the early part of the year on widowhood having most of the land races then had Dale 2 with the ISRF and then sent to the INFC Penzance yearling national sitting on eggs which he kept sitting on when he returned. This was his last race before the Kings cup. These eggs chipped out before he was sent to the Kings cup. After the yearling national was trained as much as possible by ourselves, and once a week with the local trainer Eddie Barry.

His sire was a grandson of our Kings cup winner & 1/2 a Stobbs Bros Soonjten. His dam has flown France twice out of race time and is a granddaughter of our Hall of Fame winner & N Grant & Son’s Millar gold cup winner. The race team was fed on Beyers food with peanuts and sunflower hearts added closer to basketing. We would like to congratulate Dinny Kinsella on his great win.

3rd North Sect & 7th Open INFC, James Cleland Annsborough, vel 1044 flying 459 miles winning £195.

For as long as I can remember James Cleland has been scoring at the long distance events from France, it those early days he was prominent racing with Annsborough in the East Down Combine. More recently his outstanding bloodlines have been involved in several other lofts including producing the Kings Cup winner for Johnny Murtagh on Ballyholland who won from St Allouestre in 2019 and I noticed this year his super lines were involved in some of the prize winners timed by Arnold Thompson of Ballyclare. Well done James and I am sure lots more to come.  

4th North Sect & 8th Open INFC E Murtagh & Sons Individual North, vel 1028 flying 475 miles winning £1426.

It is great pleasure that we are able to congratulate E. Murtagh & Son of Armagh on their recent success out of the Kings Cup, 8th & 10th Open from the I.N.F.C. Grand National Kings Cup Saint Allouestre-2016. E. Murtagh & Sons Individual North winner of the Joe Doheny Challenge Cup. Plus these two impressive pigeon’s performances have won the prestigious Harkness Rose Bowl for best two bird average kings Cup.

His 8th Open Bird (Dinky’s delight) had flown the Kings Cup back in 2015 but unfortunately was just out of the prizes. 10th open (Manny’s Girl) had successfully flown the Kings Cup 4 times, in 2015 just finishing out of the prizes, 23rd Open in 2014, 178th Open in 2013. This pigeon achieved the title of winning the Irish National Flying Club / British Homing World Single Bird challenge from Saint Alloustre Grand National Kings Cup 2016.

As well as having good pigeons, Aaron also puts his success down to using H. Beattie & Son - Champion Supreme and introducing high energy fats to the mixture.  It is great to see that Aaron Murtagh is able to make it happen with the comprehensive selection of products at H. Beattie & Son.  Keep up the continued success and wishing you all the best in the future. Cyril Beattie. A bit of previous history I came across. The latest success for the partnership was in this seasons Kings Cup the loft timed an arrival at 19.34hrs to win 8th Open and the Hall of Fame Diploma. The six-year-old Blue w/f cock L Murt, the g/sire on the sires side is half-brother to Mammy’s Girl when paired to Mammy’s Girl. As printed above Mammy’s Girl flew the Kings Cup four times, won the Hall of Fame Diploma was included in the 2 Bird Ave Harkness Rose Bown and won the Single Bird Challenge in 2016. The Grand/dam a blue was on loan from Welsh fancier Garath Watkins. Grand/sire on the dams side was Jan Aarden and G/dam is daughter of Mammy’s Girl. This latest Champion L Murt was trained as young bird, yearling and 2-year-old. At three he won 12th Open in the INFC Friendship Nat. As a  4 year old sent to INFC Skibbereen and took 6 days to get home. Sent on to the Kings Cup to score 179th Open INFC. As a 5-year-old 43rd in the Kings Cup and 8th Single Bird Challenge. At 6-year-old 8th in the Kings Cup, Hall of Fame Diploma and winner of the Single Bird Challenge. Birds are raced to a 20ft loft, stock is kept at brother’s address. What a fantastic story and thanks to Aaron for the info.

  5th North Sect & 9th Open INFC, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar HPS, vel 991 flying 465 miles winning £654.

We timed our fancied pigeon a 5 year old blue pied  Soontjen hen & single bird challenge entry, who was 35th open Kings Cup in 2022.  Last year she was hawked twice and needed over a dozen stitches so we didn't get to send her. This year we started her in the second race and she had 9 races before the King's Cup.  She was showing good form this season winning the club from Clonmel and Dale where she also lifted the DTW. She lit fresh after 13 & 3/4 hours on the wing and hit the trap first time despite the noise of the lawnmower as Paul was cutting the grass in front of the shed when she arrived.

6th & 7th North Sect and 10th & 11th Open INFC, Arnold Thompson Ballyclare & District, vel 987, 979 flying 493 miles winning £950.

The hen that was 10th open’s sire is off a cock that was believe it or not was 10th open in the kings cup which came from James Cleland and is the grandfather of my 2017 Hall of Fame winner, the dam is Iron Lady lines and has reared me some good birds to do well in the open in the INFC from France e.g. 11th open friendship national this hen that was 11th is also the grandmother of this year’s hall of fame winner. The hen was sent to France on a 3- or 4-day old youngster her first this year. Dam of the first bird was 14 years old and no surprise she is the dam of numerous top winners in both the Yearling National and from France. Robert Turkington PO.

The INFC Committee are grateful once again for all the help at the race marking, and also all those involved in the various Clock Centres across Ireland including the temporary stations at Edgarstown in Portadown and Coleraine, every little bit of help is appreciated. On a personal note, many thanks to all those who supplied text and photos for this report or helped in any other way. The more info we get the better job can be done, any little snips, details of the bird itself plus info on the sire and dam. Any awards won previous, how long in the birds etc. ASAP after the race. The race report usually features the Top 10 of each race, and it’s important members provide the details to meet the various publication deadlines. contact details are in the 2024 Race Booklet and at tail of this report.

Willie Reynolds – INFC Press Officer

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

Mobile: 07538 238364

Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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